NRSE 4520 Health Assessment-Summer 2013...role call

Nursing Students Ohio University


Who is taking this with me? Let's support each other. I am currently looking to see if I can find the reading assignments before the week the class opens.

Just remember it is only 5 weeks. You can do anything for 5 weeks. Hang in there.

Thank you for your support! That's what I told myself. It is a 4-unit class, so this amount of work is expected anyway.

Quote from 2yearrnba

This class has so much work and preparation to it - it is very difficult. I feel flat out overwhelmed with the amount of work required for this class - week 2 - just the reading required for the discussion, then the HESI tests- that took a good 2 hours to do - but at least it was workable - but the questions on the HEsi may be from a newer or older book edition, includes questions that is not included on the chapters assigned.

I am putting so much time into this class....equivalent to the 1st required class for the amount of reading etc.

Just remember it is only 5 weeks. You can do anything for 5 weeks. Hang in there.

Thanks for the support! I just realized I used bad grammar up there - should be includes questions that ARE not, not is not.

Thanks - but the 5 weeeks - ugh this is torture.

I have been renting books from The Bastable book never came despite repeated acknowledgements of delivery. On Friday they gave me a refund but still no book. I have no idea how I will get through this week without it, geez.

OK, so who read the announcement from today, we have to go to a clinic or ER and do an assessment with an otoscope, opthalmascope and tuning fork. Really? Who has this equipment?? This class is ridiculuous!

This announcement hasn't been posted at my section yet. What does it exactly say?

OK, so who read the announcement from today, we have to go to a clinic or ER and do an assessment with an otoscope, opthalmascope and tuning fork. Really? Who has this equipment?? This class is ridiculuous!

Not sure which section you're in, but we just got the annoucenment - the usual one about how to do the physical exams using the Elsevier video site - this is nothing new. Don't know about going to the ER and clinic though - I certainly hope not - its almost wednesday - and I am already brain don't think they will have us doing the going to the ER this week..... Also Jdavola - why don't you try your hospital's library - or see if you can get amazon or someone to send it to you STAT - you may have to pay way extra to get it on time, but that is cheaper than doing the whole class again. And the Bastable book is critical for the class.

The book showed up yesterday, even though I was told they couldn't supply it. The announcement said to go to an ENT's office, ER or optomotrist, bring your form and complete the ear and eye assessment. It said no points would be taken off if you couldn't, but implied that you weren't putting in the effort if you didn't do this.

The book showed up yesterday, even though I was told they couldn't supply it. The announcement said to go to an ENT's office, ER or optomotrist, bring your form and complete the ear and eye assessment. It said no points would be taken off if you couldn't, but implied that you weren't putting in the effort if you didn't do this.

Wow, didn't have to do that when I was taking this class. That seems way overkill to me.

Good luck you all.

Advice from a RN to BSN graduate

1. They are gently suggesting you go to ENT, ER, Optomotrist, etc. This would be the ideal scenario, but NOT don't fret about it unnecessarily.

2. Having more than one text book, reference book etc...really helps with the assessments. I had several books that were about physical assessment, really helped fill in the blanks.

3. Fake it till you Make it! No one is leaning over your shoulder watching you do these assessments. Use your kids, husband etc. Understand the medical parlance and what is involved in this particular focused assessment. Look for videos on Youtube etc.

Advice from a RN to BSN graduate

1. They are gently suggesting you go to ENT, ER, Optomotrist, etc. This would be the ideal scenario, but NOT don't fret about it unnecessarily.

2. Having more than one text book, reference book etc...really helps with the assessments. I had several books that were about physical assessment, really helped fill in the blanks.

3. Fake it till you Make it! No one is leaning over your shoulder watching you do these assessments. Use your kids, husband etc. Understand the medical parlance and what is involved in this particular focused assessment. Look for videos on Youtube etc.

I agree, I used You Tube video's for several assessments that I was rusty on. It was a good help.

The book showed up yesterday, even though I was told they couldn't supply it. The announcement said to go to an ENT's office, ER or optomotrist, bring your form and complete the ear and eye assessment. It said no points would be taken off if you couldn't, but implied that you weren't putting in the effort if you didn't do this.

I agree with your assessment.

Thanks so much EmJean! Hey did the BSN help you with any job situation or were you one of those who had to get the BSN as mandatory for your job requirement?

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