Nurse Corps Scholarship 2018-2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone, I'm planning to apply for the HRSA NurseCorp Scholarship this year. I figured I would go ahead and start the next thread for this award year. I'm currently finishing up some of my prereqs and will be starting my BSN program in June. I know the application date hasn't been released yet but from what I have seen on other threads, it should be opened sometime in March/April with a deadline in May. I've also read that the prompt questions have been the same from one award year to the next so I have begun working on them as well as trying to figure out who I would like to use as recommendations. I would love to hear from all who plan to apply this year.

Does anyone know if they let us know if we do not qualify? Sort of like a rejection letter or something? Or do they just do awards and the rest of us have to take the hint?

They send out a letter the everyone letting us know if we got it or not, by September 30th.

Anyone hear anything yet? No credit check yet and I start classes in 2 weeks :(

Anyone hear anything yet? No credit check yet and I start classes in 2 weeks :(

I start classes on Monday and still nothing :(

We started school this Monday. I'm hoping we hear something as soon as possible.

My parents helped me pay for my education by taking out parent plus loans will the NHSC pay for what my parents took out?

Yes if u get the scholarship

Yes if u get the scholarship

Are you sure? Bec the representives couldn't give me a straight answer

Are you sure? Bec the representives couldn't give me a straight answer

They told me any fed student loan Will get paid back

Anyone have updated today?Did you guys get any alerts for credit check or offer email. I am so stressed out, because my school also will start on Monday.

They told me same information. I am sure they will pay your loan if we are accepted.

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone heard back, recently called in to ask about an update in regards to the scholarship or even received a credit check? I read through last year and some of the previous years forums and finalists started being notified the 2nd week of August. I know patience is virtue, but the agony is killing me lol

Specializes in Rural Underserved Populations/Corrections/Psych.

Hello! What are the major differences between the HRSA Nurse Corps Scholarships and the NHSC scholarship? Are you able to apply for both? What made you all apply for one and not the other? In your opinion does one have better benefits than the other? Thank you!

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