Nervous about graduating


Specializes in Ortho.

I'm about to go into my last semester of nursing, graduating in December... And I don't feel ready. I just can't quit worrying about EVERYTHING!

I worry that I won't be competent, that I'll hurt somebody, about the criticisms of annoyed experienced nurses, about rude doctors....

And then there's everything leading up to that... What if I fail my last semester, fail NCLEX, can't get a job... And I'm basically clueless on resumes since I've never even had a job that required a resume before, only ones that require nothing more than an application. And I have very little to put on a resume to boot.

I'm freaking out and I don't know how to stop. I keep getting told "you've come this far, you're fine" but that's by people who have not been through nursing school, especially not my school which has a reputation as the hardest in the area. Oh and of course when I worry about the safety of my patients I get "you're just a nurse, you're not a doctor, you're not gonna hurt anybody." Clueless.

Any advice? :dead:

Stop asking yourself, 'What if?" You're making up scenarios and psyching yourself out. Stop.

If you need help with resumes, there are so many examples and resources available online.

You won't be a competent nurse as you graduate nursing school. No one expects you to be. It takes time and experience, both of which you don't have yet. No one expects you to graduate and jump in the job without guidance. Focus on what you can do in this moment, rather than making up these scenarios about the worst situation possible.

Specializes in NICU, RNC.

OMG! The struggle is so real! I, too, am getting ready to head into my final semester. I have my resume put together, I'm looking at where to get my BSN, looking at where to apply for a job, and then it will suddenly hit me "But wait. You haven't actually graduated yet. You might not pass." And then the terror sets in. I have 3 kids to support. Everything is riding on this. The pressure is crazy. I was so excited about starting every single other semester, but this final one has me terrified! I don't even want to think about the NCLEX or being on the floor without an instructor to fall back on. I just keep telling myself to just concentrate on graduating, but omg, my brain won't quit.

Specializes in Ortho.

I'm sorry you're feeling the stress too but I appreciate that you understand! Instead of just telling me to stop doing what I asked HOW to stop lol

I just wonder if this is a common feeling at this point. I feel like it might help us to know how others have felt right at the end and how they dealt with it.

Specializes in Neuroscience.

I suppose you can just quit now and not worry about anything. That's an option.

Specializes in Ortho.

How kind of you.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

My grannie used to refer to this type of worrying as "paying interest on money you haven't even borrowed"...

If you're a worrywart, this type of thinking is pretty much your "normal". But if not, it may be well worth your while to learn some stress management techniques. There are plenty of sources for this - many of them are free. Techniques such as controlled breathing, conscious relaxation, meditation . . . they all work to reduce physical reactions to stress. If all else fails, you may want to engage the services of a qualified counselor. Your school may have this service for free.

Best of luck to you.

Specializes in NICU, Trauma, Oncology.
I'm about to go into my last semester of nursing, graduating in December... And I don't feel ready. I just can't quit worrying about EVERYTHING!

I worry that I won't be competent, that I'll hurt somebody, about the criticisms of annoyed experienced nurses, about rude doctors....

And then there's everything leading up to that... What if I fail my last semester, fail NCLEX, can't get a job... And I'm basically clueless on resumes since I've never even had a job that required a resume before, only ones that require nothing more than an application. And I have very little to put on a resume to boot.

I'm freaking out and I don't know how to stop. I keep getting told "you've come this far, you're fine" but that's by people who have not been through nursing school, especially not my school which has a reputation as the hardest in the area. Oh and of course when I worry about the safety of my patients I get "you're just a nurse, you're not a doctor, you're not gonna hurt anybody." Clueless.

Any advice? :dead:

Save for the resume part (because I've already played that game in my previous career), I feel exactly the same way!!!

Specializes in Critical Care.

Have you held any type of job in the past? Customer service work is applicable, as it shows an ability to interact with the public (which is who you'll be interacting with). Look at the big picture of your past jobs and see what skills you picked up that could be applicable to a job as a nurse.

It is hard to stop worrying - like you, I am a big worrier. I'm just starting out in nursing school, so my worries are different from yours (I can't even fathom thinking of a nursing job right now!!) but I've found that when the stress gets to be too much I go in my room, make sure it's somewhat tidy so that I don't have a physical reminder of clutter (which equals stress as far as I'm concerned), then I set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes and do deep breathing (counting 1-10 while breathing in through my nose, then 1-10 while breathing out through my mouth) while lying flat on my back with my eyes closed. I allow nothing to interrupt (e.g., my phone goes on silent so I don't get interrupted with a text). Before I start, I tell myself that I am not allowed to think about school, money, work, etc., once I start that timer. It's incredibly relaxing and refreshing, doesn't take long to do, and I always feel a lot less stressed or pressured once my timer goes off. I always feel more focused and energized and ready to tackle my problems afterwards!

Specializes in NICU.
I keep getting told "you've come this far, you're fine" but that's by people who have not been through nursing school, especially not my school which has a reputation as the hardest in the area.

Aren't you making their point for them? Wouldn't the hardest nursing school in the area prepare you the best to be a nurse?

"about the criticisms of annoyed experienced nurses, about rude doctors...."

I am going to quote the FLOTUS here - "When they go low, you go high." Focus on your critical thinking, your skills, and excellent patient care. People can and will talk. Only thing you can do is focus on being a competent, exceptional nurse.

Don't worry, you can't make the decisions before you try.

And what about resume, it is really very important. First impressions count, and the first impression that a potential employer will have of you, is going to depend on your resume. Personally, I've decided to ask specialists to help me with that. I've checked the reviews firstly and I've found out that Supreme essay has pretty good ones. But it's up to you to decide.

My advice is not afraid to try something new. Good luck!

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