Nazi-esque Black Lives Matter Protesters


Forcing anybody to believe in something that they don't resembles the tactics used by the Nazis. This type of behavior is disgusting. Correct me if I'm wrong but I've yet to see a conservative group accost patrons enjoying a meal.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

@Daisy4RN, Trump's interview with Axios revealed his simplistic and juvenile comprehension of this public health emergency.

8 minutes ago, MunoRN said:

Video of the initial shooting, after Rittenhouse runs to the left down the street you can hear the second pair of shootings


This was the confrontation prior to the shooting, with Rittenhouse in the green shirt:

This is the inevitable result of both the violent protesters and people looking to shoot violent protesters, neither is innocent or less culpable than the other.  If the goal to protect property then intentionally putting yourself in a situation where you're likely to gun down rioters / protesters isn't going to achieve that, that just results in more rioting, and this doesn't happen if people aren't being violent and destructive in the first place.

I would agree that the murder / intentional homicide charge may not stick, but based on the definition in Wisconsin he might be correctly charged with reckless homicide.  He's not allowed to legally open carry in Wisconsin as a 17 year old, and he intentionally put himself in a position where a reasonable person would have known he would end up having to shoot people.

Another angle.  It can be argued that he was indeed in self defense mode.  

Specializes in Critical Care.
1 hour ago, FNP2B1 said:

Another angle.  It can be argued that he was indeed in self defense mode.  

I don't think there's any doubt he likely felt his life was threatened in both instances, but in terms of his legal defense there will also be the question of whether this was a predictable end result of him illegally walking around with a long gun during a riot, and also if his purpose in carrying it was to use lethal force to defend property rather than life.

Specializes in Critical Care.
1 hour ago, FNP2B1 said:

Just my opinion, its worth as much as yours I suppose but as a FNP I think he is doing an amazing job considering that nobody has ever encountered a virus like this.  He was spot on in trying to close traveling between Europe and China to the US.  His administration is fast tracking vaccine development. I can't imagine any other leader could do a better job. Again, that is just my opinion.

So as a conservative Libertarian and not a Republican I give him an A+. 

I have no idea where anybody is from and neither do you. This is an anonymous internet forum.

I suspect the next 4 years under his leadership will see record stock market gains, unemployment back to pre Covid levels and more peace and prosperity for the USA.  Just my opinion.


1 hour ago, Daisy4RN said:

Agree,  and esp when we know that this virus is far more contagious and virulent/lethal than other virus' we have encountered.


There have been more virulent viruses in the past, and that such a pandemic was likely in the near future was known, and even that it would likely be a coronavirus strain.

We had a response system set-up for when this did happen, and we could quibble over whether the Trump administration dismantled or just failed to maintain it, but either way they certainly didn't help.

And other countries were hit with the same virus and did far better at managing it than we did, countries that had effective testing available quickly and promoted measures to reduce transmission fared far better than we did, probably not helped by a government that chose to shirk it's legal responsibility and to actively promote non-adherence to measures that reduce transmission.

Specializes in Peds ED.
On 8/26/2020 at 12:41 PM, FNP2B1 said:

Forcing anybody to believe in something that they don't resembles the tactics used by the Nazis. This type of behavior is disgusting. Correct me if I'm wrong but I've yet to see a conservative group accost patrons enjoying a meal.

Your history knowledge leaves a lot to be desired if you think the BLM movement is tactically similar to the Nazis.

But whatever. Protest is never acceptable to those being protested. 

15 minutes ago, HiddencatBSN said:

Your history knowledge leaves a lot to be desired if you think the BLM movement is tactically similar to the Nazis.

But whatever. Protest is never acceptable to those being protested. 

So explain to me how forcing somebody to do something they don't want to do under the threat of physical harm up to and including death is different than an early style Nazi tactic.  This would be pre 1939.


Never forget, Nazis tore down statues. Banned free speech. Blamed economic hardships on one group of people. Institute gun control. Sound familiar?”

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.
45 minutes ago, FNP2B1 said:

So explain to me how forcing somebody to do something they don't want to do under the threat of physical harm up to and including death is different than an early style Nazi tactic.  This would be pre 1939.

Never forget, Nazis tore down statues. Banned free speech. Blamed economic hardships on one group of people. Institute gun control. Sound familiar?”

Did those rude disruptive people at the restaurant threaten physical harm or threaten to kill someone?

By no means is D’Souza saying Black Lives Matter is like the Nazis. His opinion piece came out the 1st week in June. It has nothing to do with the video from the restaurant on August 26th.

If it had become dangerous I would have left and called 911. If not I would have gotten my money back, asked the manager to have them removed, and then left. 

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

facebook takes down ‘call to arms’ event after two shot dead in Kenosha: ‘Any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city tonight from the evil thugs?’ asked the facebook group

The killing of two protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday night may have emerged in response to a facebook event posted by a self-described militia, which referred to the event as a “call to arms.”

The event was also promoted by Infowars, which posted a screenshot of the facebook event listing. The listing is no longer publicly accessible but, reached on facebook, the Kenosha Guard account confirmed to The Verge that the screenshots were authentic. The group’s facebook page has also been taken down, but it boasted more than 3,000 members as of this morning....

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

17-year-old charged in Kenosha protest shootings, considered himself militia, social media posts show

Among the armed men in the streets Tuesday was former Kenosha Ald. Kevin Mathewson, who is active in a group known as the Kenosha Guard. Mathewson posted a video selfie of the scene near the Kenosha government center Tuesday night. He did not return a phone message Wednesday. 

Earlier the Kenosha Guard created a facebook event called “Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property.” The invite was picked up by the far-right website Infowars.

The facebook page, which was taken down late Wednesday morning, calls Kenosha Guard a social club. But a post signed “Kenosha Guard Commander,” written to Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis, says this, “As you know I am the commander of the Kenosha Guard, a local militia. We are mobilizing tonight and have about 3,000 RSVP’s. Our effort has made the national media. I ask that you do NOT have your officers tell us to go home under threat of arrest as you have in the past. We are willing to talk to KPD and open a discussion. It is evident, that no matter how many Officers, deputies and other law enforcement officers that are here, you will still be outnumbered.”


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Dang...that group is late to national lime light and can't get a speaking spot at the RNC convention this year.  

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

After online warnings, armed civilians bring threat of violence to protests in Kenosha and elsewhere

While some militia groups have decades of history, other militia-style groups have formed recently — or added waves of new members — in response to government restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic and during the protests across the country over police violence this Summer.

Their appearances have followed a now-familiar pattern. Often, there is a call to arms spread over social media, sometimes in response to Internet rumors or hoaxes that anti-fascist protesters were planning to loot or damage their communities. Then predominantly White and male civilians have convened at dozens of Black Lives Matter protests, lurking on the periphery, wearing military-style clothes, and carrying assault rifles and handguns...

...   There have already been shootings during other clashes between protesters and armed groups. One person was shot and critically injured in Albuquerque in June during a clash between a group called the New Mexico Civil Guard and protesters. The local district attorney filed suit after the shooting, attempting to stop the group from assembling and assuming law enforcement duties.

Andy Berg, a member of the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors, said that although he doesn’t support looting or property damage, the Kenosha Guard is “agitating the situation.” “If they wanted to be law enforcement, they should have put their application in and gone through the hiring process,” he said. 

The sheriff of Kenosha County, David Beth, said on Wednesday that he thought Rittenhouse was a member of a militia group but he wasn’t sure. Beth told a news conference that he had been asked by a member of the community to deputize a citizen militia to help maintain order. “I’m like, oh, hell no,” Beth said. The violence overnight was “was probably the perfect reason why I wouldn’t. . . . Part of the problem with this group is they create confrontation.”...



Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
On 8/26/2020 at 12:53 PM, FNP2B1 said:

The lawlessness of BLM and their supporters needs to stop. This is criminal anarchy. If it was my business being attacked I would use my 2nd amendment right in self defense. Why does anybody support these violent criminals?

Because they're afraid of being labeled racist.  That's why a domestic terrorist group uses a name that purports to care about anyone's life.  They don't.  They can call themselves the Helpless Puppy Rescuers for all I care.  That doesn't change what they actually are.

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