Measles, Mumps, Rubella... Forgotten but NOT Gone

There is no decision more personal than whether or not to immunize one's children. Information regarding the safety and effectiveness of today's vaccines is readily available but is overshadowed by opinion and hyperbole offered up by celebrities and others. In light of significant recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases all over North America, it's a good idea to explore the issues. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

To immunize or not to immunize... that is the question. When I was growing up, there really wasn't any controversy - when we were in certain grades, we were all lined up at school and the public health nurse either gave us a shot in the arm or a little pink drop of sugary liquid on a plastic spoon. I have a nice, circular scar on each of my upper arms just below my shoulders that signify my immunization against smallpox, the only disease to have been declared eradicated from the Earth. When my children were small they each were given their shots according to the vaccination schedule of the time. It's what we did. Then came Andrew Wakefield.

The study published by Mr Wakefield purported to link immunizations with the development of autism and it set the world on its ear. The fact that this study has been debunked scientifically a number of times seems not to penetrate the consciousness of a growing group of parents who feel that herd immunity will protect their children. The principle of herd immunity is simple: if enough of a herd of any species is immune to a microbe the odds of an outbreak of that microbial disease are extremely low. And should an outbreak occur, it rapidly diminishes as the number of susceptible hosts drops. Well, guess what... the herd isn't immune any more.

Outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and varicella have been documented all over complacent North America. Combined with a falling immunization rate, high-speed intercontinental travel allows these diseases to gain a toehold and then they are free to run rampant through populations with low or NO herd immunity. Communicability begins before the infected host becomes symptomatic, so spread is difficult to contain once it begins. Measles had been declared eliminated in the Americas in 2002, with small sporadic outbreaks annually; there were 85 cases on the continent in 2005 and as many as 253 in 2010. But in 2011, the WHO American region reported the highest number of cases seen since the disease was reported eliminated. My city has just recorded its second measles case in as many weeks after years of zero cases and we've had two infants with congenital rubella admitted to our PICU in recent months.

"So what's the big deal?" people say. Health care has changed since the 50s and 60s, and kids don't die of vaccine-preventable diseases any more. Right? Wrong. Children and adults DO die of these diseases, although the number is small and complication rates remain manageable. For now, at least. Even so, people still believe that it's all hype and not really anything to worry about. They forget about the children and adults who are unable to be immunized, not for lack of wanting it but because of other health issues. Children with cancer, blood dyscrasias, organ transplants and certain neurological disorders cannot be immunized against certain diseases. Adults who have been inadequately immunized as children for whatever reason are also at risk. And it's this population who are at risk for dying from chicken pox. Or measles. Or to become sterile from the mumps. Or to have a baby with severe anomalies from congenital rubella. It's not a joke.

In the course of researching my family tree I have come across entire families wiped out by pertussis and measles, and others by typhus, cholera, or scarlet fever (infections that while not vaccine preventable, have been essentially eradicated by modern-day antibiotics and sanitation practices). I'm always deeply saddened when I find them, and I fear that if the current complacency and disdain for immunization continue we may find ourselves right back there.

As pediatric nurses we have a unique opportunity to help make this better. We have many teachable moments in the course of our workday where we could reinforce the message that not only are vaccinations safe and effective, but also that parents aren't only protecting their own children, they're protecting those they encounter out in the world who aren't lucky enough to be able to protect themselves. We can remind them that no one knows what the future might bring and that someday they may find themselves with a child who can't be immunized. I remember a family that had 5 children. None of them were immunized because the mom was opposed. Their fourth child became critically ill and needed a heart transplant. The discussions with this mother were intense and, on some level vaguely threatening when it was pointed out that the child would surely die if one of the siblings brought home a vaccine-preventable disease after going through a transplant. She asked for some time to research things and in the end agreed to have all of her children immunized.

My challenge to you is to examine your own thoughts and feelings about vaccinations from a scientific rather than an emotional perspective. Then I challenge you to formulate your responses to parents who are on the fence about having their children immunized so you have them ready when the opportunity arises. Our future is counting on you.

Many years ago when I was pregnant I had my titres drawn and learned I was not immune to rubella, even though I had been fully vaccinated throughout my childhood. Thanks to herd immunity I did not get sick and my baby was born healthy. I was vaccinated before I left the hospital with her. I fear that there will be less and less of this herd immunity as time goes on, and my most vulnerable patients will suffer greatly for it.

Same thing happened to me. I was shocked when the nurse came in with the vaccine, and couldn't believe that I was so careless not to check my immunizations before I got pregnant.

Also, not to keep dumping on the "nursing student", but I would be interested to know what actual information convinces parents such as her not to vaccinate. I just wonder what I am missing.

Specializes in ICU.

I try to educate people about vaccines as much as I can. I see people post stuff all over Facebook about how the government and Big pharma are just trying to get our money and force us to vaccinate. I'm assuming the prenursing student has not taken microbiology yet and learned how and why vaccines came into use. I find that people who don't vaccinate say all the time, I took the time to educate myself about vaccines and I am doing the right things for my kids. Well guess what? You are not doing the right thing for MY child by choosing not to vaccinate.

First, by reading a few articles on the internet and a couple of books published by who knows, does not make you an expert. When you have a PHD in microbiology then maybe I could understand but reading a few articles, does not make you an expert. Also what happens when someone works around communicable diseases all day and is vaccinated against them but brings them home to your children. Guess what? They then get it and suffer the complications. Plus if they are around my child, they are also exposing him and bringing it home to me. Your choices should not have to affect me or my child.

I have said this before and I will say it again, it is going to take a huge epidemic of a type of influenza or some other disease to make people understand why we have vaccinations. Half of this country is going to have to be wiped out before people really pay attention. We have never had to live with an epidemic because of our vaccines. Because of the research that has been done and the fact the pharmaceutical companies produce these life saving medicines.

I don't understand how one can aspire to be in the medical field and not have a basic understanding of why this is important. Your job is to protect your kids. You are making a choice for them that could be deadly. YOU are making this choice. They don't have a say so in the matter. Kids should have the best chance possible at getting to grow up. By not vaccinating you are not giving them that choice. You are taking it away.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Let them learn the other way. It is very difficult to force these parents. Let them realize how important is vaccination nowadays.

Unfortunately, it's not them that pays the ultimate price, it's the innocent kid.

Specializes in ER, Addictions, Geriatrics.

I was vaccinated according to schedule yet upon drawing my MMR titres for work I discovered that I hadn't built immunity to mumps. I was given a booster shot and the had my titres checked a few months later and STILL had barely any immunity for mumps.

While I was in school there was a mumps outbreak and I am so thankful that I didn't get it.

I am all for parental choice but I have yet to see any hard evidence that backs up the claim that it is better not to vaccinate. I cringe to think of what is going to happen if parents continue to not vaccinate their children at the rate that they are.

Specializes in ER, Addictions, Geriatrics.

I have said this before and I will say it again, it is going to take a huge epidemic of a type of influenza or some other disease to make people understand why we have vaccinations. Half of this country is going to have to be wiped out before people really pay attention.

I am sad to believe that if/when that happens many parents will say that it is because vaccines aren't effective, rather than believing that it was because of low immunization rates.

Specializes in Eventually Midwifery.
I am a pre nursing student and also a parent who does not vax... They are parents who spend hours upon hours researching and agonizing over decisions for their children. We are constantly researching and are open to the idea of vax if we feel it is in the best interest of our children. Right now, we don't.

How in the world is consciously NOT vaccinating your children then choosing to work in healthcare in the best interest of your kids????? YOU could be exposed to diseases that YOU will need to be immune to for employment, however YOUR KIDS WILL HAVE NO IMMUNITY. YOUR decision is putting your children at risk for catching a preventable disease that YOU BRING HOME TO THEM. :no:

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
YOU could be exposed to diseases that YOU will need to be immune to for employment, however YOUR KIDS WILL HAVE NO IMMUNITY. YOUR decision is putting your children at risk for catching a preventable disease that YOU BRING HOME TO THEM. :no:

That's not quite as easy at it sounds. I've been working in PICU since 1997 and have been exposed to God-only-knows-what on a regular basis. I also am the parent of a transplant recipient. I've NEVER brought anything home to him. When he gets sick it's from exposure outside the home 9 times out of 10 - and the other 10% he gets from his dad.

When I was getting ready to start nursing school I was told I had to be vaccinated for polio before classes started. Because I live with a transplant recipient I cannot have live viruses and I appealed to the school to be exempted on his behalf. Appeal denied. I was told to get the shot if I wanted to go to school, so I did... knowing I was already well-protected. I had quite the immune response... HUGE, hard, purple lump. But I wanted to be a nurse so badly that I sucked it up. At the same time as I was getting the polio shot, I mentioned to my doctor that I'd never had the mumps, at least I couldn't remember ever having them when my siblings got them. So she ordered a titre. Guess I either had a subclinical case or I was exposed enough to build a response because my titre was high.

Tokmom's comment about how she had a mild case of chicken pox after being exposed at work but her son having a really severe case is actually very common with chicken pox. The first person in a family to have it will have a mild case - shorter and less intimate exposure - and all the rest will be worse. I came down with them first in my family, the summer I was 7. I thought I had them BAD but my mother has informed me that I was barely sick at all while my younger sister and brother had lesions in their mouths and on their eyelids and every other body part. I saw the same scenario play out with my own kids. Oldest daughter got them first, hardly noticed she was sick. My immune-suppressed son was second, even though he'd received varicella immune globulin and was admitted for a week's worth of acyclovir, which gave him a mild case too. Daughter #2 was third. The girls stayed with my neighbour so that I could be at the hospital. Not only did daughter #2 have chicken pox on her chicken pox, my neighbour's child did too - close and intimate exposure. (This was before the vaccine was available, obviously.) Oh, and my neighbour's husband hadn't had them as a child so he had the pleasure of having them as a grown-up. How do you repay someone for that kind of sacrifice?

One argument you could try is to point out that even though so many people have refused to vaccinate their kids the number of autism diagnoses continue to rise. Now does THAT make sense?? You might also point out that in the olden days when I was a kid and everybody was vaccinated, there were very few cases of autism. Can she explain that?

That's a flawed argument as the data for autism prevalence rates are based on cohorts that are studied 4 years ago and born 10-12 years ago. It's also the same faulty logic pointed out to people who favor vaccine causation based on the increase in schedule.

I believe more has to be done in identifying susceptible sub-populations if the vaccine schedule is to be maintained or increased. Just within the last two days I've read two studies concerning children with autism, mito dysfunction and/or compromised immune responses. Kiddos like this are, IMHO, part of the answer to what is driving this epidemic. It's an uncomfortable thought to consider, but it certainly is a viable path of research.

I would think having a child with autism is better than having your child dying. Vaccinate!

Thankfully for you, all you have to do is just think that way. Trust me when I tell you, having a low-functioning autistic child is sometimes much, much worse. There is no closure. There is only the open wound of a life not realized, one that will be wholly dependant on the care of others forever. Care that will hopefully be as empathetic, compassionate and intuitively administered as it was when it was the parent providing it was alive. Try giving "Planet Autism" a read to contrast it with "Welcome to Holland" to gain some perspective.

FTR, my daughter suffers from a mitochondrial dysfunction ala Hannah Poling that likely lead to her regressing post MMR due to a febrile encephalopathy. Unfortunately I was woefully ignorant to these things all those years ago, so I cannot prove it at this point. Also FTR, she is up to date on all her required vaccinations. Science isn't always black and white, there's a bit of gray.

The reason that autism rates appear to be going up is because the diagnosing standards have changed over the years. They have become broader. We are starting to notice it more. It was not included in the DSM until the 1960s, before hand it was labeled as different things, such as childhood schizophrenia. Even then, the requirements only were 6 bullets long.

The rise is real and the argument that better diagnosing or a change to the DSM accounting for the entire increase has all but been abandoned in scientific circles. While it certainly can account for some of the rise, I think the highest attributable to that is ~25%.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

The other side of pseudoscience.

Again, I am not going to debate the issue as my husband and I are confident in our decision. I just wanted to clear up that for many an autism link has nothing to do with it and neither do non vaccinating celebrities.

I am by no means against vaccination, but she was simply wanting to just clear up a misconception here. Berating her about her facts and research and spelling ability is just silly. Trying to get her to post her research so you can tear it apart and make fun of her is silly. Are her choices the 'right' ones? Eh, my kids are vaccinated and I haven't seen her research. But that wasn't her point.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
I am by no means against vaccination, but she was simply wanting to just clear up a misconception here. Berating her about her facts and research and spelling ability is just silly. Trying to get her to post her research so you can tear it apart and make fun of her is silly. Are her choices the 'right' ones? Eh, my kids are vaccinated and I haven't seen her research. But that wasn't her point.

It is silly to ask someone who specifically posted that they are exhaustively researched and highly educated to cite their research?

The poster tried to clear up a misconception and ended up

reinforcing it?