Published Feb 19, 2009
77 Posts
i've been beating myself up since yesterday after my exam :angryfire because people told me that when you got the wrong ans for the last question it means that you failed the exam. so when my pc shut down at #79 made sure that the # 79 question and choices and the ans. that i picked's stuck in my head. when i got home, checked the right ans for the question on my book and turns out that i was wrong, so i ended up crying the whole day yesterday.. i will stop for a min then cry again.. got 7 select all that apply, meds that i don't even know, priority questions and no math. im so depressed my dad said that all we can do now is pray, really feel that i failed.. is it really true? about that last question stuff? i can't even eat im so depressed..
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
There is no truth failing last question means you failed the exam. We have had posters post on here they know they got the last question wrong and still passed. Hang in there and wait for your results. Do not assume anything with this exam as you just can't predict with it
BroadwayRN, ASN, RN
164 Posts
That is totally an old wives tale. Who makes up this stuff anyway?
914 Posts
That's not true. You know that 15 of the questions you are given are pilot questions -- questions that don't count toward your score. What if the last 15 questions you're asked are pilot questions, and you get each and every one of them wrong? It doesn't impact your score one way or the other. Since no two tests are alike, and each is generated based on the individual's responses, blanket generalizations cannot be applied. There's no point in beating yourself up over it.
20 Posts
i can attest that the last question myth is incorrect. i went all the way to 265 which i thought the myth truly applied to but i passed. i'm sure you will too.
thank you.. i really am hoping that you're right.. [that like you, i too will pass] :plsebeg::wtosts:
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
I got the last question wrong. I passed.
It's a myth-Don't worry...
2 Posts
Ok!!! SO I just found out today that I PASSED my boards!!! I had 265 questions, an I know for a FACT that I got the last question WRONG!! So I just wanted to dispel that myth!!! Anyways I am sooooo EXCITED!!! Best day of my life:yeah:
3 Posts
i hope i get that day soon. got 265 questions on nclex and i have been crying since. i feel like i didn't know anything on the exam.
38,333 Posts
NPark Congratulate yourself for having tested, and good luck.
38 Posts
The instructor in the Hurst review says, that they (NCLEX) figure that people will try to base their results on the last question, so chances are they now make the last questions pilot questions. Hope that helps your anxiety.
1 Post
Took my test today...265 questions. I have test anxiety, so I was beginning to lose it while I was getting more and more questions. I was trying to tell myself I was still in the game because I was still getting questions. All my friends finished with 75 or a litte more and passed. So upsetting. I was worried about the last question being pretty easy. I felt that it was an indicator of me not passing, because it was probably a "not passing" question. I don't know what to think and I'm feeling pretty depressed....Anyone have any insight on the last question? I've heard different things....thanks