Published Apr 8, 2012
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
It seems nurses are working more and more these days. Instead of hiring they just give you more hours.
Do you think you spend too much time at work? On average, how many hours do you work per week?
Please share this with friends and post your comments below!
53 Posts
On average I work 48-52 hours a week. My status is full time 40 hours, however my unit is at mandated overtime and has been since January.
214 Posts
32 average, but soon moving to Baylor 24...
652 Posts
I used to work 44h/wk until the hospital mandated that we CANNOT work OT. Now it's strict 36.
libran1984, ASN, RN
1 Article; 589 Posts
Love this post.... Right now as an LPN in the ER, I'm sitting here in the Triage playing on the computer waiting for the patients to arrive. By the end of this shift I will have achieved 29 hours of overtime, and 33 hours of Critical bonus. I'm making $38/hr rt now!! WOOT! I love my job and I love working for OT/CB
1,246 Posts
Mandatory OT for months on end - have you contacted the labor board?? Doesn't seem right to me....
30 Posts
What state do you live in? How long have you been an LPN? I want to get my LPN, but I'm afraid of what people have been saying about LPN's being phased out.... This sound like an AWSOME job!
GitanoRN, BSN, MSN, RN
2,117 Posts
it seems nurses are working more and more these days. instead of hiring they just give you more you think you spend too much time at work? on average, how many hours do you work per week?please share this with friends and post your comments below!want more nursing cartoons?about a nursing student - nursing cartoon series about a nurse - nursing cartoon series
do you think you spend too much time at work? on average, how many hours do you work per week?
please share this with friends and post your comments below!
want more nursing cartoons?
about a nursing student - nursing cartoon series
unquestionably, i feel the same way at times when i'm working all of those crazy hours:uhoh3:
1,982 Posts
It is rare, these days, for hospitals to allow LPN/LVNs to work in the ER, OR, or any of the Critical Care areas.
I would never work with an LPN in ICU who was given as assignment. It is too much responsibility, to be responsible for your own patients and an LPNs.
The Scope of Practice of LPN/LVN, makes it dificult for them to be able to do what needs to be done in that environment.
I mean no disrespect to LPN/LVNs, as I worked with LPN/LVNs before I went into Critical Care.
If you really want to be an ER nurse, I suggest that you look into becoming an RN, not LPN.
JMHO and my NY $0.02.
Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN
Somewhere in the PACNW
I live and work in Indianapolis, IN. I graduated nursing school in Oct 2010 and began work for 9 - 10 months as a corrections nurse in prison. After being fed to the wolves in prison I managed to persevere by continuing on with good nursing assessment skills and encountered all kinds of trauma and ER situations that I managed to land a highly coveted LPN position in a local ER. The LPN is being phased out in many hospitals that are attempting or are Magnet status but I have found the non-magnet hospitals still use us in one form or another. The Best part is that I'm NOT a tech. I'm a real nurse with my own patient load ranging from ear aches, appendicitis, to pneumonia. I only need an RN to do the initial assessment or agree with my assessment and to do the discharge should pt not be a candidate for admittence to the hospital.
5,351 Posts
I only need an RN to do the initial assessment or agree with my assessment and to do the discharge should pt not be a candidate for admittence to the hospital.
*** Back in the day when I was an LVN I got a job in a burn unit ICU. I was the first and only LVN ever hired in that unit. I only got the job cause the nurse manager had been my supervisor when we were both in the army and working in the burn ICU at Brooks Army Medical Center, her and as RN and me as a medic. That and the fact that they were SEVERLY short staffed.
We did our charting and assessments on a paper tri fold. My nurse manager would PRE-SIGN these paper assessments for me. When I came to work there was a stack of these pre-signed by an RN trifolds in my mail box. I would just take them out and and start my day exactly like any other nurse on the unit. That situation lasted about 9 months while I was in an LVN-RN program. After I got my RN I arrived at work one day and my nurse manager congradulated me for obtaing my RN and I remeber several of the nurses being shocked that I had been working there as a LVN. They haden't realized I was an LVN.
Today as a critical care / rapid response RN I shudder at the thought of doing something like that. At the time I was brand new to cilivian health care and had no idea the risk we were taking.
BuckyBadgerRN, ASN, RN
3,520 Posts
Do the research! It's becoming more and more rare for hospitals to hire LPN's. None the hospitals around here hire new LPN's, if a current leaves for whatever reason, they're replaced with an RN