Nurses that “only do it for the money”

Nurses General Nursing

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What is your thought on nurses who only join the profession for financial gains?

On 4/3/2019 at 9:16 AM, OldDude said:

I'm starting to see the similarities between nursing and prostitution.

Interesting that you would say that...

I'm one of those people that went into nursing for "the wrong reasons" (money, job security/employment opportunities, etc.), but I was fortunate to come to really enjoy the profession. I could see myself doing something else and being happy/successful, but I definitely don't regret going down this road either.

I don't care why others decide to go into nursing. At the end of the day your actions matter much more than your intentions. Just do right by your patients and coworkers and everything will be beautiful.

While there are plenty of jobs that make way more than nurses I struggle to come up with any that are gaurenteed paychecks (not sales or commissions based) and that you can get in as short of time as a nursing degree. Many degrees for nurses are accelerated or the 2 year associates path.

If there are other degrees that lead to jobs that have gaurenteed decent paychecks that you can get as quick or quicker than a nursing degree I'm not aware of then.. Sure you could be a real estate agent and make 200k a year.. Or 30k a year... You could go into business and make 250k a year or 40k a year at a desk job those jobs aren't offering really any sense of gaurenteed pay or stability or open positions. All reasons why I chose nursing.

Specializes in Trauma,ER,CCU/OHU/Nsg Ed/Nsg Research.

After 20+ years, and after teaching many, many nursing students who dragged themselves out of poverty by applying themselves in a career where they'd get paid a decent wage, I'd say it's none of our business what motivates somebody to walk in the door every day as long as they're doing their job.

Specializes in Non judgmental advisor.
On 3/30/2019 at 6:58 AM, AFJ32780 said:

One difference, between selling shoes and iced coffee, is that nurses and firefighters are caring for human lives. Not to say that people that are only doing for the money don’t do a good job but we really can’t compare, making a cappuccino to rescuing a live.

The human life is not as valuable or valued as you believe it may be . There are many people who do not value their own life , trade it for opiates and overdoses , the pharmaceutical company as well as the media loves to tell everyone to take a pill for every ill , don’t touch healthy lifestyle that’s a time waster. It’s much more profitable to object steroids into common grocery foods to make them bigger and better , make Americans sick . And then bill you with a huge Hospital that you will never pay off.

Furthermore , those CEO and administration of coffee companies and bars , are getting extraordinarily profits exceeding that of those in the CEO role of health industries , because the people with power and money do not value the lives of others , they care about their alcohol their coffee and their iPhone . How many people will stop by and check the homeless man not breathing if it will delay their happy hour hang out?

Nurses think saving lives are important , it is definitely more of a priority then the latest flavor mocha , but society and the people in power will just shrug and move on like they do with every gun shooting, overdose.

In short nursing is a job like a barista and a shoe maker , nursing would be more successful if 99% of nurses didn’t complain about how they were not appreciated , paid enough , or valued , because outside the environment you work in , your another citizen of society . And lastly, complaining never led to any thing except self deprecating. When new found Americans were just discovering this land then got tired of being controlled by Britain , they certainly didn’t wine and then do it while wining , they said “I’m not paying those tea taxes let’s show them we mean business “

In summary , many people do not care about their own lives , the people in power run this world, nursing is a job, to not be valued more or less than guy from the apple store who just fixed your phone (who will receive a lot more thanks and appreciation than a nurse lol )

Specializes in Non judgmental advisor.
On 3/30/2019 at 9:58 AM, JKL33 said:

Well how about comparing it to working on an auto assembly line or running an amusement/theme park, then?

What nurses feel about working with patients (providing care for another human being) doesn't have jack squat to do with anything, and that is/will be true no matter which messed up business or govt scheme is being used to pay for the care (or for-profit, non-profit, not-for-profit or public care). Those who pay ultimately dictate what care looks like through policy and regulation. This ceases to be primarily a hand-holding and brow-mopping endeavor based on severe limitations of time and budget.

We must be sisters because I just discussed how people in power run the show , and what we feel nursing’s should be is not how they see it .

On 4/3/2019 at 2:39 PM, Nurselexii said:

The human life is not as valuable or valued as you believe it may be . There are many people who do not value their own life , trade it for opiates and overdoses , the pharmaceutical company as well as the media loves to tell everyone to take a pill for every ill , don’t touch healthy lifestyle that’s a time waster. It’s much more profitable to object steroids into common grocery foods to make them bigger and better , make Americans sick . And then bill you with a huge Hospital that you will never pay off .

Furthermore , those CEO and administration of coffee companies and bars , are getting extraordinarily profits exceeding that of those in the CEO role of health industries , because the people with power and money do not value the lives of others , they care about their alcohol their coffee and their iPhone . How many people will stop by and check the homeless man not breathing if it will delay their happy hour hang out ?

Nurses think saving lives are important , it is definitely more of a priority then the latest flavor mocha , but society and the people in power will just shrug and move on like they do with every gun shooting , overdose .

In short nursing is a job like a barista and a shoe maker , nursing would be more successful if 99% of nurses didn’t complain about how they were not appreciated , paid enough , or valued , because outside the environment you work in , your another citizen of society . And lastly , complaining never led to any thing except self deprecating. When new found Americans were just discovering this land then got tired of being controlled by Britain , they certainly didn’t wine and then do it while wining , they said “I’m not paying those tea taxes let’s show them we mean business “

In summary , many people do not care about their own lives , the people in power run this world , nursing is a job , to not be valued more or less than guy from the apple store who just fixed your phone (who will receive a lot more thanks and appreciation than a nurse lol ),

...wait what?

Specializes in Non judgmental advisor.
On 4/3/2019 at 2:47 PM, Young_Torso said:

...wait what?

You mentioned that nursing cannot be compared to working as shoe salesman or a barista because nurses are dealing with human lives . So I went to explain that human lives aren’t as valued to the people with the money and the power . But if I incorrectly quote response the wrong person , my apologies .

My posts just states how although nurses believe they’re job is very important , people running the show and society do not. So if someone is doing it for the money . It’s because in all things equal , it’s just another higher paying secure job .

That's kind of like asking military members and veterans what they think about people who joined for reasons other than "to serve their country". People join for all sorts of reasons. Everyone thinks nurses should be born with this inate desire to help people and make the world a better place and whatever else makes you feel good. And if that's you, awesome, you're 1% of the population that knows what you want to be when you grow up. This is career #3 for me at 36 years old and my first go at anything medical. I for sure want to help people, but I'd be lying if I said decent pay and benefits wasn't a factor. With that said, I think people that kill themselves working 7 days a week at wherever pays them the most; as with any profession, that's not a healthy approach to any career and you're going to burn yourself out real quick doing that.

On 4/3/2019 at 2:39 PM, Nurselexii said:

The human life is not as valuable or valued as you believe it may be . There are many people who do not value their own life , trade it for opiates and overdoses , the pharmaceutical company as well as the media loves to tell everyone to take a pill for every ill , don’t touch healthy lifestyle that’s a time waster. It’s much more profitable to object steroids into common grocery foods to make them bigger and better , make Americans sick . And then bill you with a huge Hospital that you will never pay off .

Furthermore , those CEO and administration of coffee companies and bars , are getting extraordinarily profits exceeding that of those in the CEO role of health industries , because the people with power and money do not value the lives of others , they care about their alcohol their coffee and their iPhone . How many people will stop by and check the homeless man not breathing if it will delay their happy hour hang out ?

Nurses think saving lives are important , it is definitely more of a priority then the latest flavor mocha , but society and the people in power will just shrug and move on like they do with every gun shooting , overdose .

In short nursing is a job like a barista and a shoe maker , nursing would be more successful if 99% of nurses didn’t complain about how they were not appreciated , paid enough , or valued , because outside the environment you work in , your another citizen of society . And lastly , complaining never led to any thing except self deprecating. When new found Americans were just discovering this land then got tired of being controlled by Britain , they certainly didn’t wine and then do it while wining , they said “I’m not paying those tea taxes let’s show them we mean business “

In summary , many people do not care about their own lives , the people in power run this world , nursing is a job , to not be valued more or less than guy from the apple store who just fixed your phone (who will receive a lot more thanks and appreciation than a nurse lol ),

That is pretty well accurate but sad. Hospitals are businesses and any business that says they put people first is lying. They put money first, they have to or they would no longer exist. don't believe it when they say our family taking care of your family, you are in good hands, our mission is blah, blah, blah. That is the dream of what the world should be, not the reality unfortunately. I wish it were true though. That they really could put patient care first. What a wonderful world it would be.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
3 hours ago, Wuzzie said:

Interesting that you would say that...


Great conversation!!

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