Microbiology - Summer 2005

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Just getting the Microbiology thread started for those of us taking it this summer :) Let's introduce ourselves. I'm sure we may recognize each other from the A&P thread and hopefully there will be some new students too!

I'm Jennifer, married with 3 kids (11,6,2). I'm starting the nursing program in August and other than my humanities elective, I'll be ALL DONE with gen. ed. courses. I've been a SAHM for 7 years but am considering a PT summer job to help pay for expenses (mine and DD's - middle school is expensive between cheerleading ($305), flute ($700!!) and the newly mandated uniforms :rolleyes: ). Oh and I have been a mystery shopper for 7 years too which basically helps us get out and do stuff that we otherwise wouldn't be able to afford.

My classes start May 17. I'm taking Micro Tues, Wed, Thurs from 6-9 (lecture from 6-7:20, lab from 7:30-9.) I'm also taking English 102 online. YUCK. I don't want to write papers this summer. We're using Tortoro's book in Micro, BTW.

I really have no idea what to expect for this course. I did very well in A&P 1 and 2 (A :balloons: ) but am feeling a bit burnt out - having only 1 week off between spring and summer semester is not enough. We have the entire week of July 4th off for break, and DH and I are surprising our kids with a week in Disneyworld We can't wait!! I spend way too much time on the DIS boards and planning our trip:p

Specializes in Operating Room.

After outlining chapter 6 of the Tortora book, I realized my instructor lectures on the TOTAL chapter, not just significant topics. I am going back and outlining chapter 6 now, and the same thing is occurring here.

I don't think I've EVER had an instructor that lectures on the ENTIRE chapter....doesn't most teachers point out the most significant topics? No wonder this lady has to talk so fast....she has to lecture on everything in a whole chapter in an hour 30 minutes!

Maybe I'm just being a total baby here, but I just hope I am comprehending enough to pass the class. (....still haven't received the grade from our first test yet.)

Specializes in NICU.

Yikes! I am thankful that my teacher isn't doing that. I mean, she is going over a majority of the info but she even said herself that she isn't covering all of it (but we are still supposed to read it KWIM?)


I'm doing the exact same thing...making an outline of the entire chapter.

This s so frustrating beacause I have no clue which parts he will test us on and there is just so much material. I've never had a teacher that refuses to give handouts which can be used as a guide while studying. As if this isn't bad enough, the woman teaching our micro lab is a middle school teacher and this is her first time teaching micro...ever!!! Both of these instructors are subs for the summer session because the regular micro teachers decided to take the summer off...oh lucky me! I guess I can kiss my 4.0 gpa goodbye. At this point, I just want to pass this damn class and move on! I looked online to see if any other colleges were offering micro this summer, but they are all full. I swear, if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all..lol

Specializes in Operating Room.
At this point, I just want to pass this damn class and move on!

Oh yes, we are feeling the same way! :chuckle

...and to make matters worse, I think I'm getting a JLo from setting on my butt so much from studying. :roll

Specializes in Operating Room.

Well, I made 27/30 on the first practical, and 40/50 on the first lecture exam. I need to take test 2 before Saturday, and the 2nd lab practical is on Tuesday.

This is soooo fast, but 4 more weeks left and it's history!!!!

Now.....time to get back to studying Microsux. :crying2:

and all I got was 11 weeks with a teacher from hell" ...lol.

Hi everyone, I just wanted to wish you well with this class! We also used Tortora/Funke book and my instructor used the test bank that the author instructor was teaching it for the first time *ugh*...I am SO glad I am done. Class average was about 61% so that might tell you something. No worries though! This was a teacher issue. My friends took it with a seasoned instructor and got A's. Anyhoo...I have finished ALL my nursing pre-reqs and my program (BSN) starts on June 27th!!! I am very excited. If anyone wants any microbi info...or questions, if I can help at all email me at jackruzl at hotmail dot com (typed it like this so robots won't snag it and spam me). I am brand new to this forum and it looks like a great place. G'luck to everyone.

~J in Oregon

Specializes in Operating Room.

lol Welcome, RNin2007. At least I can say my instructor is a very nice person. She just talks sooooo fast in order to cover everything in the book.

I'm studying for my Test 2, which I will take tomorrow, and my 2nd lab practical, as I posted before, is on Tuesday. Meanwhile, we just finished lecturing for test 3, and it is already in the testing center....ugggggh I'm going to try to be ready to take it on Thursday, so I can start studying for test 4 which will be in the testing center as of this coming Friday.

:uhoh3: :banghead: :scrying: :crying2: :smackingf

So far my grades are good, but the instructor's tests are so hard, and with only a week to study for each test, I am not remembering as much as I would like. :( I'm not even pushing for an A anymore, although I'd be estactic (and extremely surprised) if I pulled off an A though. I'll be excited with a B, and relieved with a C.

I really don't think I'll ever take another summer science course after this summer. I'll suffer through my A&P 2 during summer 2, and that's all I ever plan to do as far as summer sciences. I am soooooo ready for summer to be overwith!!!!!!!

----Back to studying Microsux.

and all I got was 11 weeks with a teacher from hell" ...lol.

Hi everyone, I just wanted to wish you well with this class! We also used Tortora/Funke book and my instructor used the test bank that the author instructor was teaching it for the first time *ugh*...I am SO glad I am done. Class average was about 61% so that might tell you something. No worries though! This was a teacher issue. My friends took it with a seasoned instructor and got A's. Anyhoo...I have finished ALL my nursing pre-reqs and my program (BSN) starts on June 27th!!! I am very excited. If anyone wants any microbi info...or questions, if I can help at all email me at jackruzl at hotmail dot com (typed it like this so robots won't snag it and spam me). I am brand new to this forum and it looks like a great place. G'luck to everyone.

~J in Oregon

lol Welcome, RNin2007. At least I can say my instructor is a very nice person. She just talks sooooo fast in order to cover everything in the book.

I'm studying for my Test 2, which I will take tomorrow, and my 2nd lab practical, as I posted before, is on Tuesday. Meanwhile, we just finished lecturing for test 3, and it is already in the testing center....ugggggh I'm going to try to be ready to take it on Thursday, so I can start studying for test 4 which will be in the testing center as of this coming Friday.

:uhoh3: :banghead: :scrying: :crying2: :smackingf

So far my grades are good, but the instructor's tests are so hard, and with only a week to study for each test, I am not remembering as much as I would like. :( I'm not even pushing for an A anymore, although I'd be estactic (and extremely surprised) if I pulled off an A though. I'll be excited with a B, and relieved with a C.

I really don't think I'll ever take another summer science course after this summer. I'll suffer through my A&P 2 during summer 2, and that's all I ever plan to do as far as summer sciences. I am soooooo ready for summer to be overwith!!!!!!!

----Back to studying Microsux.

Are you using the Tortora/Funke book too? Our instructors tests were very hard too, oy. She used mostly test bank questions and I don't think she was too selective about how easy or hard she felt they were. Some of them were such obscure questions. For instance, PFU, plaque forming units that show up on a lawn of bacteria...each separate clear zone represents one bacteria that originally introduced. So if you have 10 PFU clear zones, that means that only 10 bacteria were introduced to the lawn of bacteria. Gosh I still have a lot of the questions fresh in my head lol. Our last test covered Ch. 13, 15 and 20. If I can help, let me know =).

My instructor was so difficult to talk to and nobody liked her at all. I got my class grades though and my overall grade was 85%. I am happy with that, but for the amount of time I put into the class I should not have gotten a B...if that makes sense. I literally studied 15 hours on the weekends and at least 2 hours EVERY night, 7 days a week. Our final lab practicum everyone failed it...there was cutting oil on the slides and the bacteria wouldn't stick. She told us we were basicall sh!t outta luck, then later to find out we were told we could redo it because it wasn't our fault. It was stuff like this that went on and on and on all term. We even had to retake a test because she wrote it so hard, no one could pass it. I had nightmares over that class. I've never stressed so much in my life over school. I am glad it is OVER...lol. Best of luck to you!!!



I'm doing the exact same thing...making an outline of the entire chapter.

This s so frustrating beacause I have no clue which parts he will test us on and there is just so much material. I've never had a teacher that refuses to give handouts which can be used as a guide while studying. As if this isn't bad enough, the woman teaching our micro lab is a middle school teacher and this is her first time teaching micro...ever!!! Both of these instructors are subs for the summer session because the regular micro teachers decided to take the summer off...oh lucky me! I guess I can kiss my 4.0 gpa goodbye. At this point, I just want to pass this damn class and move on! I looked online to see if any other colleges were offering micro this summer, but they are all full. I swear, if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all..lol

it was my instructors first time teaching micro ever...she was our lecture and lab teacher. it was hell!!! but i am DONE and squeaked out with an 85%.


Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
middle school is expensive between cheerleading ($305), flute ($700!!) and the newly mandated uniforms :rolleyes: ). Oh and Ican't wait!! I spend way too much time on the DIS boards and planning our trip:p

Okay, sorry to digress from your topic. I just had to point out that when I read how much you spent for a flute, which I know is just an average price, I couldn't help but remember how much my grandma paid for my used Armstrong flute when I was in the 4th grade (let's just say it was over 30 years and leave it at that). Can you believe it was only $30? And it was a very adequate instrument, particularly for someone with no natural talent for the instrument. I don't know if I could have learned an instrument with the way things are today, all the costs associated with lessons, etc. My school offered them for free. BTW, good luck with Micro- it was one of the few Science classes that I enjoyed.

i actually loved the material in micro. It was fascinating. The instructor is what took away from it. I got to the point that I would get anxiety just thinking about her...lol. I loved my science courses...minus chemisty...yuck. I think because they challenged me. I am naturally more artistic - give me a book to write, something to paint...i will ace it. But I had to work harder in science therefore it was more fulfilling when I got that good grade. Whereas writing, art comes so easy...you expect an A. Ya know?


Hi all.....I'm also taking Micro this summer...I'm a second year nursing student and this is my last prereq course....couldn't take another semester of nursing with taking another class. For those of you who are just starting...I'm not going to lie, it's tough, but you all can do it...if nursing is what you really believe in and really want to do. Keep your chins up and put your glasses on and READ READ READ....best of luck to all of you!!!!!


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