Published Sep 10, 2005
423 Posts
Last night at work, I was walking down the hall from a resident room to the nurses station and started having throbbing, stabbing substernal chest pain, I doubled over in the hall way. Well after several minutes of severe discomfort it became just a dull ache. I thought maybe it was a bad gas cramp or something. Well, I kept working and tried to ignore it. I got very sweaty, my head hurt, my right hand was trembling, I saw a few spots, and thought I was going to pass out. Finally someone made me sit down and they checked my blood pressure. 170/120 at that time (8:00pm yesterday) My heart rate was 148. My blood sugar was only 87 after eating early halloween candy and a full meal. Over the course of my 16 hour double I kept close eye on it. It has stayed about the same for going on 14 hours now and I am starting to get freaked out. I went back to work and made my best friend an RN check it again at 9:00am and it was 160/120. It could be just tons and tons of stress all spilling out this way or it could be a medical problem, either way I need to get a handle on my blood pressure. So do I go to the ER?
grimmy, RN
349 Posts
what sign are you waiting for? which one will tell you that you need immediate attention? go, my friend, go. remember, the #1 sign of an mi is denial.
Did I neglect to mention that I am 20 years old, 5'11" weigh 250 pounds, I lost 40 pounds this summer through diet, not really fat any more just a big muscular guy. My cholesterol level was WNL within the last year. My normal blood pressure has been a little high lately like at or around 120/95 but it has never been this high, never over 100 before. I hate to go to the ER because I have no form of health insurance and I know how much this is going to cost.
10 Articles; 19,052 Posts
Hypertenion, chest pain, headache, ELEVATED DIASTOLIC BP above 120 all classic symptoms of HEART DISEASE or blockage that can strike at any age, deadly often in the 20's.
Get off the computer and get to the ER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, your distant MOM.
1,173 Posts
How are you an SRNA if you're only 20y?
In any event, this site is not for giving out medical advice. And if you have an MI or a stroke, that's gonna cost you a whole lot more than a trip to the ED.
307 Posts
Chad, please go to ER ASAP!!!
SharonH, RN
2,144 Posts
You should have went yesterday. NEVER try to diagnose yourself. Go NOW.
87 Posts
Hey Buddy,
Get it checked out ASAP! You're at risk for MI, Stroke and renal failure! What good are you if you get a stroke and can't work anymore, it's treatable!
Two Time Renal Txp Patient
388 Posts
Chad..... If you are reading this and have not been to the ER.....GO NOW! If you feel you are unable to take yourself, CALL 911 for an AMBULANCE!!! :redlight: They will get you to the appropriate hospital and begin needed treatment(s) enroute.
As a pre-hospital provider, I'd rather take you to the hospital and it be nothing then to have to work a code in your bathroom!
rjflyn, ASN, RN
1,240 Posts
Sounds like a MI to me. Besides that a supposedly healthy 23 y/o football player just died of..... egads heart disease. So it can and does happen to anyone.
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
Yes, id also suggest you get your tail in there, but.... my question is....
What kind of fellow employees let a co-worker walk away with a blood pressure and symptoms like that? I dont care, my super would have been called and you would have been in the next wheelchair going to the ER. So i wonder, what kind of co-workers do you have? What kind of place do you work that they would let someone walk away and work a double no less?
And you should know, heart disease doesnt discriminate. I wouldnt care if you were 5'11 and only weighed 150 you can still be at risk at that age.
z's playa
2,056 Posts
I hope we're not going to debate the fact that SRNA is in his user name. Could stand for Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association :rotfl: . I can't shake the last thread regarding that
Hope you feel better Chad.