Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

I am interested in applying to the nurse corps scholarship 2017 2018 in order to pay for my accelerated program of sixteen months. I have a bachelors in sociology. I have done quiet a few researches. The application cycle will be open this month but I don't know which exact date. I have read discussion threads of previous years and have found really helpful information. I want to create a platform where interested applicants can ask questions, share information, discuss and help each other.


Is everyone's essay double spaced of single spaced? Also, has anyone used any articles from outside sources in their essays?

Way to go! I'm almost through with mine, just proof reading the essays! Did you include your first initial and last name and Application ID number at the top of each document or just the top of the essays? And what spacing did you use?

Yes! I included my applicant ID and first initial and last name on ALL my documents and essays. I used single spacing. I didn't want the spacing to use extra characters. I didn't want to go over the 5k mark. And just FYI, once You submit the application You can still access it anytime before the deadline to make changes. You just have to remember to resubmit it again. @agirl2014-I didn't use any outside articles. The essays should discuss your personal experience and reasoning pertaining to the topic. Each of my essays were around 200 words.

HI everyone, I am also interested in the Nursecorp scholarship. I subscribed to the email, was notified of cycle opening but was bogged down with final exam. I am starting the application process Today! Good Luck to us all and thank you in advance for your comments, they answered afew of my burning questions:)


I hope someone may be able to help me.

Does anyone have the prompts for the essays? I cannot move forward with the application until I select one of my Recommenders is.

Your help is much appreciated!!

The prompts are listed in the guidance PDF that is posted in a few other posts in this thread.

@FutureMs.NP Okay good to know, and I used single spacing too!

Has anyone received a scholarship with a higher EFC? I know Fasfa is based on 2015, and my life circumstances have dramatically changed in two years. Just seeing if anyone else is in the same boat. Thanks!

RN18920, are you saying that you are using a FASFA from 2015?

No I'm using the 2017-2018 application but it takes into consideration your taxes from 2015 not from 2016, and my life has changed a lot in those two years.

I am jumping in late and starting my application today. A quick question - are you guys using a specific format for your CV? Nursing school is a second career for me so I am worried about the length of my CV and trying to figure out how to highlight the pertinent information. What did you guys do?

Just submitted my application, fingers crossed!!!



I called HRSA and asked a few questions, which included a question about the length of the resume, and I was told there is no maximum length for the resume.

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