muslim prayer


Hello I am a muslim who is a registered nurse and I am trying to see how others schedule their prayers during a 12 hour shift, the challenge I have is that it is not easy getting a space to pray and leaving d unit is not practicable/reasonable some times because of patient safety, my question is how do muslim nurses handle the challenge of finding time and space to pray at work/ on the unit.

Please share your story or that of your muslim colleague on your unit, thank you so much, a quick response is much appreciated.

Do you have a chapel? I have a few Muslim co-workers who pray there on their break. Also one who just does not pray while at work. So to each there own I guess. Our Chapel has a prayer mat as well, but you would never know unless you asked.

That is good too, thanks

Specializes in Critical care.

Become an atheist. Much easier

Noooooooo, except you can originate life yourself (virtually impossible) then we can discuss/debate

Some time from posting this, how is your practice of praying working at your job? Just wanted an update if there was one. I too am a Christian but believe that faith is important.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
Some time from posting this, how is your practice of praying working at your job? Just wanted an update if there was one. I too am a Christian but believe that faith is important.

I thought the thread was about MUSLIM prayer? Or are you responding to someone other than the OP?

I'm an Orthodox Christian and we also have more prayers than you can shake a stick at that we should be doing at certain times. The reality is, I can usually only do my full morning and evening prayers when I'm working. The rest of the time, I have to say a prayer quietly on the go.

I had two professors in nursing school that were Muslim. One said he was constantly trying to play catch up with his prayers outside of work. He said that he was certain in his hope that God understood. :)

I'm Muslim but a current nursing student, but as for disclosing I know a couple of medical residents who have told that they need to pray. They of course skip when patient safety is at risk, but just so it's not an issue as to why one's leaving 5 times during a shift.

Also as for the area to pray you can just find a place honestly. My father did this at his workplace and legally they can't deny you from praying either. But you'll probably have to play catch up but there's a pretty valid reason why you'd have to connect prayer/read late. Inshallah it'll work out for you!

Specializes in ER, ICU.

The Chaplain would be an excellent resource to cross the gap between nursing needs and hospital policy.

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