how much $ is too much


For all who think we are a bunch of money driven pigs I want to ask you how much is too much based on my pediatric practice.

How much money would it take for you to take a young couple's most prized possession for them and tell them you are going to take care of their 4 week old boy, then go put little junior into a drug induced coma for his craniotomy.

How much would it take to get you to put a child to sleep for cardiac cath that has TOF/pulmonary atresia so they can evaluate her heart before having surgery.

How much would you charge to take a child from it's sobbing mother to go do a harvest on her baby because he's brain dead.

Yes we make good money, because we earn it. Just knowing how long I'm liable for each case in working pediatrics is enough to stress you out even for giving a little propofol to a healthy child in MRI. There is the reward of money but you have to love it to keep from burning out. For the students out there don't let any of the "nay-sayers" steal your dream...many are called, few are chosen.

why is it any different for a a kid? That 50 something lady you're intubating for a CABG x4 c an AVR is someone's daughter/sister/mother/etc.

I also think the question of too much money is rather pointless. Thats like asking a man how much college football on saturday is too much.

To answer your question, I'd do all of the above for the same cost as a lap chole or a breast augmentation.

what the heck is going on in this thread?

Specializes in Ortho/Neurosurgical.
what the heck is going on in this thread?

I have absolutely no clue.

Well, since this is a CRNA thread, OP is saying many people think it's insane the amount they make. It really isn't though because it is a very high skill and high risk job. As a CRNA you hold people's lives in a delicate balance between wake and dead. Too little sedation and they feel horrid pain and too much and they are dead. I don't think I personally would want someone doing that job that wasn't making good money and was very well trained.

I do want to be a CRNA one day, but am years away still. Working on my BNS and have to keep a very high GPA, then on the CC Exp, then getting into Grad school. PTU2SLP, I don't plan on letting anyone steal my dream :) Really the only one that can mess it up is me, and I don't plan on that happening. I don't want it just for the money, It's a chalenge that appeals to me very deeply.

Specializes in I know stuff ;).

It is also important to look at supply and demand.

It was only 5 years ago that CRNAs might start at 80-90K. As nursing has seen a shortage and a drastic increase in wages via supply and demand, so too has the CRNA profession. As the population ages and more OR time is required the demand increases. Standard economics. The good thing is, once wages go up, they dont tend to go down.

Do CRNAs deserve that kind of money? Absolutely. CRNA is the only "midlevel" profession that practices to the same scope of the physician anesthiologist in the OR setting. The responsibility and liability of that increases the risk, and therefore the return.

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

Who cares how much is too much? No one asks doctors why they do what they do and why they get paid what they get paid. If I had the time and money to be a CRNA I would do it in a heart-beat!

Personally, I do not plan to give nay-sayers a second thought. They do not pay my bills. Besides, you know you do good things and are worth the money... that should be enough. :D

Well, since this is a CRNA thread, OP is saying many people think it's insane the amount they make.

Well clearly. I guess my point was more "whoa........OH THE HUGE MANATEE". OP seems REALLY angry about what was probably a recent confrontation or something. I'm curious about the backstory.

Personally, I do not plan to give nay-sayers a second thought. They do not pay my bills.

Exactly. Don't worry about things that aren't important. Some people trying to be confrontational because they don't think your job is worthy of your salary or whatever may be annoying, but don't let it get your tummy all in knots.

You clearly know your work is important, and that is what matters. :) You cannot please everyone, unfortunately.

what the heck is going on in this thread?
I think the OP is picking up from a similar thread on "the other board". ;)

I don't understand. I'm such a n00b. :sniff:

I don't understand. I'm such a n00b. :sniff:

the "other" board is SDN (student doctor network). In any case people will make what the market will support. When the market no longer supports the high salaries, they will drop. I never get why people get so hung up on what people in other professions make. If you want that money go into that profession. People in our nursing class are already bickering about why CRNA's make more than NP's and who knows more and blah blah blah. Pointless! Perhaps i just feel that way now though because I am not really interested in furthering my education beyond a BSN at this point.

Ohhh. My boyfriend is on that board. So the future doctors are crabbing that CRNA's make lots of money to start? Good lord.

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