NCLEX Drug Calculations


I am math challanged and am a little worried about the type of calculations that are asked on the exam. I passed the dose/calc testing that was required within my nursing program, but am rusty. Can anyone tell me the type of dosage questions I should expect on the exam? Any suggestions on websites or books to investigate? I'm testing Aug 8th and I need to address this weak area.:uhoh3: Thanks.

Anything that you learned in school can be on the exam. And there are some that do not get one math question on their exam.

Just review what you did in school. You may see some calculations of mcg/kg/min, but those will be the toughest if you get them.

Best of luck on your exam.

when I took my nclex exam, they gave me the ml/hr of dopamine with patient weight, try to practice on that

Hello, I took my NCLEX on July 30th, had 4 math questions that were mcg/kg/min. At first I forgot the conversion factor for mcg/kg/min, so got the first question wrong; I was given the same question again but with diffrent numbers and remembered that 1mg = 1000mcg so used that for the second question. I was given the same question again with different numbers and used the same conversion factor. Another question exactly the same came at question 71 exactly the same diffrent number, I thought maybe I got the wrong conversion factor so I used 1g=1000mcg which is wrong, I guess I was nervous, do you think this can mess up my chances in passing; the computer stopped at 75.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Hard to say as all other questions will be taken into account. Don't forget the exam is set for 50/50. The best thing you can do is try to relax and wait for your results. Good luck

Specializes in NICU.

Make sure that you remember to look to see if the final answer wants it in mL/hr OR mL/min! I almost made this mistake.

Tracy628, my girlfriend rec'd 4 math calc with same type of ques except the numbers were different. She made a mistake and calculated for hours not minutes on one and then the computer gave her three more to see if she was competent. She passed last week with 75 questions. Hope this helps. I take my test 8-8-08 and need to work on calculations (haven't done one in ages.)

Drug calculations. It's really a challenge. hehe:chuckle

Where do you do the calculations when you take the NCLEX?

Oohh, the give you like a board?:typing

I just found out that I PASSED NCLEX, THANK YOU for the support!!!!

Congratulations!!! :hpygrp:

Take time to celebrate this great accomplishment!!!

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