Published Jan 7, 2011
DesertRN2, MSN, APRN
158 Posts
78 Posts
Ypsilanti, Mich. (WXYZ) - A nurse for St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ypsilanti says she refuses to get a flu vaccination and she believes the decision led to her getting fired.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
threads merged as discussing same thing
eriksoln, BSN, RN
2,636 Posts
Hmmmm, maybe the job market there is such that such tactics work, for the time being anyway. I have to give a thumbs up to my hospital who handled the situation right:
They wanted as many people to get vaccinated as possible and set up easy ways to do so without giving up your lunch break or coming in on a day off. They also had a raffle with some very generous gifts included for those who got the shot or filed the proper paperwork for why they won't (religious or health reasons). I wanted the "40 hrs PTO bonus" prize sooooo much, I considered getting the shots twice to double my chances
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
181 Posts
One of my earliest memories from childhood is being smuggled into Crouse Irving Hospital in Syracuse- into the ICU to see my Dad. At the age of 5, in the 1970's, I wasn't allowed to be there- the nurses snuck me in to visit Dad after he contracted Guilliam-Barre syndrome from a swine flu vaccine. He was 24, a Trooper with the NYSP, and a week after getting the flu shot, as he was getting dressed for his shift, noticed he couldn't lift his arm. 2 weeks later, he was in the ICU and unable to move ANYTHING from his neck down. Last year, they made it mandatory that any hospital worker HAD to get the vaccine, or they would be fired. I REFUSE! It hasn't been tested, and with my family history I'm scared. Fortunatly I managed to put it off long enough that NY "ran out" of vaccine, and they stated what they had should be saved for the elderly. I believe it was a face saving attempt after they got sued.Yes, I am a nurse, YES I want to keep my patients safe- But I believe this is not constitutional-I should have the choice, just as my patients have choices in their life that effect their health- This impacts ME as I have to care for them. I hope this nurse sues their butts off.
tewdles, RN
3,156 Posts
This is a heavy handed catholic "faith based" hospital system in my sad.
251 Posts
I think a flu shot or any other shot should be personal choice. When does a employer have a right to tell you to put anything in your body? I don't care if the black death is upon us. She should take the hospital to court i think her rights as a person has been violated.
I would say show me in the policy book it says i have to take shots. I'm a Pagan i don't have a Priest, Pastor or a Rev to write me a letter stating religious reasons about taking shots.
I would have to write my own letter because I'm a High Priest of a coven and I'm licensed in my state as a alternative minister type person. I can preform Hand Fasting, Weddings, i can say words over the dead if need be, Heck come around Hallows Eve i can even summons the dead if you like.
So i wounder how that hospital would take me. And would they violate my rights like they did her's. Something to think about. More and more our rights are being taken signs of the time's perhaps but it's up to us as people to say enough is enough and i hope this Nurse dose just that. These are my thoughts use them as you wish.
163 Posts
I think a flu shot or any other shot should be personal choice. When does a employer have a right to tell you to put anything in your body? I don't care if the black death is upon us. She should take the hospital to court i think her rights as a person has been violated. I would say show me in the policy book it says i have to take shots. I'm a Pagan i don't have a Priest, Pastor or a Rev to write me a letter stating religious reasons about taking shots. I would have to write my own letter because I'm a High Priest of a coven and I'm licensed in my state as a alternative minister type person. I can preform Hand Fasting, Weddings, i can say words over the dead if need be, Heck come around Hallows Eve i can even summons the dead if you like. So i wounder how that hospital would take me. And would they violate my rights like they did her's. Something to think about. More and more our rights are being taken signs of the time's perhaps but it's up to us as people to say enough is enough and i hope this Nurse dose just that. These are my thoughts use them as you wish.
Out of curiousity, what would your response be if it was in the handbook?
188 Posts
One can get Guillain Barre after having a bout of the actual flu, also, not just the flu shot. Just thought I'd throw that in.
Jonesskky RN
20 Posts
I work in Michigan and the "flu-shot" policies are just ridiculous! They don't mandate it for the paramedics, doctors will NEVER get fired, and if you have allergies or the flu shot is contraindicated than these "FBI" looking people will still try to force you to get one! Anyone getting fired should automatically sue the hospital cause that's not fair.
heron, ASN, RN
4,405 Posts
What's not fair is medically fragile people being exposed to complications from a flu infection acquired from a caregiver.
It's not about you, folks. It's about the people in the beds.
496 Posts
Employers have rights, too - and obligations to the public, especially health care facilities. When rights conflict, the judicial system takes over. We don't know all the facts - we rarely get the entire story in the media. We don't know if, in fact, the nurse was fired for refusal to take the flu shot, or the circumstances under which her employer made that decision. Employers are obligated to make "reasonable" accommodations to employees who may become "disabled" - if you could define that as someone who does not have the shot and wishes to continue to work in an environment where it is now required or even if that requirement is reasonable. But if reasonable accommodations are not possible (in the eyes of the court) the employer cannot be forced to continue employment. This is the kind of issue about which everyone will have an opinion - informed or not.