My sisters wedding is when I'm in my 1st year of nursing school?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm a senior in high school, and i'm taking pre-nursing next year, and my problem is, my sisters wedding is on my first year of nursing school, and my second one is at the end of that same year, our weddings aren't like your nice old Americans, our wedding extend up to 2 weeks long. OMG! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I can't not go to my sisters weddings, but I also can't not study. I'm thinking of giving up on nursing and looking for something else instead. I do't know what to do honestly, any help would be appreciated, and don't tell me don't give on your dream, please, because I can't do this to my sisters, and I can't do this to myself as well, because their weddings are important to me as well. any recommendation that will help me would be amazing. Thank you

Life is not a smooth ride. It's filled with bumps, curves, and roadblocks. The key is figuring out a way to overcome those obstacles in your way.

If the weddings aren't in your hometown and require travel, I'd recommend online courses. Keep in mind though, you need to have the discipline to stay committed to logging on and working on your classes. It would also be helpful to work ahead of your classes (if possible). For example, if you have to post an online discussion on a Wednesday, post it on Monday. Or, work on research assignments and worksheets ahead of time. That way you'll be less stressed when it's time for the weddings. Find time each day to study, whether it be shortly after waking up or before going to bed. Do whatever works for you! It IS possible!!

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.

Have you tried letting your sisters know about your dilemma? Since their so far off, I"m sure it wouldn't be hard to change the dates.

I planned my wedding around those who were closest to me, so they could all attend.

Have you tried letting your sisters know about your dilemma? Since their so far off, I"m sure it wouldn't be hard to change the dates.

I planned my wedding around those who were closest to me, so they could all attend.

They've been delaying it for 2 years now, each time something came up. With the help of allnurses I think I'll do fine. I will hold my A&P book on the altar if I had to. I won't give up. I just need a little push from now and then. I want to be a nurse so bad, that I'm learning A&P online while still in high school. I did my research, and people struggled the most in these two. I appreciate all the help I got from all of you. ^-^ I had a moment of doubt.

In the end it's just prerequisites. Course load, difficulty and flexibility is all by registering and planning your classes ahead of time.

Like a few of the others have said (and I'm honestly surprised there aren't more), if you are willing to give up on nursing because of a couple weddings, it probably isn't for you. You won't even be in the actual program yet! If something exciting and happy is enough to deter you, I'd definitely rethink things. I got married and worked full-time while taking my pre-reqs full-time, and am now having a baby in about 5 weeks, during my third semester of the program, and will only take a week or two off of clinicals that I'll have to make up anyways.

All that aside, if you want to do it, you can do it! You shouldn't really have to study ALL the time, especially if you prioritize. I would definitely not recommend studying A&P now though, it's probably a waste of your time. Your teachers will require you to learn different things, and it's really something you build upon with every subsequent class so it gets easier and easier. Enjoy your senior year of high school instead!

Specializes in NICU.

It's just about priorities and making sure you have good time management. But keep in mind that you may need to give some things up. During my A&P class, my paternal grandmother died and my father's promotion to colonel in the army in another state happened within 2 weeks of each other. I chose to go to the funeral because I couldn't miss 2 labs in a row, even though I know my grandmother would have loved for me to go see her son's promotion after all the sacrifice he made for my family and the USA.

You might not understand how things are in my family, and my culture. Family comes first in everything, and I'm not going to my sisters wedding for my own pleasure, I would absolutely sacrifice my own pleasure for the sake of my dream, but our weddings hold a huge meaning and value to us, when a sister gets married, it's like your own wedding, except you don't get a husband with it. And as I said earlier, I needed a push, someone to advise me, so please don't tell me it's not for me, I know myself, and that doesn't make me less qualified to become an RN, it just means that I value family very much, if I lose them, I lose myself. But thank you for taking the time to be a little harsh on me (It is harsh when I've wanted nursing for so long and then someone tells me it's not the job for me). =))))

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

Too bad you are not already a nurse. In my experience wedding plans trump EVRYTHING when asking accommodation for time off. Other nurse's long help plans, purchased plane tickets, family events, all will be shoved aside to make sure the bride to be gets whatever time off she needs for her wedding. Anyone asking questions will be met with "BUT IT'S HER WEDDING!!!" as if that makes it obvious as to why everyone else MUST accommodate her.

I don't know why but as cynical as I am about these weddings I am even more cynical when I discover it's a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th wedding.

I apologize to the OP. This is just a rant born of frustration and I know it has nothing to do with your questions.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

I think saying nursing might not be for you is a little harsh to be honest. For one, you're a 17/18 yr old girl. You're NOT going to have life all figured out.

But more, having higher priorities doesn't mean you won't be successful in school or in this profession. It just means that you'll have to be more diligent and creative to figure a way to make it work.

You might not understand how things are in my family, and my culture. Family comes first in everything, and I'm not going to my sisters wedding for my own pleasure, I would absolutely sacrifice my own pleasure for the sake of my dream, but our weddings hold a huge meaning and value to us, when a sister gets married, it's like your own wedding, except you don't get a husband with it. And as I said earlier, I needed a push, someone to advise me, so please don't tell me it's not for me, I know myself, and that doesn't make me less qualified to become an RN, it just means that I value family very much, if I lose them, I lose myself. But thank you for taking the time to be a little harsh on me (It is harsh when I've wanted nursing for so long and then someone tells me it's not the job for me). =))))
Specializes in MS, Tele, CM, Informatics.

Being that you know when the weddings are. I would suggest you find out the policy for that college or university. Because many will not let you miss that much of a time block. So it's best to ask ahead and also take into consideration just how many days a week the class meets verses how many days you will miss from class. Also if the classes are online or in person ? As assignments are due ...and you don't even know yet if its during possible exam or test time (as some colleges have different time frames of when things can be made up...please check).Honestly I'm sure your sisters will understand if you need to skip out on some of the wedding days (as possible you may just have to come to the actual wedding and reception of both). This is only a suggestion but please do whats best for you.

First of all, I was reading you post and I created this account just so I can answer you. you are a senior in high school, You will be taking none-sense classes for the next 2 years so relax. If a wedding is causing such stress you might want to think about college in general. how is a weeding stopping you from school? grow up!!!!!!!!!!! I mean people go to nursing school, they work 40 hours a week, they have kids, some of them are single mothers and here you are complaining about a wedding? are you freaking kidding me?

I take my books with me on vacation. I pay the extra 50.00 per bag at the airline.

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