My most important tip for a nursing student is....

Nursing Students General Students


What do you think is your most important tip for nursing students???

I start Sept 13th. Thanks for this thread!

Specializes in Acute Care Pediatrics.

Other than STUDY.....

Find a group of people that get you - that make you laugh - and make them your ROCKS. You will be with these people for AGES. :) It's important to have FUN. You'll see some crazy depressing things. You need someone who can make you laugh after a day where you saw two cases of fetal demise... know what I mean?

Specializes in Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry.






i had to learn this the hard way since there's always going to to be people who want to put you down and say you can't do it. however, if you believe in yourself and stay dedicated then you can most definitely acheive anything you set your heart to. when you feel like comparing yourself to others, remember that you are not them, you have your own unique abilities and you, along with the rest of your classmates will succeed and become incredible nurses.

stay focused and the path will soon follow!!! :yeah:

Specializes in Psych.

Find out how you best study. I do not do well in study groups as I can convince everyone that I am right :o)

Find out how much of the test is "from the book" vs "from the lecture, which is from the book". I did not read an entire chapter last year because the book confused the students more :mad:. I would focus on what we covered in class and ended up doing better than the ones who read the chapters.

Make time for yourself

Make friends with your clinical group

Know what works best for YOU. I do very well on 3-4 hours of sleep or over 8 hours. Between 4 and 8, not the most pleasant person in the world

Make friends with the nurses aides on the floors at clinical. They are a wealth of information and can make your days good or very very bad.

Never complain about having to do aide work, exp if an aide can hear you. They will get mad and they will make your clinical experience not so nice.

Yes, the aides do at times help the instructor assign the patients and will give you the ones they do not want to deal with.

When you feel stressed, google nursing school humor. :lol2:

All work and no play makes for a burned out student.

Specializes in SICU.

Forget the gossip! stick to the task at hand and dont get caught up in all the drama!!

I start nursing school on Sept. 21! I am so excited! The advice I have been given:

1. Spend time with your material. Read it, flashcard it, know it forward and backward.

2. Ask questions

3. Always remember why you are doing this... for yourself, your spouse, your kids

4. Make sure to spend some time everyday doing something with the people you love

Honestly when shopping schools and reading info online and from my friends who are nurses the major advice I can give from all sources is stay away from DRAMA and dont nit pick politics. Each school and student come with a unique concoction of issues. You are there for an education not to change all the philosophies of the institution or students. Take care of your responsibilities and the school will theirs as well as your classmates. You can carry this on to the workforce as well.

I would say learn about the profession before hand, its often more than meets the eye. Second, realize that it won't be an easy journey, tons of hard work and politics. Third, it is not like other degrees, it is a professional degree and if you aren't professional you could be kicked out. Fourth, just relax and be yourself, there is nothing you need to prove. Fifth, accept help from others and offer it, you don't have to pretend to be perfect or infallible. Last but not least,AVOID THE DRAMA, mind your own business!

You will also quickly learn that nursing is not a field that welcomes opinions. If you have an opinion, you don't get to voice it the same way doctors do. It is really best to keep your thoughts to yourself.

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