Nurse Sick and FIRED: Exploring Nursing Absenteeism

You work long hours, rotating shifts, and holidays. The schedule alone is enough to leave you feeling run down, tired, and needing a day off. But, what happens when you are in fact sick? Does your facility’s call-off policy protect you from discipline or termination? Nurses General Nursing Video Interview

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Meet Theresa Puckett

If you do a Google search for "nurse fired for being sick" you will be inundated with articles about Theresa Puckett, PhD, RN, CRCP, CNE, a nurse from Northeast Ohio who found herself terminated after a legitimate bout of the Flu during one of the worst Flu seasons our country has seen.

According to an article in Becker's Hospital Review, Theresa worked as a PRN Nurse at University Hospitals, based in Cleveland. She called in sick one day at the end of December 2017 with flu symptoms. Theresa visited a physician and tested positive for the flu virus. She was treated with Tamiflu and ended up missing two days of work. Her physician provided a note excusing her from work for these days. She returned to work a few days later and was instructed by a supervisor to leave early due to continued illness.

The next day, she saw a Nurse Practitioner who diagnosed her with a sinus infection and provided her with another note stating she should not return to work for a few more days. However, returning to work was never an option for Nurse Puckett because she was terminated.

You may be thinking - How does that happen?

According to the University Hospitals statement to Becker's Hospital Review, they allow six unscheduled absences for full and part-time staff within a 12 month period, and nine absences may result in termination. For "as needed" or PRN staff, two occurrences of unscheduled absences within a 60-day period may result in termination. Because Theresa returned to work for one shift in between her two absences, this counted as two occurrences and qualified her for termination.

Presentism versus Absenteeism

If you have ever gone to work sick, raise your hand. As hands of nurses around the world are raised high, let's discuss the reasons we've all done it. To really understand both sides of the issue, you need to understand the difference between absenteeism and presenteeism.

Absenteeism is the practice of staying home from work or school when you are ill. Of course, there are other reasons people call off, but for this article, we are only exploring this issue concerning illness. So, what's the opposite of absenteeism? Presenteeism - the act of going to work when you are ill.

Nurses have high standards for themselves and the care they provide to patients, even when they are ill. A 2000 study by Aronsson, et al. reported that rates of presenteeism were highest among nurses and teachers. But, we know that presenteeism may result in adverse patient outcomes, poor nurse health, and cost consequences. So, why is it so difficult to take a sick day?

Let's consider a few of the most important factors when deciding which side of the issue you support.

The Team Needs You

Your throat is on fire, your head feels like a giant elephant is jumping on it and crawling back into bed sounds like the best possible plan - but, you know your teammates need you. You don't want to let others down. Staffing on many units is kept to a minimum so even one call off could cause your co-workers to take on larger assignments, be in unsafe situations, or be upset with you for calling off.

A February 2018 article by News 5 Cleveland quoted one nurse as saying "Nurses are often commended for coming into work sick, so they don't put their comrades at a disservice for being understaffed." It seems the issues of teamwork, loyalty, and service is a double-edged sword on nursing units.

Patients Need You

Nurses spend more time with patients than any other healthcare professional. You recognize minor changes in assessments and notify physicians. Yes, the doctors diagnose and order new treatments, but it's the nurses who carry out these orders that are often life-saving treatments.

A 2015 study published in JAMA Pediatrics explored the reasons physicians and advanced practice nurses work while ill. While 95% of the respondents believed working while sick put patients at risk, 83% reported working at least one time in the prior year while sick, and 9% reported working while ill at least 5 times. Symptoms reported in this study included fever, diarrhea and acute onset of respiratory symptoms. 92.5% of these clinicians cited not wanting to let patients down as one of the reasons they headed to work with these signs of illness.

So, as you lie in bed contemplating calling in - that's what runs through your mind, right? Without you - who will care for your patients? And, what if you are not the only one with this dreaded illness? So, off to work you go.

Sick Time Policies

Are sick time policies created to protect or punish you? This is a hard question to answer. And, it often leaves nurses faced with difficult decisions that end in absenteeism or presenteeism.

Let's explore a few sick time policy practices.

Forfeiting Pay

Some call-off policies will withhold pay from nurses if you call off at specific times. This might mean that calling off the day before a holiday will result in forfeiture of holiday pay. Or, if you call off on your last scheduled day before a planned vacation or on your first scheduled day after a planned vacation - you forfeit vacation pay.

In a world where many people live paycheck to paycheck, this policy might result in nurses putting themselves and their patients at risk to keep pay that many would argue is rightfully yours. You can't plan illness, so if you are sick around these specific time points, what are you to do?

Unexcused Absences

Most policies give a number of 'unexcused" absences allowed over a period of time, such as 12 months. Typically after missing this number of days, you will be reprimanded. You may also be given a specific amount of time, such as the remainder of the year or 90 days, in which you must not miss any more work.

Of course, if you end up legitimately ill during this time, you are probably going to go to work or risk disciplinary action.

No Sick Pay

Nurses who work a limited number of hours per week or PRN often have no sick time. This leaves you making financial decisions in the face of illness.

Or, your policy may require you to use vacation time before using sick pay. This may seem counterintuitive given the fact that nurse burnout and fatigue runs rampant on many nursing units and days off are necessary.

Physician Notes

Some sick policies require a physician's note for any unplanned absences. Others might state that no MD note is necessary because all unscheduled absences are unapproved. Or, you may also find policies that require a doctor's note after a certain number of days, which may be due to the Family Medical Leave Act.

No matter what your policy reads in regards to doctors notes, you need to understand it before you need to use it. Be sure to get notes when they are required to remain compliant with your facilities policies.


Almost all sick policies will lead to termination as an end result. And, when such procedures are executed the same across the board, most nurses find these policies to be acceptable. However, when these policies are not carried out consistently, you may feel that they are being used against you or other staff on your unit to force your hand at finding a new job.

Some of the allnurses team met Theresa at the NursesTakeDC rally earlier this year. Nurse Beth was able to interview Theresa and learn more about her ordeal. Thank you for sharing with us, Theresa.

What are Your Thoughts?

So, where does all of this leave you? Do you stay home when ill or head to work in an attempt to avoid discipline, even when you know it is not best for you or your patients? Now it's time for you to decide.

Tell us your thoughts and experiences with nurse absenteeism, presenteeism, and termination.

Specializes in LTC & Teaching.

I would agree with you. However, there are far too many examples of the unions doing a much better job at representing the employer as opposed to their own members.

Unfortunately I could litterally write a book on that topic alone.

Specializes in Education, Informatics, Patient Safety.
North Carolina *is* a right to work state, for the most part. Your statement is correct regarding almost all right to work states. However, there are always exceptions. Like, working for the state or federal government. In general, neither of those systems are like private industry jobs. For what it's worth, in most states, it's pretty difficult to fire state employees and you have to have solid proof. I've worked for state agencies in two different states...and several private employers in other states...

Time to get a job at the VA, or the prison system! That's really useful news - I appreciate you sharing it. I wasn't aware of that.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
Interestingly I rarely have nurses come in for sick visits/work excuses compared to other professions. I'm just saying...[/Quote]

Probably because we know it's not good practice to be seen for a viral illness. I mean why would I want to get up while sick, wait in the waiting room, when the appropriate treatment is rest and fluids? Not to mention spend healthcare dollars on a medically inappropriate clinic visit.

Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.

For those of you suggesting that "if it can be contained by a mask" you're a-okay to be at work? Please think long and hard on that one. Masks aren't the end all be all, and in many cases, masks used on floors/units are not evaluated for fluid protection/containment (runny nose drops, coughing, etc).

Good point, FurBabyMom. I wouldn't go in with a contagious illness with just a mask to protect my patients. I would stay home for that.

My problem is related to asthma/allergy. I keep a cough too long after a cold, due to inflammation. We figured it out when I went to the doc for a 3 week cough that I just couldn't shake. He put me on a short course of prednisone and the cough was completely gone in two days.

Now, for bronchitis or even a severe sinus infection, I ask for a steroid instead of an antibiotic. A 5-day steroid burst will stop the inflammation, and my immune system can do the rest.

I had one bout of flu that caused so much pain (achey muscles) that I was darned near tears. I knew my body needed sleep and that's what I did.

Fortunately, I have never been absent much. I know others aren't that lucky.

Between sickness of their own or their children, issues that could only be dealt with M-F daytime, no sitter or no transportation, or some serious emergency that had to be dealt with right away, some people call off a lot more than others. That does get annoying, both for their supervisors and their co-workers,

even though we know that life happens.

But really - we know people should not work when they are more than just mildly ill. The body needs rest and time to rejuvenate. Unfortunately, this

just does not jive with the need of many places of business.

Good for her! Did they fire the manager?

One can only hope.

I once was forced by the Manager to tell a CNA who had moved to the US from a country where they never got snow that she had to come to work on a real snowy, icy day. She had an accident on her way to work. I felt so guilty. Luckily, she wasn't hurt, only her car. Even so I felt awful.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

In my facility (not a hospital), nurses are only one part of the entire diverse staff; it's not primarily a healthcare setting, so the nursing department is tiny. However, it is required that there be an RN available on location 24/7. There are a total of two full-time night shift nurses. There are a few PRN nurses who are supposed to be able to work either night or day shift, but of course that is not usually enforced (they work pretty much only day shift). In other words, if an illness or emergency occurs with one FT night shift nurse or her family member(s), the other night shift nurse almost always ends up working extra to cover. If that can't happen for whatever reason, it's like a mini-crisis in the department and very VERY difficult to find that coverage and very guilt-tripped on the nurse to be "sure" she can't work. So, yes, it is basically impossible for especially night shift nurses here to call off, unless it is a hospitalization-level type illness. The other employees (non-nurses) seem to be able to call in with no real consequence and no expectation to find coverage for themselves. It's never as much of an issue for anyone else than for the nurses. I agree that nurses are supposed to be superhuman, no matter the work setting.

Specializes in Medical Writer, Licensed Teacher & Nurse, BA Psych.

Nothing unusual about this. Nurses are almost always treated like they are expendable. They are also treated like children - having to bring a note from the doctor to prove she was sick! How stupid! She is a PhD for God sake! Even if she wasn't, these facilities will use nurses then throw them out like they are pieces of trash.

Specializes in Medical Writer, Licensed Teacher & Nurse, BA Psych.

I second this!

Specializes in Medical Writer, Licensed Teacher & Nurse, BA Psych.
Specializes in Critical Care and ED.

I have a chronic painful and incurable disease that flares up at least once a month....endometriosis. That means that it appears each month with my menstrual cycle. I can't get out of bed or even stand due to pain, and there's no way I could work a 12 hour shift. Luckily for me I've been able to get intermittent FMLA which means I can call off whenever I need and am immune from any discipline that might arise from frequent call outs. I try not to use it unless I need to but there have been occasions when I've needed to call out every month for at least a day. Because of the FMLA I am untouchable and I have used it for the past 5 years. It's been invaluable because working sick is not an option for me as when it hits I am bedridden and on narcotics. Employers really need to start treating their employees like humans. The current policies regarding sick time remind me of the workhouses of the 18th century where workers were discarded to die in the gutter if they couldn't work. Have we not progressed since then? I come from the UK where we never received any disciplinary issues if we called out sick and back in my day there was no such thing as an alloted number of sick days. You just called out when you needed to. Sometimes I really miss the NHS.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Infection Control/Geriatrics.
Oh, sure. Play the reasonable card... :no:

LOL! Call me quirky....grin.

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