Nurses with a masters don't do beside nursing ?


Specializes in LTC.

last night i heard a nurse say something that i thought was kind of disturbing.:banghead: she was talking about another nurse whom just received her masters, and how she can't believe she is still going to do bedside nursing.

she then said(loud enough for patients to hear) " if i get my masters, you'll never see me in beside nursing" i'll have a much better job, and won't have to deal c- patients".

when she said that, i cringed. i know nurses with masters have a higher eduacation, but does it mean that they will never work as a beside nurse again? are they above bedside nursing?

i may pursue my masters, because i would love to teach... however i don't see myself thinking i'm too good for beside nursing just because of a masters degree.

anyway tell me what you think...

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I have a masters degree and while I don't do staff bedside nursing, I certainly see consults in the ER and ICU and if they need to be repositioned, gotten a blanket or if I can asssist with pulling a pt up in bed, I do so. However, my role is not that of a bedside nurse. It doesn't mean I didn't like it because I did - its just if I do a lot of bedside tasks, I can't get my own work done.

Also - I'm 50 now and plan to work another 15-20 years and to be honest, I doubt I could keep up the pace at that age that I can do now. A masters degree gives you more options. It doesn't mean you don't like bedside care, just that as we age, we need other options.

Specializes in OB.

I had several clinical instructors in nursing school who had their masters' in nursing education and still worked at the bedside. However, if you get a master's to become an NP, CRNA, or CNM, you're obviously looking to move away from direct bedside nursing.

Specializes in LTC, med/surg, hospice.

I've worked with a master's prepared nurse as a floor nurse. But usually if someone has gone that far in their career, it's specifically to get away from bedside nursing. Not that they are above it, but they don't want to do it any longer and that is ok. Bedside is not for everyone.

Also the pay for your master's being a floor nurse is not that much more than BSN. So it may not be lucrative for them as management or other nursing careers..I really don't know.

I have a master's and a doctorate degree in nursing. I worked for the past five years doing prn at the bedside in my spare time. Some months I have spare time to work, others I don't. But I don't feel like I'd never work the bedside because of an advanced degree. I'm an educator, and train future nurses, so I need to know what is happening at the bedside. It has been an eye opener for me.

Specializes in ER/EHR Trainer.

Everyone has their gifts and should use them as they see fit. I am not sure the letters behind your name take you away from bedside nursing, they just give you other avenues to practice different types of nursing.

I love/hate the ER, I would love to do the job I believe should be done; but staff/patient ratios do not allow me to practice the way I feel would be both safe and satisfying to the patient. I am working on my Masters, and I don't know where I will end up. Perhaps I will lobby for safe working conditions, perhaps I will move into the business ranks and fight for better working conditions, go into education, branch off into my own business....who knows?

Bedside nursing is not the only kind, and I think it's good that people have a wider vision of what nursing, could/should be!

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.

My master's program REQUIRED that the educators work at the bedside, clinic or in a non-teaching position for a day a week. Keeps them useful and in touch. Also, bedside nursing pays better often.

After receiving my MSN, I remained at the bedside. One, I enjoy it, and two, as a staff nurse, I still had the time to either teach and/or continue my own education. Now I am only per diem because I am in school full-time--there is only so much of me to go around.

That was wrong of that nurse to yell that out within earshot of patients. Shame on her.

Specializes in School Nursing.

I think often nurses that want to work bedside don't feel motivated to invest in the huge expense of a master's degree when there will be little financial return. I know i did not get my BSN while I worked bedside and that was part of the reason. I needed it for the position I am in now. While I don't need a master's for this position, I would like to pursue it for my own satisfaction, but I don't see that happening soon because I have 2 teenagers who will soon need college educations. Maybe in 10 years.

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

I find it very unprofessional when a healthcare worker says things like this in front of patients! Big pet peeve of mine! :madface:

Specializes in School Nursing.

I agree, Firestarter. Regardless of the reasoning it is unprofessional.

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