Published Oct 26, 2011
317 Posts
I have the highest average grade in my class, 97.2, and my teacher had the audacity to call me out because I have had a few tardies. These rules were not made for people like me, they were made for people who show up late and don't know what they are doing. I occasionally show up late and know what I'm doing better than anyone else, I would go as far to say that I could teach my class if I had to. I know that I should be motivated to get up and be there on time, but I really hate morning classes and this is an early morning class, so it is hard for me because I am a night time person. I could work 3rd shift and it would not phase me in the least bit.
/end rant
Troll comments below.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
No troll comments but as a working nurse, I hate tardy people. Why should I work longer because of arrogant and inconsiderate co-workers?
Have fun finding a job that allows for tardiness.
I see your logic, but let's say I show up 5 minutes tardy, and then do more than double the average work load. How is that bad for the company?
I really think I am more in less ****** because the teacher marked one of my answers wrong. She asked what the abbreviated Sed. Rate meant, and I put the definition of it because the our book only listed the definition . Oh well, I'll get over it, I just gotta start getting up earlier and showing up a few minutes early is all. It's an easy fix!
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Rules are rules and they apply to everyone, regardless of your grade average, class rank or delusions of grandeur.
Your coming in late disrupts the learning process for those who aren't as lucky as you to have such a great understanding of the subject.. basically it just disrupts the learning for everyone. And, to be perfectly honest, its just plain rude. You signed up for an early morning class yet you know you aren't a morning person?! Really?!
BTW, I also have very high grades in my classes and I still show up for class on time (actually I'm always early).
Chronic tardiness is a huge pet peeve of mine.
151 Posts
But nursing isn't like working for other companies. If you're working on a floor with patients, you're taking over someone else duties and until you show up, they can't leave. I doubt they care about how much work you doing during your shift. Because of this, as student nurses, if we show up late for clinical without contacting the professor with a good reason, we are sent home for the day, seriously jeopordizing our chances of passing the class.
60 Posts
It's not about you, respect the teacher and her policies!
I didn't know you were qualified to make a mental diagnosis such as this. Also, the only reason I took the morning class is because it was the only time available for it. If there was an afternoon class, I would be in it.
I have the highest average grade in my class, 97.2, and my teacher had the audacity to call me out because I have had a few tardies. These rules were not made for people like me, they were made for people who show up late and don't know what they are doing. I occasionally show up late and know what I'm doing better than anyone else, I would go as far to say that I could teach my class if I had to. I know that I should be motivated to get up and be there on time, but I really hate morning classes and this is an early morning class, so it is hard for me because I am a night time person. I could work 3rd shift and it would not phase me in the least bit. /end rantTroll comments below.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck..its a duck..
Doesn't take a psych degree to pick up on when someone has a very very high opinion of themselves and feels that others are below them and that rules don't apply to them because is one way or another they are "special".
115 Posts
I found myself reading this thread with some amusement. Sorry to the original poster, but what were you looking for in your original post? Validation? Kudos for your high class average? There are PLENTY of us on here with the highest score in our classes (FYI- I had over 102% in both A&P 1 and A&P 2) who manage to get to class on time (or early)- every time. I hope that you don't plan on asking that teacher for a recommendation for nursing school down the road. Good grades can only get you so far.
36 Posts
I have no sympathy for the OP. It is extremely rude and disrespectful to repeatedly come to class late. It has nothing to do with the fact that you know what you are doing and that other individuals do not know what they are doing. It has everything to do with the fact that showing up tardy is disruptive to your teacher and your fellow classmates.
"I have no sympathy for the OP. It is extremely rude and disrespectful to repeatedly come to class late. It has nothing to do with the fact that you know what you are doing and that other individuals do not know what they are doing. It has everything to do with the fact that showing up tardy is disruptive to your teacher and your fellow classmates."
Yes, quietly opening the door and going straight to my seat is extremely disruptive. I'd hate to have some of you calculating my drug dosage.
And for the record, I never said the others weren't on my level or anything like that. Also, I don't think the tardy rule should apply only to me; I think it should apply to everyone who is doing well.
And no, I do not expect sympathy from anyone on here. I just came here to rant my opinions. God knows getting sympathy from a nurse (most anyway) is not likely unless you are dying.