My 4 yr old son is newly dx with Leukemia ALL

Nurses General Nursing


Hello. Please excuse the lenghty post.

Last week my 4 yr old son was dx with pre-B cell ALL, but has an excellent prognosis from all of the oncology doctors (they said he'd live to be an old man and that they wouldn't tell me that unless they felt certain). Our world has been turned upside down, but we are getting better each day. Tomorrow (Monday) he will be coming home after his 3rd treatment with chemotherapy (vincristine) and I am so excited. He's handling his treatments beautifully, by the way. After he leaves the hospital tomorrow all of his treatments will be outpatient. The children's hospital is located 2 hours away from our hometown and my husband made me go home to care for our 3 other kids and to start school. I am to graduate in December from my ADN program, but was reluctant to go back considering. The doctors, nurses and councelers have all encouraged me to return and I did on Friday after missing 4 days, but my heart and mind just wasn't there. I am slowly getting my spirits up and am focusing on the outcome, which will be good, I just know it. I guess I posted because I need some support and perhaps someone else here may understand or have been through something similar? I don't want medical advice, just some words of encouragement. I have been given so much info that my head is swimming at this point.

Friday, Andrew Baldwin from last season's The Bachelor came to visit Aidan...the day I went to school...and he made Aidan an honorary sailor with the US Navy. It was really sweet. If you want to visit my blog you can see the photos and video by clicking on my profile. Sigh....I'm just overwhelmed...has anyone else been through something so trying while in nursing school? My final is on Halloween, if I can just get through that... 2 months...2 months. :o

I am so sorry for what you are going through. Just focus on that prognosis they gave you, and try to get the spirits up. though I know it will be hard try not to worry to much about him.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. Just focus on that prognosis they gave you, and try to get the spirits up. though I know it will be hard try not to worry to much about him.

Thank you...they told us to treat him at home just like we would normally. We are just going to have to keep anyone who is sick away from him while his immune system is so comprimised. Lots of handwashing and just general cleanliness is key. He is in the induction phase of his chemo right now and we will find out after they do the 3rd (ugh) bone marrow aspiration tomorrow if he is in remission. He will have treatments for 3 years, but as time goes on his treatments will be less and less. I know he will be ok, he's so strong, but it's the shock and the what to do now that is so difficult.

Thanks for your post.

Specializes in CCU MICU Rapid Response.

I just wanted to send a hug your way and let you know that your son and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. ~Ivanna

hoping for the best

Specializes in Telemetry, IMC.

Sorry to hear that, just have faith,I will remember him in my prayers I know that With God nothing is impossible. Just remember that we are all here with open ears for you and the family.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I think you are handling this beautifully. And you certainly have a lot to grapple with. The doctors are right, you know. There's every reason to believe that everything is going to be OK. I know it's hard when your head is in a different place, but please don't give up on school now. You've just a little time left til graduation. It must seem insurmountable now, but your hard work and determination will be an inspiration for everyone.

I'm a cancer survivor (almost two years now) and there is nothing fair about any of it. But medical research is developing new treatments and modalities all the time. There is so much hope.

You and your son sound like awesome people; he (and you) will handle this like pros and before you know it, all of this will be a distant memory, and you'll be an RN. Many hugs to you both.


Wishing you all the best. Aidan will bounce back as kids do. They are unbelievable. They are too young to know what we do. He will be a special young man because he has such a caring mom. They are right telling you to treat him as normally as possible. He may have special needs for awhile, but he needs to know that he is fine and the best way to do that is to preserve routines and normalcy in a kids life.

Hang in there, the prognosis is so good for this as you know.

Prayers and encouragement from here, my friend.

Don't let the school give you any guff about no make up's or giving you extra time. You have an exceptional situation and deserve exceptional consideration. Make them do the right thing. Maybe they'll be real mellow. I'm just thinking ahead.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all goes well with his treatments and you finishing nursing school. Just take it one day at a time. God bless your family.

Sorry for all of this . You will be in my payers. Nothing more precious than little ones. My daughters are 20 and 22 and I still get a knot in my gut when I hear of such things. Guess that's why I don't do peds.

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.

Oh my, I am so sorry for what you are going through.

I haven't had any children go through a life-threatening illness, but I am battling cancer myself. It makes me so sad sometimes because I just love them so much.

But, it sounds like he has a GREAT prognosis, and that is great. I am glad he is handling his chemo well. I am going through chemo myself, so when I go tomorrow, I will think of him, okay? And I'll say a little prayer, too, if you don't mind.

My kids are just 5 and 6, and that adorable want-to-know-everything stage. One thing that this cancer of mine has put in perspective is my priorities and what I think is more important.

I would definately go to school and finish. It's only a few months more, and then you'll be done. If you were just beginning, perhaps I would say something different. But that's up to you. Do what you believe will benefit the family the best. Aidan will bounce back fast, children have that special quality in them. Just treat him as normally as you can, love him as you always have, and soon this will all be over. He'll be healed, and you'll be an RN.

I am glad he is handling chemo so well, cause that is the worst part for me. Take care, he will grow up to be a great young man because he has such a wonderful mom!!!!:balloons:

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