Published Sep 29, 2014
Obv since I made the thread ill go first.
I have my own private clean bathroom at night.
Rbeck911, BSN, RN
152 Posts
That better? Lol
It's like watching Jersey Shore, I guess. Curiosity gets the best of us, no matter how horrible it is to watch.
Totes mirin brah #gymdouche #hashtagsonAllNurses #thisisntInstagram. Have to wake up in 6 hours to meet my #gymbro at the gym so I should be asleep but #yolo^I tried to make that post as douchey as I could. I hope I succeeded.
Have to wake up in 6 hours to meet my #gymbro at the gym so I should be asleep but #yolo
^I tried to make that post as douchey as I could. I hope I succeeded.
@BuiltRNmedic #pwned
Bahaha. Chillax bro, all in good fun. You have to expect it. While i'm not a gym rat, I have spent plenty of time in one. This isn't the "high five, bro" gym crowd, so yah, you have to expect it a little bit! Even when I am at the gym, I can't help but giggle at the huge guys screaming at eachother. This is what I think of:
897 Posts
#Win. @BuiltRNmedic #pwnedBahaha. Chillax bro, all in good fun. You have to expect it. While i'm not a gym rat, I have spent plenty of time in one. This isn't the "high five, bro" gym crowd, so yah, you have to expect it a little bit! Even when I am at the gym, I can't help but giggle at the huge guys screaming at eachother. This is what I think of:
Haha my post was tongue-in-cheek anyway. I go to the gym about 6 days a week and do 45minutes-1hour of weight lifting with minimal rest time between sets. My post was a poke of fun at the typical gymbros (not implying BuiltRNMedic was, as I'm not sure many such guys could make it through RN school haha).
I am picturing an entire floor of all huge nurses picking up their patients and moving them around. Ha
lost soul
21 Posts
The best thing is finding out things about women that most men (and women) never find out. SO many female nurses will tell me incredible personal things. As long as I never say a thing to anyone else, they open up to me.
The worst thing? see above.
442 Posts
Is this thread a joke? Are you all taking the ****?
35 Posts
All my female colleagues treat me fair and square. Just transferred to a new department, adult psych. Before I approached the R.N. that I would be working with, she came to my current unit and welcomed me to adults. Love my job.................
38 Posts
hanging out with the female co-workers
37 Posts
Female patient: Why did you become a male nurse?
Me: Because I couldn't afford the surgery to be a female nurse!
Yeah, keeping all my parts intact is the best part about being a male nurse!
10 Posts
I like solving problems and sometimes a guy can bring a different approach to help a patient.
22 Posts
My killer Spartan beard.
3,445 Posts
Never having to get involved with nonsense conversations about bridesmaid dresses for an upcoming wedding ...
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