Nurse on Survivor


Any Survivor fans out there? I have to admit, Survivor is the one reality show I watch. It is a guilty pleasure.

There is a nurse on Survivor. These idiots hiked 11 miles in the Guatamalan jungle and got dehydrated and she was nursing them back to health. If she is smart, she will quietly keep nursing her team back to health and not make any waves. She is a shoe-in to make it to the merge that way. Would you vote a nurse off? She's one a smart team would want to keep. What are your thoughts?

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.

I'm already rooting for her too. She seems like a typical nurse; calm/cool/collected under pressure. Tougher than the boys too.

The nurse was impressive, no doubt about it. I hope she wins. Did they say she was NP.

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

I love Survivor! It will be interesting to see how far she makes it. Critical thinking should help her here! If she is not a pain in the butt I'll be all for her. I thought men had more water than women because of the lean muscle:fat ratio??? Just had fluids/electrolytes still should they have endured this better or did they lose it quicker because they had more to loose??? or am I lost? :uhoh3:

I love Survivor! It will be interesting to see how far she makes it. Critical thinking should help her here! If she is not a pain in the butt I'll be all for her. I thought men had more water than women because of the lean muscle:fat ratio??? Just had fluids/electrolytes still should they have endured this better or did they lose it quicker because they had more to loose??? or am I lost? :uhoh3:

They were carrying a lot more weight in supplies and exerting themselves a lot more than the women. Look where it got them.

Big fan here too. What about Bobby Joe? Darn he looked bad. The thing I was much of the food did they take with them from the start? I would have been eating the bananas, and other fruit more...or did they? Seems to me it would have helped with the cramping?

Specializes in Emergency.

i can't believe I missed it......and that my sister didn't update me!!!!! haha

I totally hope she goes all the way!

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

I love Survivor. Margaret the RN is a NP. There were 3 things that struck me really funny......1. All the men on that one tribe fell apart, I realize 11 miles is a long way but ding dong it was their first day! Whimps they were. The women were awesome. 2. I saw tons of banana's why did Margaret not give Bobby Jon banana's to eat along the way when he was suffering those leg craps? Hello ! Margaret can you spell P-O-T-A-S-S-I-U-M ? 3. I understand why they voted that old man off. Although he actually did better than the other younger men until the end. Did you notice that he voted for Margaret? Why on earth would someone want to vote off a nurse practioner in the beginning of the game, especially when they were having problems? Gees. Anyone else pick up on these things? I am also watching the rerun survivors on OLN. I know who wins but I'm still enjoying watching them again.

Specializes in CCU (Coronary Care); Clinical Research.

I love survivor too...Bobby Jon did look bad- I thought for sure that he was going to pass out. All the guys looked pretty bad...Blake gets into some trouble next time- I wonder if that tree that fell on him was poisonous?

He is probably just dehydrated/malnourished...I would have voted the older gentleman out too...only because if his bicep was really popped he would have been useless for the rest of the challenges...hopefully after some rest/food/rehydration the other boys will be able to step up.

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
I love Survivor. Margaret the RN is a NP. There were 3 things that struck me really funny......1. All the men on that one tribe fell apart, I realize 11 miles is a long way but ding dong it was their first day! Whimps they were. The women were awesome. 2. I saw tons of banana's why did Margaret not give Bobby Jon banana's to eat along the way when he was suffering those leg craps? Hello ! Margaret can you spell P-O-T-A-S-S-I-U-M ? 3. I understand why they voted that old man off. Although he actually did better than the other younger men until the end. Did you notice that he voted for Margaret? Why on earth would someone want to vote off a nurse practioner in the beginning of the game, especially when they were having problems? Gees. Anyone else pick up on these things? I am also watching the rerun survivors on OLN. I know who wins but I'm still enjoying watching them again.

I think the old man just knew he was going to be voted off, and wanted to zing it to the strongest person on the team, which was Margaret.

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

I thought it was very telling that all the girls professed admiration and excitement that Stephanie was joining the game, but the guys weren't as welcoming of Bobby Jon. One said, "supposedly he's a hard worker, we'll see", and another called him "dumb"- which was really funny since 30 seconds later, they showed this guy falling down a hill and his bananas spilling out all over the place, lol!

Specializes in ER.

In an article about the new survivor they mentioned that the temps topped 43 degrees celcius the day of the hike. I know I wouldn't have made it. I also noticed that the water is filled with crocs, so they are going to have a hard time bathing and staying cool. Definitely a show I will want to watch.

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