New RN in crisis

Nurses Recovery


I am new to this site, so I may not be posting this in the right area. I am an alcoholic and went to work intoxicated on Friday. They tested me and my urinalysis showed a high ETOH. I was working the unit clerk position, as I don't start my RN job for two more weeks at another company. Does anyone know if my company can report me to the BON even if am not an RN there? Does Florida have an impaired healthcare provider program? I have hit rock bottom and I am desperately searching for hope. I'm not sure where to turn. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Can you put yourself in the IPN program- if you call and enroll in my state before you are reported you can avoid the BON being involved...

As you weren't working as an RN you might not be reported- it depends on how savvy your current employer is to the law and if they are a mandatory reporter.

Bottom line though is that I am sorry you have this struggle- I was caught 4 years ago impaired- this hasn't been easy but I went through a program (IOP) and sought the help of a counselor- I am a much much happier person, I have more confidence, and I am healthy. It has been worth it overall.

Try the AA meetings- I for one cannot stand them- there are different modalities that work for different people- so make healing yourself a priority- you deserve it.


thank you so much for being nice to me. I've been shredding myself for a long time now, but particularly since this happened. Nobody can be harder on me than me, so it was nice to get your message.

I attempted to contact IPN for a consultation, today, but they were already closed. I left my name and number and asked them to call me back. I found an AA chapter close to my house and they have open meetings tomorrow, so I am going to go to atleast one of them. I also found other chapters that are close by that have open meetings on other days that I plan to attend. This has been my "scared straight" moment. I can't believe I actually did something that might destroy my chances of being an RN. I've wanted to be one since I was a little girl.


Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

Keep coming back, I promise it works, if you work it (your recovery program) can even be a better nurse for the journey....

Specializes in diabetic education, dialysis.

I never want to feel again, what you feel now. It may be the scariest, worst moment of your life but I promise it will produce love, happiness and success beyond what you can dream today. Stop being controlled by your disease. Join the fight and let's get on top of this. Much love.

Specializes in PDN; Burn; Phone triage.

You can go to meetings marked closed as well. Open means that non-alcoholics can attend. And really all you need to attend a closed meeting is a desire not to drink.

Hope that helps some. :)

Specializes in Hospice.

I am currently an IPN participant in Florida. While I can't tell you what your employer will do, you are getting wise suggestions to seek help now. In the end, this is about saving your life, not whether or not you can practice as a nurse. Begin going to AA meetings NOW and reach out for help from other women. By all means, get a sponsor. If you are in need of detox or rehab, I would highly suggest seeking that out. While IPN is intimidating, they are a program designed to help nurses with addiction issues. I have come to be grateful for them as they have given me an added level of accountability in my recovery. I have found that they appreciate honesty and will work with participants when they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Through seeking a program of recovery and doing the next right thing, I have found a life that I never dreamed possible. There IS hope in recovery...I wish you the very best!

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

Please hang in there,there is another and better way to live and please listen to these good folks as they give great advice!

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

There are some very good people on this forum.

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