Night Shifters: Do you sleep?


I work on a med-surg floor on nights. I have seen almost every single nurse there hunched over and asleep at one time or another. Some even take blankets from the blanket warmer and get a little too cozy! Sometimes it's so slow that I can't really blame them. I also see their heads bobbing back and forth. So, just curious, do any of you fall asleep on the job? I'm still new so I'm afraid to, but man, some times I wish I did!

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Nope. I work in ICU, no time for that.

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.

Me neither, no Zzzzzz's on a nite shift in the NICU!

Specializes in Rural Nursing = Med/Surg, ER, OB, ICU.

I have worked nights since the 1st of January and I don't ever sleep while I am on duty. I work in a small rural hospital where it seems to always be feast or famine. Things can change very quickly. It may start slow but by morning we may have several admits, could have delivered a baby or had a trauma (or sore throat!) come in to ER. I am always on gaurd because we only have 2 RN's or an RN and an LPN on night shift for our 17 bed hospital. If it is slow we read or do needlework or side work. We never sleep.

Specializes in LTC.

Nope. I can only see myself losing my job if I did that. I know some of the units when they take their breaks they go and nap, but that doesn't happen on my unit, which makes me really happy.

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

i've never slept at work on the night shift. always too busy.

but one time, this nurse fell asleep in a rolling chair and was snoring really loud. another nurse came up behind her to startle her and wake her up. she fell out of the chair and broke her arm. not good to sleep in the ER.

I tried working nights for a month. Things didn't get really hard until about 3AM and then I was so tired I thought the night would never end. I tried taking a nap but if I'm not in my bed just right I simply can't sleep. Until I got in my car and tried to make the 45 minute drive home. I was so exhausted I sometimes thought I would have to pull over on the side of the road. I'd have to blast the stereo or sing to stay awake.

I know one of the regular night nurses will pull a geri-recliner in the tv room and lay back and snore. The big whigs know it and while they don't condone it, they don't say anything. There isn't exactly a waiting list of people who want the night shift.

I think it is okay as long as there are people watching the halls for you. Night shift is incredibly hard on yoru body and I'm thankful there are people willing to work it. They won't get a hard time from me for taking a power nap here and there. I've known of too many people who have wrecked on the way home from a NOC shift. One man was killed. I can't believe some boss who slammed down their fists and insisted no one close their eyes for a minute would like to have that on their conscience...on second thought, I'm sure there are people who don't care.

I say if the people are getting taken care of, do what you need to do to make it through the shift.

I agree!! I don't see anything wrong with catching a few zzz's, as long as the floor is covered by other nurses. sometimes just a power nap makes all the difference. also, on a side note, the upper level people know that these people sleep from time to time, but don't say anything. it's a don't ask-don't tell type thing.

I work at a rural hospital, a couple of our CNA's will sleep and 2 charge nurses will sleep (one is my boss and it usually doesn't happen unless she has done many many 12 hour nights in a row) However, I don't believe I have ever seen one of the nurses directly caring for patients sleep. A couple of times I have felt pretty sleepy, but I usually take a brisk walk down the hall or something. I don't think I can wake up at a snap and be fully functional though some people can and I envy them. Therefore for the safety of my patients I don't allow myself that quick snooze.

Good luck to all the night workers!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Psych.

I have been doing nights for 2+ years and have never seen a co-worker sleep during their shift. Most nights, we don't have time for a break, never mind a nap!

When I worked on the floors the hours from 0300-0500 were the absolute hardest. All the patients (or most) were sleeping. I never fell asleep, but I caught myself doing that infamous head nod then jerking yourself awake thinking, "what did I miss? where am I?"

Things changed once I hit the ER..too busy to even think about sleep and usually too wound up to fall asleep for several hours after my shift.

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

Things changed once I hit the ER..too busy to even think about sleep and usually too wound up to fall asleep for several hours after my shift.

so true. there would be days i would work 1600-0700 and get home and still not be able to sleep. even after i left the ER, i heard the dinging of the tele monitors, code alarms and red phone when i tried to sleep for months afterwards. my boyfriend said i used to yell out things in my sleep like "did you run that ABG" and "someone throw me a miller blade" for a good six months after i left that job.

ive been working days now for a year and a half, and i find myself getting super sleepy between the hours of 1500-1700. i sleep better when its light out, i think i am just meant for the night shift. i would rather sleep during the day. i think thats why i went to nights in the first place.

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