Midwestern State University

U.S.A. Texas



I've been searching through the message boards and I just can't find much information on people who go/have gone to the nursing program at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. I was wondering...what was your entering GPA? What was your NET score? How did you like it? What hospitals did the school use for classes? Do you feel like you got a good education there?

Thanks so much!


Hi Rha, I was applying to schools all over texas for fall 09 and I didn't have very good net scores and my gpa was a 3.4, but I did get accepted to MSU. I'm actually trying to find others that are in the program to find out what I should be doing to prep for it. I hope you find what you're looking for!

It's so nice to find people attending the same program! I'm really nervous!

To Prettyladie: hey I got your emails but for some reason I'm not aloud to send private messages or anything on here. So that's why I'm writing on here. Do you have any other way of communication? Thanks!

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

Hey, if anyone else wants to share their stats that would be awesome! I'm applying to start in the Spring 2010 semester.


Specializes in Emergency.

i had a 3.4 or 3.5 at MSU, and I had a 76 on the Reading NET, and a 89 on the MATH net. But its by point system you know Rha, because you get 42 points for having all the prereqs with a B or better, you get 10 points for having the sciences with a B or better etc. so its really not that hard to get in from what i see. Then you get .5 for every .10 you are about 2.50. does that make sense. so someone with 3.0 has 2.5 points. I'm not sure if it was actually.5 but you get the drift.

Yeah I applied with a 3.4 gpa. My net scores were horrible. I had like a 70.. I dont remember, but there are other factors that are considered. (whether you had a degree, went to MSU, NET, and how you did in your science courses/GPA)


Just wondering if you already submitted your application for MWSU nursing, for spring 2010. I was planning on applying in September, as their website states to do. But I was just at the WTNEC site and it says there that the deadline was June 17. I am so confused! Which is it? Did you already apply? Thanks, and good luck.

im applying for the spring 2010 and i thought the deadline was september also. i havent heard of any change on the msu website but i think im going to call the nursing department today and just find out for sure

Specializes in Emergency.

yeah just call ********* or ***** and they should be able to tell you the deadline, but as far as i know it was still september. i think there maybe be a problem with the WTNEC system, and maybe its generated from the fall 2009 applicants and maybe there were some late submissions. so maybe it hasnt started over

Im applying for the Spring 2010 term also...I had the same problem...The deadline is in September idk what the June 17th was about. I called Catherine rudy and she told me that it wont let you back in to make changes or finish until September. What other schools are you guys applying to? Im shooting for TCC and MWSU, but I feel like I should be applying to more.

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

TWU Houston/Dallas, UTMB and Collin County

I will also be applying for Midwestern State University for the Spring 2010 semester, any insight would be appreciated. I haven't take the N.E.T yet and was wondering what subjects I should be brushing up on?? Also, will anyone else be living around the Lawton, Ok area, and know what there is to do around the area? Additional info: I spoke briefly with someone in the nursing department today and they said that they take the top 80 students based on the point system they have in place, but I don't really know how many applicants they get a semester, or how many points you need to be competitive so any info on that would be great, and I was also wondering on how to calculate my GPA, I currently hold a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Management, and obtained a 3.5 GPA while pursuing this degree, my concern is the pre-req's for the Nursing Program, and how badly they are going to hurt my GPA, Does anybody know how to calculate it?? For one four hour credit class I had a C, the next was a B, Not sure if Nutrition counts, but that was a 3 hour credit and I had an A, currently enrolled in Microbiology with Lab, and Chemistry with Lab, and I'm not doing so well, I'm hoping that I end up with B's but don't know if I'll be able to pull it off, Worst case scenario would be C's, and I'm really hoping it won't drag my GPA below a 3.2, any help would be appreciated, thanks

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