Need a nursing school which does not require prerquisites for admission


Hello Everyone,

I am a 1st year Graduate student studying IT and is now considering changing fields.I have an Undergraduate degree in IT with Psychology. I want to change my career focus to Nursing I have always loved and cared for people especially when in need of help. It has taken me a while to identify my true career path- Nursing. I want to be a Nurse. I desire to be a Nurse. I believe its a right choice.

I want to start with the Accelerated (BSN) program. I have contacted some schools but they all need me to take a couple of prerequisites before i can be admitted. These prerequisites i believe will take me a while. I want to start this Fall, 2008.

Does anyone know a school who will be ready to admit me with a waiver of these prerequites. I have some covered at my undergraduate level though. I graduated with a BA in IT with Psychology.I had a good GPA. I will try and take some this summer but will not be able to complete all prerequisites this summer.

I will be interested in schools located in PA, VA, GA, MA, SC & NC.

tHANK YOU:nurse::nurse::nurse::)


Specializes in Hospice.

I most certainly don't know proof positive, but when I was researching schools they ALL required prereqs. There are just certain things you HAVE to know inside of the nursing program such as A&P, Micro, Med Term. If you didn't know them you would be so lost!

Good luck in your endevours.:wink2:

I never found any that didn't have pre-reqs either.

Chemistry, Algebra, and Biology was the big ones. Some programs require you to take A&P I and II in advance (but mine didn't).

The reason for some of the pre-reqs, is because how sucessful you are in nursing school is highly correlated with how well you do in those classes.

For a Fall 2008 admission, it's probably too late to apply in many schools...admissions are usually done in the Fall of the previous year or in January, because of the extensive admissions process.

I agree with the others. Every Nursing program I've seen requires pre-req work. I have a BA in Biology and yet have had to complete seven courses post-bacc to apply to Nursing school. A and P 1 and 2 and Microbiology are absolute essentials to take Before nursing school. Be patient and Good Luck!

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Believe me, you don't want to go into a nursing program without the basic pre-reqs. Of all the courses you'll have to take, these are the ones you truly need and will use daily in your nursing practice.

Specializes in LDRP.

Yep, you MUST have at least those science classes for nursing. I mean, its stuff you NEED to know! I'd be worried about any program w/out those pre-reqs. :)

Good luck! :nurse:

Specializes in SRNA.
Hello Everyone,

These prerequisites i believe will take me a while. I want to start this Fall, 2008.

Pre-reqs aside, I don't know know of any programs that have application windows open at this point to start Fall 2008. Many programs require you to apply 9 months or so in advance of the start date.

Specializes in ER/Ortho.

Most colleges also have a 5 year window on pre req sciences. Even if you took them and made an A if 5 years have passed from the end of that class to the date of acceptance into the program you must retake it. So you also want to check into that.

I agree with everyone on this. I have never ever heard of a school that does not require prereqs. If there was one they would just be setting you up for failure. You need to know basic anatomy & physiology at the minimum. It would be like saying I want to go to (just for arguments sake) physics school (I know there is no "physics school"). Does anyone know of a school that doesn't require you to take math or basic physics courses? It wouldn't make sense. You would fail b/c they would be teaching you advanced physics courses without you knowing how they were computing the equations b/c you never took any math. You would be so lost. In the same way that math is to physics; A&P, micro, & the other sciences are to nursing. How could you study pahthophys if you don't know where the liver is or what it does or what normal is? What about reading in your book that someone had a compound fracture of their tibia? Or being told that a patient needs insulin to manage their diabetes and the pt's family doesn't understand why. You would be wondering what a compound fracture is and where the tibia was located. What is diabetes? Why do some ppl require insulin and others do not? If you did find a school that did not require any prereqs I would start running the other way! They obviously just want your money and don't care if you succeed in their program or in the "real world" of nursing.

Like others have said the app deadline for most schools has come and gone for admission to a Fall 2008 program. If nursing is what you really want to do then don't try to rush through things. Take your time and learn the info being taught at the prereq level. When the time comes to apply to nsg school you will be very happy that you devoted the time to learning the basics. I know many people who have applied to the same program I have and they are sooo scared now b/c they did not really learn the prereq material they just learned enough to get good grades on the tests and then dumped the info. I wish you the best of luck and I hope my crude example made sense!!!


Your crude example made PERFECT sense.

There's no easy path to Nursing School. Med students go through PreMed nursing students go through Preqs, all for obvious reasons as stated above.

Nursing in some states is impacted, and therefore getting into schools is quite hard, even with a 4.0 G.P.A. schools are now asking for ATI testing, supplementals (work in hospital, volunteer, second language) all these requirements are implemented to separate the "everybody and anybody" that wants to be a nurse, from those that really apply themselves to the profession.

I have a BA and had to go through the Preqs like everyone else. it felt very uncool when i tried to enroll in the classes and MANY of those classes were Max capacity. I would suggest you make up your mind to do them and get into the classes, before its late. Like someone said, you should also consider the application deadlines, usually they fall in the Fall time period, and they usually need some main Prereq classes completed with grades before you can actually submit an application. I understand you have a degree, so you probably have most of those other classes done.

Sometimes we feel our case is unique;I learned the hard way, there are harsher stories, more desperate people, probably more qualified people in terms of what field they are transferring from that still have to take prereqs. Just make the decision and plan it out. If it is what you really want, another year of Preqs isn't too bad, and look at it this way, you'll be a better nurse for the extra knowledge. Find the positives in what seems to be a tough position.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Chamberlain College of Nursing Accelerated BSN does not have pre-reqs.

But I am sure you have taken the PSY 101 pre-req and the Algebra pre-req, the English, maybe all but the Sciences. So at least thats not a lot left to take.

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