Published Feb 5, 2010
121 Posts
Just wondering how the job market is for new grads in Arizona? I will be graduating this May with an associates degree in NYS. It seems like there are hiring freezes in many states and new grads are having a hard time finding positions in hospitals and even LTC.
Bug Out, BSN
342 Posts
Jobs are tight but can be found esp in LTC/SNF/LTACHs here.
1,194 Posts
Jobs are tight everywhere!
74 Posts
Any suggestions as to which LTC's would be good to look into? Do you know starting pay? Thanks
Anywhere and everywhere is a good place to apply.
Starting pay for LTC/SNF/LTACH is anywhere from $28-$35hr
Low key smaller places pay closer to $28...for obvious reasons.
Is it really hard to get an acute care job in the hospital after working in LTC? I have heard that it is very hard to get into a hospital after working in LTC and I know someone who worked in LTC for 1 year because there were no hospital jobs and then tried to get on a med/surg floor and they told her to take a refresher course! It was only for one year!
Beggers can't be choosers. Better to work in something/anything in Nursing than take a year off.
LTACHs tend to be a good transition job giving you a good variety of experiences.
To be honest I feel as though my SNF is giving me some good experience in certain things such as dressings, assessments, time management, and other certain meds but I am losing my IV med knowledge amongst other things...
Either way, I pay more in taxes now working at a SNF than I used to make salary at my previous job.
FarawaySoClose, BSN, DNP, RN
76 Posts
I know this is probably a dumb question but what does LTACH mean and what are some examples? I've heard of SNF and LTC but never heard that one before. Thanks :)
Hoozdo, ADN
1,555 Posts
LTACH- Long term acute care hospital. The typical patient used to be in an ICU and has a trach with vent that needs a long time to wean from the ventilator. I believe the pay is better than hospitals or SNFs.
Some large LTACHs around Phoenix are Kindred, Select Specialty, and Promise.
10 Posts
If you have options to relocate somewhere else, I'd strongly suggest looking there first. Arizona, specifically Maricopa County (Phoenix Metropolitan Area), produces the most nurses nationwide. Furthermore, they are trying to transition out associates level nurses for bachelors level nurses.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
. Furthermore, they are trying to transition out associates level nurses for bachelors level nurses.
Who is "they"? "They" have been trying to do that for probably 20 years.
139 Posts
I agree. If they were really trying to transition away from ADN they wouldn't have the program at every CC in the Valley with such huge waiting lists.