new grad depressed and feeling burnt out already

Nurses General Nursing


been on the job for seven weeks (with preceptor) at a hospital....but i already feel down....i do everything i could, dont even eat anymore, but stilll feel like i havent done enough..worse, i get home thinking the things i may have missed or done wrong, so im losing sleep (started taking xanax, but doesnt help much)

im 21 and got a full scholarship at a uni for rn-bsn (will take 2 years, and have to be a full time student) first, i thought i could do full time at, i feel like just going for school. i told our director like 2 weeks ago about this situation. at that point, i told her that i still like working at the hospital. but she told me i cant do part time cuz im a new grad, so maybe i can try both worlds full time....

Now, things are just getting harder--and realize if i work full time while studying, i may not be able to keep the grades then lose the scholarship....i dont know what to do. i thought of resigning, but im afraid they'll hate me after spending money on me for 2 months. and im worried about what my family, friends, the staff, fellow orientees, and preceptors would reallllly feeling down, insecure and....LONELY . need some advice....

Specializes in Oncology.

My thoughts..... find a part-time job and go back to school. I am a new grad as well and I know the stress of learing on the job at a hospital. I have a BSN and initially thought that I would immediately go to grad school part-time and continue to work at the hospital. After 7 months on the job, I do not feel I have the energy or extra room in my brain for more education. So, I have declined an acceptance into a grad program and opted to work for the next year and then enter into a full-time grad program. I completely understand your stress level as a new grad. I leave work every day dreading when I have to return. It has gotten somewhat easier as I get more comfortable, but I know that I DO NOT want to be a hospital staff nurse any longer than necessary. Therefore, I will pursue my masters and move on!!! Do what makes you happy. If you don't see yourself being a staff nurse long-term, then get the education. Everyone has their place in the nursing world. I work with nurses who have worked as a hospital floor nurse for years and they love it!!! I have such respect for them and even envy their love for the job. But it just isn't for me. Experience is important, but you are young and you can get experience any time. I don't think future employers will hold it against you for leaving a job to further your education.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

Personally I would try to hold onto both for a while and see if I could handle it. You might be able to handle the workload long enough for you to be able to transfer to a part-time position at work and then you can continue to do both. If you absolutely can't do both then I'd leave the job. Submit a letter of resignation citing that you are pursuing further education and that you hope to be able to work for them again in the future, don't forget your two weeks notice.

!Chris :specs:

I agree with who said to stay and work. Also a new grad, and been looking FOR A YEAR. I would give anything to have a hospital job. PLUS, many hospitals, (even in this economy) will help pay for a portion of your schooling if you decide you like it and want to persue the BSN. And if you stick it out for a year and still hate it, then maybe instead of BSN you can go back for something more geared towards your current interests. ??? I think it's tough but you're not alone. Everyone has warned me about feeling the way you do. I think it's pretty normal actually. Many people have been where you are. You too can do this.

Keep your job. Go back to school after working 1 or 2 years

Specializes in Hospice.

Im a bsn Rn/new grad. Good for you for going back to school....can you go part time to school? and once your off your orientation can you go part time? if so maybe just hold out a little longer.


Consider it an internship. Experience counts. It's a bit early, but would be great if you could transfer to another shift, or another department. Maybe, that will give you the edge you need. Can you put your scholarship on hold until you work out the details of what you are going to do? Once you get your basic experience, more options will be available.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

whether you go to school full time and quit the job, keep the job and go to school part time, try to do both or do neither, please be careful not to burn any bridges. as some of the previous posters said, it doesn't really matter whether your boss likes you or not . . . unless you might want to go back to work there once you have your bsn. or, if there's someone else you'd really like to work when you have your bsn, you may be surprised to see your present boss in charge of that place. it's a small world. don't burn bridges.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I had a scholarship into the RN program (many decades ago when I was 18), I gave it up. I have regretted that all these years. I didn't get back to college until I was in my 40's. I had to work full time while going to school full time. It was the LPN program and it was the hardest thig I ever did. I can only imagine what the courses you have to take would be like. I say if you can let the job go, get your education.

My first question to you is....are you sure that you want to be an RN? If so, I would definetely pursue your BSN. But I would not try to do both school and work full time if you are already taking xanax and this burnt will end in complete disaster. If you are in the financial situation to go to school and not have to work, I would do that....your BSN will open up so many more doors for you.

You will be ok, but please take care of yourself and stop worrying about what other people think. You have to take care of yourself first before you can be a good caretaker to others. Good luck to you.

when i said lonely...i guess im realizing i dont know anymore who's concerned of my welfare...i wanted support from family, friends and co-workers...and now im realizing their decisions for me are based on their own interests..........................................the thing is, i still dont know what to time im sure, the next im not....i keep changing my mind.

Thanks everyone for the input..... I am leaving the job...will head back to school

Specializes in ER.

Why cant you take a leave of absence

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