Published Feb 28, 2010
686 Posts
I am going back to work soon on a part-time basis but want some feedback on which shift would be better to have when you have an infant (my mother will help out in the day time while hubby and I are at work though)-----I have two choices-----weekdays (3) 8 hour shifts on the AM shift or weekdays (2) 12 hour shifts, 7AM-7PM shift. Which schedule would give you an easier time to manage things? Please share your experiences and insights. Thanks.
mustlovepoodles, RN
1,041 Posts
All I can give you is my own experience. I always preferred 8 hour shift. Twelve hour shifts really work out to be more like 14hrs, by the time you figure in transportation time. You'll leave before the baby gets up and get home after the baby goes to bed. Too long for me to be comfortable leaving my baby. I nursed all my babies so I really didn't like to be away from them long. Matter of fact, I never worked days when my babies were little. I worked 11pm-7am. DH either took the baby to a sitter for a few hours or kept the baby himself. I would sleep for about 4 hours then get up for hte rest of the day. I never worked 2 days in a row. Of course, its' a tough schedule but it allowed me to maximize my time with my babies.
twinmommy+2, ADN, BSN, MSN
1,289 Posts
If it were me, I'd pick the 2 12 hour shifts, it gives you more time off inbetween for doctors appointments, grocery store visits and just getting things done around the house.
Ivanna_Nurse, BSN, RN
469 Posts
I second the 2 12's. Especially if the hubs gets off earlier on your scheduled days. Good luck in whatever you decide!
Kooky Korky, BSN, RN
5,216 Posts
Whatever you choose, do have a couple of back-up babysitters in case your Mom needs a day off now and then.
Since Mom is the main sitter, what does she think?
Spacklehead, MSN, NP
620 Posts
If you are breastfeeding, then I would think the 8-hour shifts would be easier because you wouldn't have to pump as often. Also, another factor - how well does the babe sleep at night? It might be easier to get through an 8 hour shift if you are being awakened at night as opposed to a 12.
Like a pp mentioned, I always worked nights on the weekends when my kids were infants so I didn't have to pump that often, and they weren't nursing much during the night anyway. Also, I didn't have to worry about someone else watching them because my hubby was home on the weekends, so I was able to get some sleep. Is a weekend program not an option?
38,333 Posts
I would choose the 2 12's. For two days you deal with work. The third day you are entirely at home for yourself and your family. With 3 8's, a third day of your week is taken up with work and its bothers. I say, do the 2 12's, get it over with, and have the remainder of the week for your family.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
How energetic is your mom?
As another poster pointed out, the door-to-door time for a 12 hour shift is closer to 14 when you factor in commute, leaving late, and getting to work with a bit of time to spare. If your mom and husband can handle the very long day, I would go for the 12 hour shifts.
1,553 Posts
If you are breast feeding, I would go with 8's. That way you can get by with pumping just twice and just once when the baby is older. If you work 12's you will have to find time to deal with pumping more like 3-4 times to maintain your milk supply. I don't like the idea of 12's when you have a baby, like others said it is more like 14 hours when you add in getting stuck 1/2 hr late, driving time, etc. My babies slept about 12 hours at night (not straight through, they woke to nurse) so really you won't have any actual awake time with your baby on the days you do 12's. You would be leaving before they were up, and getting home after they were asleep. If you do 8's, at least you still have a few hours with them. Once they are older and don't sleep as long at night I personally would switch to 12's. I prefer having less days to work/more days off, but won't sacrifice seeing my baby for 2 days a week when they are young.
Mike A. Fungin RN
457 Posts
I'm an RN dad, not mom, but if it were me I'd take the two 12's in a heartbeat. More days spent at home with my kids.