My day today...



Has anyone seeN the TV ad for Family Guy, where Lois is in bed and Stuie is standing by the bed going "Mom" "Mom" every 5 seconds until it drives her nuts? That was my day today.

I had a little Pre-K boy - cute as a button :specs:. He had a temp of just over 100, so I called home. It took me 45 minutes to get a call back from Mom, then a promise to pick him up in no later than an hour. An hour and a half later Mom comes in. In all that time, that little one called me "Nurse mc3" "Nurse mc3" "Nurse mc3" about 45 gazillion times. For almost 2 hours. Non-stop. Wouldn't rest, wouldn't color, wouldn't look at a book. Wanted to chat. I felt like Lois in that commercial! I can still hear his little voice, "Nurse mc3" "Nurse mc3" echoing in mind brain. When Mom arrived, he'd just fallen asleep....

Gotta love 'em!

mc3 :D

Bless his little heart! Bless you too!! I don't know how long I could handle that!! :lol2:

Specializes in ICU.

Ha thats cute. I love that episode, then he just goes "hi" and runs away

Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

You now know why his mom came late! You only had it for a short time compared to her, lol!

LOL.... I can sympathize. You're a superstar!! :yeah:

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

hahaha omg i can seriously relate i have this little boy who is a "freaquent flyer" whether he comes in because he's hurt/sick or getting in trouble. He chooses to sit right in front of my desk and constantly asks questions beginning with "Nurse"i couldnt handle it anymore to the point i told him "(kid who says nurse too much" please stop talking you are in the office and you're in trouble. he says okay...not even a minute later i hear, "um..nurse..." you seriously gotta love em


Has anyone seeN the TV ad for Family Guy, where Lois is in bed and Stuie is standing by the bed going "Mom" "Mom" every 5 seconds until it drives her nuts? That was my day today.

I had a little Pre-K boy - cute as a button :specs:. He had a temp of just over 100, so I called home. It took me 45 minutes to get a call back from Mom, then a promise to pick him up in no later than an hour. An hour and a half later Mom comes in. In all that time, that little one called me "Nurse mc3" "Nurse mc3" "Nurse mc3" about 45 gazillion times. For almost 2 hours. Non-stop. Wouldn't rest, wouldn't color, wouldn't look at a book. Wanted to chat. I felt like Lois in that commercial! I can still hear his little voice, "Nurse mc3" "Nurse mc3" echoing in mind brain. When Mom arrived, he'd just fallen asleep....

Gotta love 'em!

mc3 :D

Yes I love that commercial because it reminds me of my own children. That is so cute, I remember being a school nurse and I loved it. Especially with the little ones, who can be so cute :heartbeat But can get on you nerves!! I think the mom maybe was trying to buy herself a little extra time too! LOL

So cute. It makes me want to be a school nurse.

How adorable!


I'd take that over being told a million times that I suck because I moved too slowly getting colder ice.

How adorable!


I'd take that over being told a million times that I suck because I moved too slowly getting colder ice.

So, so true! The pay is awful, the benefits pretty good, and the vacation time is great. I feel very fortunate that I'm able to afford to work at my school! (Barely afford to, but that's another story!)


Specializes in School Nursing.

I remember one kid just like that (seriously, exactly like that...did he transfer to your district?) Mom was going to be a while, and I had a couple reports and other things I needed to get done. I tried for a while to redirect him so I could get my work done. Eventually I gave up, closed my binder and gave him 100% focused attention. We ended up having a great conversation in which he taught me all about SpongeBob square pants (or as my 4 year old says, BobBob Square Pants). He was the funniest kid I've ever met and ended up cracking me up all afternoon. I was actually sorry to see him go when mom got there. I think that is going to be one of the top memories I will take away from School Nursing. Sometimes I guess you just have to get into their world for a little while. :)

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