Nursing Students Needed for Anonymous Survey!


hello all! i am happily addicted to this site, and only in my first semester of pre-reqs for nursing school! oh lord..

anyway: i am conducting an anonymous survey for my sociology class. the results will not be published, and i created the form using google docs. i cannot see who answered and would greatly appreciate your participation!

i have two surveys; one for nurses and one for nursing students.


nursing students

i would appreciate as much participation as you guys would allow as your insight would be so helpful to me as a new nursing student.

thanks again!!:yeah:

Done. Hopefully you get the info you need...:)

Thank you Gumby!! Also: Okay.. hahaha. I totally put Puss and not PUS. Total typo and someone pointed it out on their answer.. thank you whoever you are! I am a spelling freak and I can't believe I did this! Oh well, maybe tomorrow I can be perfect :)

I don't believe in anonymity. :D

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

I'm getting my MS in general nursing as part of a Masters-Entry program, which isn't a selectable option in your survey.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Student Nurse answered....Hope it helps. :)

Nursing student: Done! :)

Hope I helped also.

nursing student.... done!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
Thank you Gumby!! Also: Okay.. hahaha. I totally put Puss and not PUS. Total typo and someone pointed it out on their answer.. thank you whoever you are! I am a spelling freak and I can't believe I did this! Oh well, maybe tomorrow I can be perfect :)

lol your a dirty girl :yeah:

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