Published Mar 15, 2008
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
But all UK nurses will appreciate this,
Who watched the Rugby
I am very very proud to be Welsh today :bowingpur :bowingpur :bowingpur
Billy Shears
137 Posts
Egg chasers :)
nightmare, RN
1 Article; 1,297 Posts
Did they win then?
OH YES 29 - 12 and my neighbours are french and had the Tricolor up this morning.
It's gone now
Good for the Welsh.I see we just avoided the wooden spoon!!!
628 Posts
hey, count me in, my kids wil be over the moon, they are all welsh and proud of it. they were all at the wales-scotland game, not that the result pleased dh as we are scottish. i spent a lot of time in wales so have a close affiliation with it,,,,,,,,, our friends are always telling dh that i am welsh and he gets offended !!!!!!!!
1,049 Posts
good result............. wales win the grand slam and scotland beat the auld enemy.............what more could i ask for!
Well the grand slam would have been nice but ,hey,there's always next year!
OH YES 29 - 12 and my neighbours are french and had the Tricolor up this morning.It's gone now
Ain't life sweet
1,700 Posts
Actually I was more pleased that West Ham ended their rot!!
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
LOL Never watched Ruggers when I lived in the UK so couldn't care less now. My dh loves West Ham