NYU ABSN Fall 2013 Entry

U.S.A. New York


Hello everyone! I have submitted my application and my transcripts to NYU for the ABSN program beginning in fall 2013! I am very excited but surprised that we will be hearing so late about an admission decision. Is anyone else applying?

I didn't get any email this morning. UGH!

I didn't either...

I didn't either :down:

I didnt get an email either. How could one person get that email but no one else. I swear this is a shady way to give out info, just saying. Even if i get accepted i dont know if i would go here over barnes college anymore because of the way the staff handles things.

My 2 cents

Hi all,

I got an acceptance letter about mid-April. My friend who is in the program now didn't get her acceptance last year until end of May. Sorry that you all are being kept on your toes. For those of you who did get in I'm SUPER excited to meet everyone! I'm ready to get this process started and I'm glad I decided on NYU

I think this whole thing is ridiculous. They should have had an earlier deadline to give them more time to decide and then sent out all the acceptances at ONE TIME. Sheesh! C'mon, this isn't rocket science!


Agreed completely. I applied in february because I thought that we would hear back by mid april to late april latest. Apparently they dont think people have choices to be made by may or june. Like i said, this is a turn off and I dont know if this is how staff act to current students or not. Counting in the huge tuition, is it really worth it? For example I got into Barnes College in st louis, and to whoever still needs a school i would recommend applying there. They are very friendly and time sensitive. They go through snail mail but get stuff sent out to you every 2 weeks and keep you updated. I'm currently on waiting list for spring and summer 2014 but go into Fall 2014. I just dont want to wait that long, which is why I hope NYU still accepts me. But I must tell you, this process does not seem professional at all.


Thank u for coming here And sharing thoughts...if you dont mind can i Ask

how do u like The program? Is it intense?

Do u live on campus? How much is The school costing?

Did u get financial Aid? Did they Give A lot?

How is the staff?

How is the clinicals?

Sry i meant if u knew these questions from your friend


She loves it. She started last fall and said it is definitely intense but it is what is expected for an accelerated program. She said the lecture classes are larger but you are in smaller clinicals of like 5-6 people. She lives off campus with another friend of ours from home.

I don't know about her financial aid, but I was offered a scholarship plus some loans. They were generous with my financial aid package and I was very fortunate.

She said her staff is very friendly and accommodating. They seem to be very well versed and know what they are talking about. They are all qualified and I believe all have their doctorates.

As for clinicals, what I had learned at open house was that there are about 200 different clinical placements throughout the city. Once accepted and closer towards the semester, they send you a clinical placement tool and you choose your top 5-6 placements on where you would like to do it. You get to choose this for every semester so you have the opportunity to experience different situations. The simulation labs are also critical and this is where a lot of the hand on learning happens. Hope this helps!

I just got my admissions decision. I was rejected. Good luck to the rest of you.

same here just got my rejection as well

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