Need Advice, No Longer Able To Be A Nurse

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing

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Has anyone ever gotten denied from an LPN/RN program at one school and got accepted into an LPN/RN program at a different school? I really want to become a nurse and hope my chance has not past.

In 2020, I I was given three chances to pass at LPN Program at a technical school. They gave me an extra chance to succeed because of COVID19. My final drop was April 2020, the starting of  Surg. Tech classes.

I emailed the school today asking could I ever re-enter nursing. They said no, since I already dropped classes for the third time.

I went  through a tough time after finding out a close family member molested my kid and other family member's kids. I did not give them a reason for leaving a third time. Finding out a monster lives  in my family was hard and consumed my mind for awhile. You always think it happens to other families, not yours. The person who molested our kids was paying for my schooling at the time I found out about all of this. The situation was complex and confusing. 

Specializes in Peds ED.
On 10/19/2020 at 10:23 PM, Bumex said:

This is very wrong to do. As someone who does admissions for a RN program, we’ve caught several applicants trying to pull this over just to find a RN or LPN course or reference to transcript from program previously. They get denied outright, and that follows them if they apply again. we have actually also dismissed someone who we found out about their dismissal from a previous program. They had 40k invested and dismissed without chance for appeal on academic dishonesty. They tried suing and lost. Another 10k likely lost for lawyers.

Let alone the ethics behind this being wrong, this advice is flat out poor in terms of setting yourself up for success in the future.

Agreed. Don’t lie on your applications. I transferred multiple times with my first degree and failed an entire semester at one school due to depression-induced “unofficial withdrawal” (basically I stopped showing up but was still enrolled so failed everything). Everywhere I’ve applied since wants all transcripts and they get my semester of Fs from that one school along with the performance I’m more proud of.

I would take some time to care for yourself and your family before reapplying. If you jump back in before you’re ready to give it the attention it needs and are unsuccessful again, the failures will start to build up in to more of a pattern and it will be harder to find a school willing to give you another shot, not to mention the costs to you. When you reapply, I would include a personal statement explaining what happened, how you have worked to be in a place where you can be successful now. I think it’s up to you how much detail you want to include beyond it being a family emergency that caused a lot of trauma to you and your family. 

Specializes in Dialysis.

I'm going to be honest. Yes, you may try another school, but 3 times dropping is a concern. Yes, this last time was a huge family issue, but what about the other 2 times? Be prepared to be questioned on that. As a manager who does hiring, if I saw someone repeatedly quit jobs, I'd have to question it in regards to a successful outcome. A program manager for intake at a nursing school may have the same mindset. I'm just putting it out there, since you mention 3 unsuccessful attemps. I'm not pressing negativity, but wanting you to prepare for what may be asked

On 10/18/2020 at 4:14 AM, Codeine said:

Try applying to different schools,  but list yourself as a new applicant without prior lpn/RN school info. They won't ask about this if you don't list it. And yes you can get accepted to another program if you got dropped at one as long as your past RN /lpn school information isn't listed in application of new school.

When I transfer my classes from my old school to the new school, the dropped LPN classes won't show on the transcript papers sent to my new school?  Maybe only classes I passed gets transferred?  

I read everyone's post and appreciate everyone's help. I email the school that I wanted to attend and explained the situation and has not heard anything from them yet.  I agree with everyone that honesty is the only way to go forward. Thinking this is it for me is hard to accept. My family is safe now. I have confused feelings about my dad now. Today he helped me put a new fan in my bedroom. It feels like I am approving what he did when I let him do stuff for me. This man would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, and he has erased all the good that he has done by hurting children.  I think he regrets it now, 15 years later. However, he won't ever be trusted around our kids and he's never alone with other kids.  Again, thank you for your help.

26 minutes ago, Just Peachy said:

I read everyone's post and appreciate everyone's help. I email the school that I wanted to attend and explained the situation and has not heard anything from them yet.  I agree with everyone that honesty is the only way to go forward. Thinking this is it for me is hard to accept. My family is safe now. I have confused feelings about my dad now. Today he helped me put a new fan in my bedroom. It feels like I am approving what he did when I let him do stuff for me. This man would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, and he has erased all the good that he has done by hurting children.  I think he regrets it now, 15 years later. However, he won't ever be trusted around our kids and he's never alone with other kids.  Again, thank you for your help.

I understand that is your father but I would never let that man in my home again and never around my children or anyone else child, alone or not. Matter of fact, I don't think I would want to be around him either. I have a thing about pedophiles and rapists so that would be a never for me, especially if they hurt my child.

Anywho, yes, be honest and I hope you find a suitable nursing program. However, have you tried being honest with your last program about your situation? Although they won't let you back into their program, maybe they can remove the latest failed attempts from your transcripts to reflect a leave of absence or something to aid you in your future endeavors of applying to another school. Three dropped/failed attempts in nursing school will definitely require an explanation in the future so be prepared with a well thought out answer.

Mrs. Shr, hope all is going well for you. I have a question about LPN program that may be a question for the person over the program. I dropped out of nursing school in May 2020 and when I dropped classes, I was passing everything if I remember correctly. Will I be allowed to re-enter nursing school in a year? I had to stop nursing for a bit to fix a few life situations before I returned to nursing.  I'd love another attempt at accomplishing my LPN diploma at your school.


She sent email explaining why I couldn't get into this school's nursing program again. This came from a instructor that may be over the program now since they other one retired. Can a instructor make this decision and whose makes the decisions for the nursing program?

I probably should email them again and explain my situation and why I dropped out of LPN classes. The weird part is  dropped classes in March 2020 and I got a phone call from an instructor asking if I was returning in fall.  I told the instructor no that I am taking CNA classes. The instructor and I talked for a while before saying goodbye. The teachers there are nice and will miss them.  Hoping after a year of working, they will reconsider me. 


Specializes in Dialysis.
6 hours ago, Just Peachy said:

Mrs. Shr, hope all is going well for you. I have a question about LPN program that may be a question for the person over the program. I dropped out of nursing school in May 2020 and when I dropped classes, I was passing everything if I remember correctly. Will I be allowed to re-enter nursing school in a year? I had to stop nursing for a bit to fix a few life situations before I returned to nursing.  I'd love another attempt at accomplishing my LPN diploma at your school.


She sent email explaining why I couldn't get into this school's nursing program again. This came from a instructor that may be over the program now since they other one retired. Can a instructor make this decision and whose makes the decisions for the nursing program?

I probably should email them again and explain my situation and why I dropped out of LPN classes. The weird part is  dropped classes in March 2020 and I got a phone call from an instructor asking if I was returning in fall.  I told the instructor no that I am taking CNA classes. The instructor and I talked for a while before saying goodbye. The teachers there are nice and will miss them.  Hoping after a year of working, they will reconsider me. 


If that instructor is over the program, then yes, that instructor can make that decision. There are policies in place to guide, so that there aren't lawsuits and such,  and guidelines regarding admissions/readmissions to assure that admissions/readmissions are consistent and fair. If you have questions about that, reaching out to the dean of the school may be appropriate. You stated that instructor sent an explanation as to why you couldn't continue. Could you share some of that? It will help us with an answer. Actually, it should provide you with an answer. I'm going to be honest though. With 3 drops, they most likely aren't interested in the circumstances. Most schools give 1 extra chance, so you had 1 more than most others. I would try another school and hope for the best. Good luck

17 hours ago, Just Peachy said:

I read everyone's post and appreciate everyone's help. I email the school that I wanted to attend and explained the situation and has not heard anything from them yet.  I agree with everyone that honesty is the only way to go forward. Thinking this is it for me is hard to accept. My family is safe now. I have confused feelings about my dad now. Today he helped me put a new fan in my bedroom. It feels like I am approving what he did when I let him do stuff for me. This man would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, and he has erased all the good that he has done by hurting children.  I think he regrets it now, 15 years later. However, he won't ever be trusted around our kids and he's never alone with other kids.  Again, thank you for your help.

Just Peachy, 

I am in awe of your ability to put your anger and hurt aside and still think of how to move forward with your life and goals. I applaud you.  As much as I like to think of myself as being to able to control myself emotionally in any given situation, I know if I were in your place the only thinking and planning I would be doing would be who to hire as a lawyer to get me out of jail for manslaughter.  I don't even have children and reading what happened to yours made me fill with anger.  I'm not you, but I agree with NurseBlaq. He is your father, but I would not be near that man ever again.  He does not deserve you as a daughter.

I wish you the best going forward.  I hope something works out for you in finding a school.

I am considering email my teacher to explain to her what happened in my family. Is this a good idea? Maybe emailing her is a waste of time, but must try to.

Specializes in Dialysis.

You can try. Most likely won't help, but you never know

Specializes in oncology.
On 10/30/2020 at 11:45 PM, Just Peachy said:

When I transfer my classes from my old school to the new school, the dropped LPN classes won't show on the transcript papers sent to my new school?  Maybe only classes I passed gets transferred?

You can obtain a copy of your transcript. Contact the school and find out the cost. This will show if you withdrew/failing or withdrew/passing. That information is usually included. You will not be able to use this transcript as one to send to any future school. It will be stamped as "sent to student" but it will be helpful for you to see what a future school will see. 

Be honest in all dealings with any future school. There may be financial aid records which will show you have attended this past school. 

When discussing why you left the school the third time, do not minimize why you did. You were experiencing a family trauma that made it impossible for you to focus on your studies.

When looking for schools, be sure to look at what services they have for students experiencing stress with their studies or home life. This way you will be able to get support to help you with the substantial  stress of juggling school and family. 

I just got a message from my teacher saying the dean of nursing approved my returning in March. I AM BACK IN NURSING!  yes, I am shouting victory. I am so happy that I get to return to my old school. The teachers at my currently school are nice and caring and glad I am returning to the same school. Thanks everyone for you good advice.

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