Nursing and the supernatural

Nurses General Nursing


Just wondering if anyone has seen some patients near death/in the process of dying, have something supernatural happen. I can't say I've ever seen anything with the deaths I've seen, in fact generally it hasn't been very pleasant at all, but within the last year, some spooky things began to happen when a new nurse joined our team, and the school bought an run down old people's home and renovated it, to use as our new health center.

Two things happened recently; the first was on the night shift, when the clinic was empty, with my new colleague. She was just about to go to sleep, when there was a loud bang, and her bed shook violently. She was pretty freaked out, and refused to sleep there, and every night shift stayed up all night with the light on, reading or on her laptop - unless of course students are in for observation, whereupon she's busy.

The second thing happened soon after this first event, which we were both discussing one evening, was she got a phone call saying a friend had died in an accident. She was naturally upset, and we were discussing whether we thought there was more beyond this life, when the door between the offices swung closed and clicked shut. Sent a shiver down my spine, and hers too. It's an enclosed space, with no breezes. We were quite freaked out.

Anyway, we find in a cupboard in the bedroom some salt, incense, candle and big crystal rock, with a hole cut out to put the candle in, and talk about this with the other nurses, and one admits to being a 'spiritualist' and the noises in the night are nothing to worry about.

Anyway, the new nurse is quite upset, and we agree to get the local minister in to have a look around. He blesses the place, and since then nothing has happened.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Just wondering if anyone has seen some patients near death/in the process of dying, have something supernatural happen. I can't say I've ever seen anything with the deaths I've seen, in fact generally it hasn't been very pleasant at all, but within the last year, some spooky things began to happen when a new nurse joined our team, and the school bought an run down old people's home and renovated it, to use as our new health center.

Two things happened recently; the first was on the night shift, when the clinic was empty, with my new colleague. She was just about to go to sleep, when there was a loud bang, and her bed shook violently.

She was pretty freaked out, and refused to sleep there, and every night shift stayed up all night with the light on, reading or on her laptop - unless of course students are in for observation, whereupon she's busy.

The second thing happened soon after this first event, which we were both discussing one evening, was she got a phone call saying a friend had died in an accident. She was naturally upset, and we were discussing whether we thought there was more beyond this life, when the door between the offices swung closed and clicked shut. Sent a shiver down my spine, and hers too. It's an enclosed space, with no breezes. We were quite freaked out.

Anyway, we find in a cupboard in the bedroom some salt, incense, candle and big crystal rock, with a hole cut out to put the candle in, and talk about this with the other nurses, and one admits to being a 'spiritualist' and the noises in the night are nothing to worry about.

Anyway, the new nurse is quite upset, and we agree to get the local minister in to have a look around. He blesses the place, and since then nothing has happened.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything.

Sometimes you just make it so easy.

Ok so I know the OP isn't a "trusted" member on this forum, but honestly, another ghost stories thread would be interesting.

This story didn't happen to me, but to my coworker. She told me about it when I relieved her shift. We were taking care of a hospice client who was very close to passing. The client said, "Go tell my dad I'm ok," and then said that her dad was standing outside her open bedroom window. I know that it's very likely that she was simply hallucinating, but at the same time, I like the idea of loved ones helping you "cross over" (or whatever happens after death). My coworker didn't believe that her dad was really there, but still went over to the window to tell the father that his daughter was in good hands.

Specializes in critical care.

I had a coworker share with me that he had worked in a nursing home. The rooms were all occupied by two patients. One room had two men, and when one of them died, the other one was ecstatic to lose his roommate. Turns out every night for the last couple of weeks, the deceased was getting visits from what he described as looking exactly like Papa Voodoo.

My coworker hadn't made the connection between the described visitor and Papa Voodoo, but as he shared the story, I recognized the description immediately. My coworker, being a believer in Christianity, was quite freaked out by it all. I'm an atheist and quite firmly believe in no creator. But I concede the point that sometimes science can't explain things, and that line between life and death ... Well, who knows. Chances are it was a hallucination, but it makes for a good story.

A patient committed suicide in his room on the floor I used to work on. After that, it seemed like most of the patients who stayed in that room more than a couple nights would go completely insane...talking to people, screaming all night, and they were all afraid someone was coming to get them.

Specializes in hospice.
A patient committed suicide in his room on the floor I used to work on. After that, it seemed like most of the patients who stayed in that room more than a couple nights would go completely insane...talking to people, screaming all night, and they were all afraid someone was coming to get them.

Eek. That's really creepy.

I did some CNA work for a friend of a friend. Her dad was dying and on Hospice, but wanted to die in his home so he had aides come at certain points in the day to take care of him. His daughter didn't trust the CNAs who came by, so she set up baby monitors all around the house. After seeing those CNAs doing horrible things over the nannycams (neglect, abuse), she hired me to take care of him.

The night he passed away, I was in the kitchen doing dishes and I kept feeling someone tapping on my shoulder. I also felt a lot of unexplainable breezes, and just a warm presence. I thought I was just spooking myself out, until we looked back at the nannycam footage. Cups sliding multiple feet across the counters, and random bursts of white light across the screen, and his dog barking at something that wasn't there. I think it was his wife taking him to the other side. It was a very spiritual experience!

Eek. That's really creepy.

Yes AND I forgot to mention they'd go back to normal once they went somewhere else. There were a couple times we would switch the patient to another room on the floor just to see what would happen and after a day or two they would even out.

Specializes in Emergency.

Ya know, if there was actually anything to the supernatural thing, those of us in the er & units would be tripping over ghosts and slamming doors and such. Be really hard to get any work done.

Specializes in hospice.
Ya know, if there was actually anything to the supernatural thing, those of us in the er & units would be tripping over ghosts and slamming doors and such. Be really hard to get any work done.

Just because something might sometimes be happening does not mean it always has to be happening. I don't hold any strong position on the supernatural, but I think some things are possible. "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio."

Specializes in Pediatric.

Yes, I had an MD write a STAT order for an exorcism. That was fun.

Ya know, if there was actually anything to the supernatural thing, those of us in the er & units would be tripping over ghosts and slamming doors and such. Be really hard to get any work done.

You can walk right through ghosts.

...I guess I solved that problem...

You can walk right through ghosts.

...I guess I solved that problem...

LOL. I guess the person you replied to never thought of that.

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