Microbiology - Summer 2005

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Just getting the Microbiology thread started for those of us taking it this summer :) Let's introduce ourselves. I'm sure we may recognize each other from the A&P thread and hopefully there will be some new students too!

I'm Jennifer, married with 3 kids (11,6,2). I'm starting the nursing program in August and other than my humanities elective, I'll be ALL DONE with gen. ed. courses. I've been a SAHM for 7 years but am considering a PT summer job to help pay for expenses (mine and DD's - middle school is expensive between cheerleading ($305), flute ($700!!) and the newly mandated uniforms :rolleyes: ). Oh and I have been a mystery shopper for 7 years too which basically helps us get out and do stuff that we otherwise wouldn't be able to afford.

My classes start May 17. I'm taking Micro Tues, Wed, Thurs from 6-9 (lecture from 6-7:20, lab from 7:30-9.) I'm also taking English 102 online. YUCK. I don't want to write papers this summer. We're using Tortoro's book in Micro, BTW.

I really have no idea what to expect for this course. I did very well in A&P 1 and 2 (A :balloons: ) but am feeling a bit burnt out - having only 1 week off between spring and summer semester is not enough. We have the entire week of July 4th off for break, and DH and I are surprising our kids with a week in Disneyworld We can't wait!! I spend way too much time on the DIS boards and planning our trip:p

I'm taking Micro right now too.. it's Mon-Thurs 8am-Noon for 6 weeks.. I cannot stand the lecture.. but the labs are alright. Except we have to do 4-5 page lab write ups everyday (20 total)..Can't wait for it to be over!! 3 more weeks!

Specializes in Operating Room.

I just finished my second lecture exam. I thought I was just about prepared for it, as much as I could in one week, then I saw the test!

I made 40/50 on the first test, but I really think I did worse on this one! (I won't find out until Wednesday, probably.)

Why do some instructors manipulate the questions to confuse you? I don't know if it is test anxiety or what, but what I thought I knew didn't mean diddly.

First of all, I didn't know what Enterobacteriaceae was, so I put they were aerotolerant. Why? Because the question was: Enterobacteriaceae can also live in oxygen. ....then went on to ask its oxygen requirements. I assumed the statement was saying it preferred a non-oxygenic environment.

I just get so confused! At least I put that it would be positive in a catalase test, and it would ferment.

Of course, the part that asked if it grew better in oxygen or without oxygen I got wrong....UGGGGHHHHH

Another vent: I think it was the question above, which may work out to my benefit....lol For a total of 1 point, there were 6 questions. I couldn't believe I had to answer 6 questions to earn/deduct 1 point! Like I said, that 1 point may be to my benefit if it was the Enterobacteriaceae section.

...Back to studying Microsux.

Specializes in SICU, ER, MEDICAL.

hello- I am getting nervous with my first lecture exam on Tuesday. I guess I will spend my weekend studying micro :( .

I'm taking Micro right now too.. it's Mon-Thurs 8am-Noon for 6 weeks.. I cannot stand the lecture.. but the labs are alright. Except we have to do 4-5 page lab write ups everyday (20 total)..Can't wait for it to be over!! 3 more weeks!

Ugh I hate it too. I wish I could've taken it during the school year, but Nursing III with Micro isn't a good idea if I want to maintain a 3.5. My teacher is a jerk and lets 2 students ask the most irrelevant questions and interupt lecture 5-10 times a class. He goes off subject to demonstrate his intelligence and explanations for the dumb questions and writes THEM on the board. We don't know what is important and what will be on the test. It's irritating. All of us who want a good grade and actually know what we're doing are tired of the distractions. One of the students called a pap smear a "pep smeera". Another didn't know HSV IIwas transmitted without the presence of lesions...on and on they go with ignorant comments. I fear the patient that has them for their nurse.

Sorry to vent, but it's getting to me with the 95 degree weather in Buffalo, my 2 other classes online and my husband going out of town, trying to get a second job for extra money and trying to lose weight!! It's a little much these days. Oh yeah, did I mention the 20 assignments due for Nursing III this August?? LOL

Specializes in Operating Room.
hello- I am getting nervous with my first lecture exam on Tuesday. I guess I will spend my weekend studying micro :( .

Same here. Good luck!

Shastalee99: At least I am not dealing with the stupid questions in this class, there have been plenty of time wasters in some of my other classes though. :uhoh3: Actually, there aren't really any questions being asked. The instructor talks so fast, I really think we are all there only to take the extra credit attendance quiz at the end of class! :chuckle

Specializes in Urgent Care.

I started this morning, it is going to be a long 8 weeks LOL


Awesome job on your test!! I have my first exam next Monday and I'm totally freaked out! Our "teacher" feels that giving an outline for the exam is a waste of time because we should just know everything.....lord help me. The lab portion of this class is SO darn time consuming. All as I've been doing is writing up lab reports....3 pages each. So far, I have completed 5 of them and have 2 more that need to be completed before next Thursday. Sad to say, I really find the material in this class to be extremely boring. I enjoyed A&P so much more than this....ah 6 more weeks!! It can't go by fast enough.

Specializes in NICU.

I just got home from my 1st class. My Lab instructor speaks very slowly, and monotone. My lecture instructor is in MEXICO!! He won't be back until next week! So, my lab instructor taught lecture tonight, and we don't have lecture again until next week (we are supposed to have lecture 3 nights a week). We covered chapter 4 tonight, and she did not know what he was going to cover next, so she said not to do any further reading! If this is the start, I can't wait to see what the rest of the semester holds.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Good luck Achoo!, magz80 & heatherp.

I made 29/30 on my 2nd lab practical (includes 1 extra bonus point).

I guess I can't complain too much on the lab portion, now if I can figure out a way to MEMORIZE the lecture...I don't think there is any way to learn it within a week! lol

Good luck to all......

Back to studying MicroSUX! :banghead:

Specializes in Operating Room.

Grades are in for my second lecture test:

42/50...not bad for feeling I haven't learned a thing! lol

So far 40/50 & 42/50 for lecture tests, and 27/30 & 29/30 for lab practicals.

3 tests, 1 final, 1 lab practical, 8 lab quizzes, 8 extra credit attendance quizzes, and 11 classes to go!

Specializes in Urgent Care.

Well I'm on day 3. So far I have gotten 100% on the 2 quizzes and 19/20 on the lab report. We have to write a paper too, so I need to get my butt in gear. I just can't get into the groove over the summer, blech!

Specializes in Postpartum.

I'm in week 2 of my 10 week online micro class. I'm having trouble with my microscope and am totally procrastinating on the labs- which I know will come back to bite me in the end.

I've taken three quizzes (20/20 20/20 18/20) and submitted three "applying your knowledge" mini-essays (read: busywork) and they haven't been graded yet. My first two lab reports are due next week and I have to take an online exam on the first three chapters by sunday.

I think the quizzes and tests and writing stuff is fine- I'm just worried about these darn labs.


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