Men's sexualality in Nursing


I am not a nurse. I am a female who is, from time to time, a patient. I am going to ask a very indelicate and politically incorrect question, but I am serious and I would like a serious answer.

I am the mother of 2 healthy young males in their 20s. I am the sister of 4 (yes!) healthy not-so-young males. I have known males all my life, and I do not understand how the same males that one night are drunk at a frat party and trying to see, touch, expose, etc. any female genitalia they can, or the same males who salivate over Playboy and Hustler one minute, can the next morning just turn off the sexual interest and look, touch, whatever, all the lady partss, privy partses, breasts, buttocks they want to, and not get turned on. How does this work? Is male sexuality really such a an easily controlled thing, that men can turn it on and off at a moment's notice?

It seems that for the past few millenia, women have been warned that male sexualty is so powerful, that the mere sight of a woman is enough to drive a man to rape her on the spot. I think this is the basis for the strict female dress codes in Muslim countries, if I am not mistaken. In our own society, a flimy T-shirt or short skirt has been used as a rape defense.

But somehow, the same men who can't be trusted with a woman in hot pants can be trusted to spread a woman's legs and do lots of interesting "medical" stuff.

I'm not looking to start fights, but I honestly don't understand how this works. Are male medical personnel specifically trained how to sublimate their sexuality and not get turned on by naked girls and women, or is male sexuality a lot less powerful than we have been led to believe?

Because I don't understand how this can possibly work, I do not and will not have any male medical practitioners. Period.

I look at my two sons, healthy and perpetually horny, and I am appalled that if they were medical students, nurses, etc, they would be given free reign to look at and touch all the naked girls and women they wanted to.

Again, I'm serious. How do you all handle your own sexuality?

look, touch, whatever, all the lady partss, privy partses, breasts, buttocks they want to,

To start with, your assumption that we get to do this is flat out wrong. There is such a thing as inappropriate behavior, even in the nursing field. I am sure the same rules apply to you and your children. Wrong is wrong, occupation or gender does not excuse it.

Is male sexuality really such a an easily controlled thing, that men can turn it on and off at a moment's notice?

Sexuality does not come into play in the work environment. In fact, until you have seen an extremely obese woman with the associated odors you will never understand how little sexuality is involved. We are providing care to a patient, often lifesaving care in the ER. Believe me, sexuality does not even come into play. Saving a life is what counts.

I do not and will not have any male medical practitioners. Period.

If you come into my ER at night, the chances are you will have not one, but two, male providers. If you would rather die than receive care, that is yor perogative. If you are conscious and can make that decision, have at it!

But somehow, the same men who can't be trusted with a woman in hot pants can be trusted to spread a woman's legs and do lots of interesting "medical" stuff.

Until I got to this statement I was taking you seriously, but now my "spidy sense" is tingling like mad. When you got to the "interesting medical" statement my first thought was "troll" and then after a little contemplation, my second thought was TROLL.

Maybe you aren't, but I will not be convinced of that on a internet BB.

and I am appalled that if they were medical students, nurses, etc, they would be given free reign to look at and touch all the naked girls and women they wanted to.

I have a news flash for you. If you do have sons, and they are in their 20's, they are probably doing all of that already, withiout being in the medical profession. Being in the medical field does not give a person "free reign". And the female patients are very rarely "naked"


I am not a nurse. I am a female who is, from time to time, a patient. I am going to ask a very indelicate and politically incorrect question, but I am serious and I would like a serious answer.

I am the mother of 2 healthy young males in their 20s. I am the sister of 4 (yes!) healthy not-so-young males. I have known males all my life, and I do not understand how the same males that one night are drunk at a frat party and trying to see, touch, expose, etc. any female genitalia they can, or the same males who salivate over Playboy and Hustler one minute, can the next morning just turn off the sexual interest and look, touch, whatever, all the lady partss, privy partses, breasts, buttocks they want to, and not get turned on. How does this work? Is male sexuality really such a an easily controlled thing, that men can turn it on and off at a moment's notice?

It seems that for the past few millenia, women have been warned that male sexualty is so powerful, that the mere sight of a woman is enough to drive a man to rape her on the spot. I think this is the basis for the strict female dress codes in Muslim countries, if I am not mistaken. In our own society, a flimy T-shirt or short skirt has been used as a rape defense.

But somehow, the same men who can't be trusted with a woman in hot pants can be trusted to spread a woman's legs and do lots of interesting "medical" stuff.

I'm not looking to start fights, but I honestly don't understand how this works. Are male medical personnel specifically trained how to sublimate their sexuality and not get turned on by naked girls and women, or is male sexuality a lot less powerful than we have been led to believe?

Because I don't understand how this can possibly work, I do not and will not have any male medical practitioners. Period.

I look at my two sons, healthy and perpetually horny, and I am appalled that if they were medical students, nurses, etc, they would be given free reign to look at and touch all the naked girls and women they wanted to.

Again, I'm serious. How do you all handle your own sexuality?

okay first men have been doctors and nurses for a Looooonnnng time, you are looking at lawyers (another specis) criminals (not as bad as lawyers) and then comparing them to caring, compassionate, helping people.

Yes I am a man, and yes when i was younger I was a DOG !!! if you could think it i had done it. then I grew up. your sons will hopefully out grow it just as some women need to out grow thier always being horny ( yes it works both ways) Now I can look at a woman and appreciate not only her physical beauty but what is inside of her when i talk with her. Its not longer the body its the person that I see WHEN I AM NOT WORKING !. when I work in the er or when I am at nursing school. I see a person that is coming to me because they are in pain and need help.

I dont know why you think all men are alike. Are all of your friends the same ? the people the you know or dislike ? You cant compare all men because we are all different.

One other thing I forgot to add in my last posting was lets think about this what kind of sick demented person would be turned on by a sick or injured person?

Greensleeves, I commend you for your open comment. My husband although very against the medical profession feels the same way because he is a MAN. Although all of you male posters may choose not to say what you are actually thinking in your head at times because you don't want to be condemmed by other posters on this sight I am quite sure the thought hasn't crossed you mind a time or two. I know that most women you men come across as well as the men us women come across we wouldn't have a second thought about but there is always that one that is you know... Professionalism is the status quo but I am quite sure you have read articles about patients being sexually assaulted or molested when in their time of need also. This is one reason why I think you should have your loved one with you at all times be it your hubby, mother etc, so that both parties are exonerated from any such allegations.

Specializes in M/S, OB, Ortho, ICU, Diabetes, QA/PI.

wow, what an odd thread.....

as someone else posted before me, this makes me wonder what kind of experiences you have had with a) male medical providers and b) males in general. Even before I was a nurse, I knew that even if I was buck naked (which I never ever had been, even at an OB/GYN office), the setting and situation called for a professional attitude and any and all medical providers that I had come into contact with had better have that attitude and warning bells would have gone off had my providers not treated me with professionalism. You receive instruction in school how to drape, examine, etc appropriately to preserve a patient's dignity but to also protect yourself from what might be construed as inappropriate behaviour. That's pounded in you right from the start - have you had a negative experience? Makes me wonder...... And, no offense, but the last few lines of your posting sounded kind of like you were ranting and raving and were frothing at the mouth at the end of the post...........

by the way, what is a TROLL?

Enlighten me too...........What is a TROLL

I am not a nurse. I am a female who is, from time to time, a patient. I am going to ask a very indelicate and politically incorrect question, but I am serious and I would like a serious answer.

I am the mother of 2 healthy young males in their 20s. I am the sister of 4 (yes!) healthy not-so-young males. I have known males all my life, and I do not understand how the same males that one night are drunk at a frat party and trying to see, touch, expose, etc. any female genitalia they can, or the same males who salivate over Playboy and Hustler one minute, can the next morning just turn off the sexual interest and look, touch, whatever, all the lady partss, privy partses, breasts, buttocks they want to, and not get turned on. How does this work? Is male sexuality really such a an easily controlled thing, that men can turn it on and off at a moment's notice?

It seems that for the past few millenia, women have been warned that male sexualty is so powerful, that the mere sight of a woman is enough to drive a man to rape her on the spot. I think this is the basis for the strict female dress codes in Muslim countries, if I am not mistaken. In our own society, a flimy T-shirt or short skirt has been used as a rape defense.

But somehow, the same men who can't be trusted with a woman in hot pants can be trusted to spread a woman's legs and do lots of interesting "medical" stuff.

I'm not looking to start fights, but I honestly don't understand how this works. Are male medical personnel specifically trained how to sublimate their sexuality and not get turned on by naked girls and women, or is male sexuality a lot less powerful than we have been led to believe?

Because I don't understand how this can possibly work, I do not and will not have any male medical practitioners. Period.

I look at my two sons, healthy and perpetually horny, and I am appalled that if they were medical students, nurses, etc, they would be given free reign to look at and touch all the naked girls and women they wanted to.

Again, I'm serious. How do you all handle your own sexuality?

I don't want to offend anyone here, but as a man, there is nothing appealing about a woman who is vomiting, incontinent, has a tube in her bladder, or just got a suppository. I suppose women feel the same way about men. I'm not trying to belittle your concerns, but I personally just don't think that way. If you're in this for the right reasons, I don't think sex enters the picture.

I do know an MD who worked with a Gynecologist for a short while, and he said that this Gyne used to "rate" some of his patients, and that he said "there are some 10's out there". It infuriates me and makes me sick. But I think that is very rare.

Until I got to this statement I was taking you seriously, but now my "spidy sense" is tingling like mad. When you got to the "interesting medical" statement my first thought was "troll" and then after a little contemplation, my second thought was TROLL.

Yeah, I was thinking that too.

If you only knew how bad most of my patients look (or smell or sound), male or female........................

:rotfl: I think this is the truest answer one could give to the OP. Even the hansome ones look not-as-cute when they're vomiting uncontrollably or have explosive diarrhea! But seriously, I've seen many male nurses and dr's after they have assessed attractive female pts. And I promise, NOT ONCE, have I heard them make a lewd remark/comment.

Well since some once else said what I was thinking, the reason I asked WHY the OP wanted to know was to see if after explaining themselves I would still be sitting here thinking "don't feed the trolls".

I really don't know how to answer this so you would understand. When it comes to the job I never think in that manner. I don't have to work at or tell myself I'm on the job, it just comes naturally. I have to straight cath a certain lady every shift so you know I am having to look. All I think about when I have to do it is how much easier my job would be if she would only consent to an indwelling and I could save myself 10 minutes of work. I have never, or have I ever heard my male counterparts discuss a naked female body. On the other hand, more than once I have listened to and been talked to about a males member size. I have been seen by a female dr more than once and it didn't bother me a bit. If she talked about me after I left, I could care less. Oh, I didn't get aroused either. Now if I met her in a social setting and she asked me to get undressed, it might be a different story.

A troll is the name given to someone, in this case the OP that says things of an inflammatory nature in order to get a rise out of people and upset them.

(to those members who were wondering :) )

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