Published Aug 20, 2014
BrnEyedGirl, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
1,236 Posts
I've been watching all the hype about the new FaceBook messenger. If even half of what I read is true, can FB have access to my phone, which includes protected health information from work, without violating HIPAA? Have any of you heard anything from your employers about this? Many that I work with have access to patient charts via their phones, FB has no business seeing this!
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Check with IT or corporate compliance at work.
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
I simply won't download the app on my phone so I won't have FB messenger anymore. Oh well, I'll survive it. I'm not giving them access to more info than they already have. It's ridiculous that they are requiring access to everything to have this. Hopefully enough others will refuse to sign up and perhaps they will change their demands.
Just click install and cancel the download and voilà! you have access to your FB messages again
357 Posts
I deleted it because it's essentially a form of "low jack". It knows your location and posts it with the message.
2,188 Posts
I uninstalled the FB app altogether. FB is easily accessed via its mobile site using Chrome. FB is just too nosy into the contacts on my phone and everything else.
I spoke with a guy in IT at work today,...he claims many of the free apps we have on our phones have the exact same access to our phone. He reminded me that nothing is free, we and our data are the payment. He suggested I look at the detail of all my free apps, he claims most of them have the exact same access.
Great.... I'm starting to miss my rotary phone and letter writing...
897 Posts
You can disable that.
The Facebook app requires the exact same permissions as the Messenger app.
Facebook is not some mom and pop company. They would not release an app that would innately violate a federal law. The hysteria over the Facebook Messenger app is kind of funny to me, because many apps require such seemingly invasive permissions but people need the blogosphere to point them out to realize it. If this were an app developed by some random foreign company that has no notoriety, I would be worried. Not saying I 'trust' Facebook, but they have a lot more to lose than I do. If they want to watch me play Angry Birds while I'm on the toilet, then I feel pretty special.
Also, I recommend everyone to read this: Facebook Messenger
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,317 Posts
When I set up work email, my phone is encrypted. I have not installed the FB app anyway, but that is the way they have it set up so we can use our phones at work safely.
edmia, BSN, RN
827 Posts
Well, the real HIPAA problem lies with a company that allows users to access charts via a personal phone. If the phone is company issue (like I have), then they need to regulate what is allowed to be installed.
You can't really VPN protect a phone, so the company needs to either prohibit use of any apps that allow access to contacts and photos or not allow access to patient charts via that kind if device. Simple as that.
Also, as someone mentioned above, FB messenger is no different from a hundred other apps that ask you for permissions when you install them. If you want privacy, don't use a smart phone. If you want to participate in the world via the convenience of technology, understand there is no privacy and be smart about it.
I guess two questions here... Why are you using personal social media apps on a work issued smart phone? And/or why are you accessing confidential patient information on your personal phone that you use for personal social media?