Need online A&PII class and Microbiology class please help


I am looking for a online A&PII and a Microbiology classes that I can take online. I want it to be able to transfer to my community college or any other college I might attend. If someone could please help me it would make a big difference.

I am looking for a online A&PII and a Microbiology classes that I can take online. I want it to be able to transfer to my community college or any other college I might attend. If someone could please help me it would make a big difference.

i doubt you will find anything online for these classes as they require Lab hours. If you find one online better check with the uni you want to transfer too and make sure they except it.

I agree with catzy5. I think most colleges (I could be wrong), but I think most require labs with all these. Now when I was taking Micro at my college, they did offer the lecture portion of Micro online (it was an experimental case) but students had to come in every week to attend the lab portion. They did away with it the next semester because too many students failed.

**Just one experience out of many**

Specializes in home health, neuro, palliative care.

Colorado CCs offer both through CCCOnline: CCCOnline : Annual Course Listing They are guaranteed transfer to 4 year within the state, but you would have to check with your own school. Good luck!


Colorado CCs offer both through CCCOnline: CCCOnline : Annual Course Listing They are guaranteed transfer to 4 year within the state, but you would have to check with your own school. Good luck!


thats really interesting I wonder how well that works have you taken any of their online sciences?

Our school wouldn't except the course though they are very picky and has to be a 5 credit with so many hours in a lab to be acceptable.

Specializes in NICU.
Colorado CCs offer both through CCCOnline: CCCOnline : Annual Course Listing They are guaranteed transfer to 4 year within the state, but you would have to check with your own school. Good luck!


I took A&P I, A&PII, Micro., & Human Growth & Development all through CCConline and loved it. You never have to go to campus, they send you lab kits and you do everything at home. It is very hard and very time-consuming, but a great option for those that need to do the classes online. Just check with the school you plan to attend to make sure the credits will transfer, but the classes are through schools which are fully accredited and have transferred just fine for me. Most of the students in my classes were from Colorado, but we did have some out-of-state people attending as well. As long as you are a good self-motivator and can set your own deadlines, it is the way to go! I love online classes!

I have also heard good things about edukan, but I have never taken classes from them so I don't know anything about them other than they seem to have a good reputation.

Best of luck, let me know if you have any questions. ;)

I took chemistry with ccconline. Great class. However, they are a little pricey.

I took A&P I and II with labs at EduKan Online Home Page They are a group of community colleges in Kansas. MUCH CHEAPER.

I didn't have a problem transfering any of my sciences, either. However, I would check with your school before taking any online science classes.

I hope this helps!


I took my classes from Rio Salado College and Edukan.. just check with your nursing program to see if they accept online science courses (labs are included)

Remember.. doesn't make it easier.. in fact.. I think Rio is harder.. so many essays.. but I am learning tons...

I went to Indiana University and I know that they now offer a lot online. Also, The community college near me offers what they call 'hybrid' courses where you can do the lecture stuff on your own but have to come on campus a few times a semester for lab. Would such an arrangement work for you?

Also note that for transfer, some colleges require you to complete both A&Ps through the same college to ensure all material got covered.

Specializes in Oncology, OR.

I took AP1 and APII (with Labs) through Edukan. Great classes, lots of work, reasonable tuition. No problem with transferring these courses to my nursing program.

Like others have mentioned, just make sure anything you take online is transferrable especially sciences. But I think more schools are on board with distance learning these days, thankfully! AZ Mom also had a good point, many schools require that AP1 and AP2 be taken from the same school.

I am currently in CCCOnline's A&P II and Micro classes. The labs are very expensive and a little harder since you don't have the instructor's help right there. Especially when doing the pig dissection, finding out what vein is what. They are both challanging classes, but I'm enjoying them! Their labs were $275 and $295. Plus microscope, which is a requirement, another $90, plus oil immersion lens, another $20. This is not the price of class or books. This is just the cost of the supplies for lab. You have to log on at least once everyother day and there is a recording of when you log on, what you do and how long you are there. PM me if you want more information.

Thanks and good luck, Kelly

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