Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

I am interested in applying to the nurse corps scholarship 2017 2018 in order to pay for my accelerated program of sixteen months. I have a bachelors in sociology. I have done quiet a few researches. The application cycle will be open this month but I don't know which exact date. I have read discussion threads of previous years and have found really helpful information. I want to create a platform where interested applicants can ask questions, share information, discuss and help each other.


Just got this email. Hope it can help some!

The 2017 NURSE Corps Scholarship Program Application Cycle is still OPEN!

The LAST Technical Assistance conference call is today:

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

3:00 - 5:00 pm ET

Dial in to 888-989-9859

Passcode: 4280610

Technical Assistance:

Applicants are encouraged to participate in the application technical assistance conference call with program staff. Prior to attending the technical assistance call, we encourage you to view the 2017 Application and Program Guidance and the on-demand 2017 NURSE Corps Scholarship Technical Assistance Webinar, The webinar provides you with more information on the application process and the service requirements.

Funding for Tier 1 is prioritized:

1. Applicants enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited diploma, undergraduate

nursing program or accredited NURSE Corps Scholarship Program graduate level nurse

practitioner program as defined on page 6, registered as full-time students for every

consecutive term.

Do you think a MSN-RN program falls under this tier?


Are you getting your RN with your MSN? If so the answer is no. RN degrees that are ADN and BSN are first tier. Master's level NP's are also first tier. I don't think DNP has been added to first tier yet.

Funding for Tier 1 is prioritized:

1. Applicants enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited diploma, undergraduate

nursing program or accredited NURSE Corps Scholarship Program graduate level nurse

practitioner program as defined on page 6, registered as full-time students for every

consecutive term.

Do you think a MSN-RN program falls under this tier?


Specializes in CVICU.

Just submitted my scholarship application! Good luck everyone!

I am beginning a direct-entry MSN program, and for the GPA do I put the GPA of my RN-BSN program (which was a 4.0) or my cumulative GPA?

Hey Ya'll!

Are you guys keeping your essays under 250 words or 5,000 characters? That's a super different max! 250 words is more like 1,000 characters. All my essays are around 500 words. What do ya'll think? Thank you!

Hello RN18920,

I as well have a high EFC. I hope I am still consider a good prospect to receive this scholarship. I hope my volunteering will help. Fingers Cross.

Radnurse1927, Mine are also in the 500 word range. During the first conference call, the director of the program said that it doesn't matter how long they are; when the caller pressed him he he said that they aren't picky about the length of the essays (which is good, since they gave conflicting information!)

Hello. I'm new to this forum. I'm in a direct entry MSN-NP program. I have a bachelors in health informatics.


Undergraduate and First semester graduate GPAs: 3.5

All of my work and volunteer experience is in underserved areas, I never really thought about it until this application.

Do they automatically disregard your application if your EFC is over the $5,000 mark ?

AGHHHHHHHHH ! Today is the deadline for submission of the application. Now the grueling part of the wait to see if we are awarded the scholarship. UGHHHHHHH !

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