New Grad RN can't find a job

Nurses Job Hunt


I graduated in December 2014. I passed my boards a couple of weeks later in mid January. Since then, I have applied to over 200 jobs. I have sent follow up emails, made phone calls, the whole 9 yards. Yet, still nothing. I am in the metro Atlanta area and have increased my search to many surrounding cities. I have searched for nurse residency programs and new grad RN positions. I still can't find anything. What else can I do? I'm frustrated that they always say "nurses are always in high demand" but no one wants to give the new grads a shot.

Specializes in CMSRN.
i applied and was offered a new grad job at northside... omg the pay was horrible. 23 bucks and hr! I was floored how low that was!

I'm soon glad i got my job in cali!

To say that is low is to assume all markets are the same. New nurses in my area are hired in around $21-22/hr in acute care and less in offices. $23 for a new nurse in my area wouldn't be offensive or low at all.

And really, depending on cost of living, higher pay may not mean much if the bills are a lot higher. I wouldn't even begin to want to pay the cost of living in Cali compared to where I live. It's all about perspective.

Specializes in CMSRN.
If worse comes to worse, you could always drop $400-600 and hire a certified resume writer to

professionally write a resume+cover letter. If you pick an experience resume writer, they might be able

to get you an interview.

These are almost never worth the money. It's much better to have people you respect, potentially nurses on floors where you want to work or your former nursing instructors, take a look at your resume and offer advice. Services can't tailor a resume to your career the way that someone working in that field can. Good luck!

Specializes in CMSRN.

I know how frustrating the Job Search can be but please don't get discouraged! I graduated in May 2013 and passed NCLEX in June 2013. I applied to more places than I can even begin to remember. I was avoiding LTC for personal reasons but was applying to lots of other things.

I applied to HHC at the time but they tend to want experienced nurses, as you are out there alone and without experience things can get real hairy, real fast.

I was able to get a job in an office, which I had already applied to but hadn't gotten a response from, because a former classmate thought of me for a job opening and recommended me. A couple of months after I was hired I got a call from the same company's Hiring Dept saying they had my resume and was I still interested in a position. I had to laugh when I walked over to their office and told them I was already an employee. My point with that is sometimes hiring can take SO much longer than we think it will so don't lose hope.

Also, whatever you decide, know that it is NOT permanent. I know lots of people that went to LTC for the experience and went in to acute care hospitals after about a year. I actually left the office after a year and within 4 weeks of sending out apps I had two job offers. I now work full-time in an acute care setting and PRN in home health. If you go in to a less than ideal situation for your future goals with a positive attitude about the skills and experience you will be gaining, it will make the situation much better than you think.

I hope you're able to find something soon!

If you meet the requirement, look into military service. I went in out of high school, used my GI Bill for school when i got out. Even a reserve unit will get you experience. I never regretted joining the Army and wpuld do it again in a minute. Good luck!

Try Albany GA. We have a lot of positions and they still hire new grads without BSN. Its critical right now in that they are paying us $100 more per critical short staffed day especially Friday-Monday. You can PM me if you like more info! Med-surg is where the significant need is!

While you personally may not want to live there please don't knock on north Dakota. There are actually plenty of people who go there to get a start on their careers. It's a great place for new grads who are willing to move.

Hey, I'm allowed to think it's a crappy place if I want to.

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.
Hey, I'm allowed to think it's a crappy place if I want to.

Of course, saying you don't like it there is perfectly ok, but implying that others wouldn't want to is disrespectful.

Like I said earlier to help op, North Dakota is accepting new grads even if they're asn. It's a good opportunity for new grads who are able to relocate.

Of course, saying you don't like it there is perfectly ok, but implying that others wouldn't want to is disrespectful.

Like I said earlier to help op, North Dakota is accepting new grads even if they're asn. It's a good opportunity for new grads who are able to relocate.

There are plenty of other regions hiring with better climate and access to large cities and cultural amenities. Rural areas of Virginia, for one. As far as being "disrespectful," I have to give a hardy "whatever" to that. If disdain for ND is the worst you hear today, I'd say you're doing very well.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
Oh yes, someone did indeed say that, because I clearly recall apologizing that my cancer hadn't killed me off fast enough. This was quite a while ago, and I would never be able to find that post, but I would never make something like that up, that's for sure.

Well, that is interesting, I thought you were a guy. Of course, maybe you are a guy, just one who wears makeup. ;)

I found that thread! 😜

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.
There are plenty of other regions hiring with better climate and access to large cities and cultural amenities. Rural areas of Virginia, for one. As far as being "disrespectful," I have to give a hardy "whatever" to that. If disdain for ND is the worst you hear today, I'd say you're doing very well.

I have no issue with your disdain for north Dakota, it's climate or its culture. To be fair, some people prefer it be cold rather than hot.

Anyways, you're absolutely correct that I'm doing very well today but it is disrespectful when someone is dismissive of a suggestion that was valid and helpful.

Didn't realize that we were supposed to be condescending to suggestions that were made to help others. My bad. Sarcasm over.

Please don't blame it all on more experienced nurses. Many would love to train new nurses to reduce patient to staff ratio. It's management and hr that doesn't want to hire.

they post the ad for positions, sure. though the words in the description/requirements are verbatim, per a nurse. besides paperwork, screening, and the random behavior/personality questions that are not directly relevant to nursing, Human Resource is not involved in the hiring process beyond that. their actions are dictated by the department requesting the hire. my sister is in HR, a close friend of mine, and i actually wrote a job posting for a position i left in my previous career.

if i had to choose? i would want a nurse with experience than a new graduate i would have to train. who wants to add to their workload?

I was a CNA for 4 years and when I graduated with my ADN in 07 I interviewed and was hired, but it was 07. I went on to get my BSN and now quit and am in grad school for my NP. My unit has a lot of turnover though and many of our CNA's get hired as RN's after graduation.

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