Me, myself and Facebook

Facebook, hands up who doesn't have an account??? Nurses Announcements Archive Article

It appears our new life is now being controlled by this new phenomenon which had dragged many people into the 21st Century it can be fun, exciting and enables us to catch up with friends and family we may have lost touch with over the years. If you haven't been exposed to Facebook then you are probably dead or deep in a coma, and everybody has an opinion on it.

Businesses are thriving from advertising on facebooks, hundreds of jobs are being generated from it,

On the other hand it can be a very dangerous tool which is causing world wide discussions, new policies are being written and developed daily by companies to protect their workplace. Everyday we hear about problems being caused by this seemingly innocent pastime.

Employees are being fired for discussing work, or playing on there when they are off sick and somebody has seen the time and date you were on line.

Nurses are often in the spotlight because of confidentiality and the vulnerable nature of their job. Some people/patients believe that we 'the nurse' are their friends because of the care we give them during their sickness, they always remember our names when they meet us outside the hospital but how many of us remember our patients names?

In reality we are not their friends, it is our job to be kind and caring and to know everything about that patient in order to decide how best to serve them. We know their name, their age, their family members, their illnesses past and present, their job and job status, who lives with them, how many kids they have the list is endless. They share so much information with us, and to show we are interested and care we remember during their hospital stay to ask after their spouses and children each new day we look after them. So it is no wonder the line between us becomes smudged, of course we are just in the process of making the patient feel at home, to relax so that the quality of care is excellent and as we move on from room to room we hope we are doing a good job, but for some patients it must be difficult to understand or comprehend that once we leave work and go home, we leave the pts behind us, and we go on with 'normal' life.

Now we have a new concern patients want to befriend us on facebook. I for one couldnt count how many patients I have looked after in 20yrs, imagine if every other pt wanted to be my friend on Facebook-well I am just laughing out loud at the thought of it. Over the years I have met many wonderful people/patients, some who will be embedded in my memory forever, a lot who I thrust out of my mind as soon as possible and some whom I love to dread should I ever see again in my lifetime.

Here on allnurses there are heated debates concerned with such topics as "Facebook at work" "Do you add patients as your Facebook Friend"

It is an ethical and moral dilemma that should be easy to answer 'NO' you should never add a patient as a friend on facebook but like most ethical and moral dilemma;s there is never an easy answer is there?

I looked after a pt back in England for a year he had 'locked in syndrome' and eventually learned to communicate by computer he was a young patient in his early 40's. When I moved to the USA he asked me to email him which I did and still do 5 years on. It has been a very innocent relationship, he is housebound, wheelchair bound and socially isolated by his illness, his only pleasure is his computer and I have noticed recently that the emails are few and far between. I would probably not kept in touch had I lived back in the UK but felt safe being 3000 miles away and knowing his condition. I will never regret this relationship but I doubt I would have him as a facebook friend as to enjoy the site you have to have total freedom in what you communicate as it is totally open to the world.

I read on a thread today that a nurse communicated with her friend on Fb and a pt she had recently looked after was also friendly with the same friend, this pt then made a comment back to the nurse via the mutual friends page! I found this to be a little scary, we do not realize what a small world we live in.

Another friend of mine a Doctor back in the UK recently told me of something which happened to him on FB his great grandfather translated passages from the Koran and he photographed the pages to show how beautiful the writing was. This was accessed by somebody via a friend via another friend and he was subjected to racial abuse. I then went on and checked my privacy status and found my photo albums were open to everybody on facebook and I had to go in and edit each and every photo-it was not obvious by just checking the privacy you had to go into the albums themselves.

I don't know about you but I don't want my patients or my employers to view my photo's on facebook most of them are of myself, my family and friends enjoying themselves, some with drink in hand LOL. A lot of photo's are not work suitable, especially when you do education re dieting, alcohol use, smoking cessation, limitation of exposure to sun. A lot of photos contain pictures of people indulging themselves in activities you frown on in your professional life but it real life these are the photo's you love to share.

I have hundreds of fun in the sun photo's, beer in the bbq, funny photos of people falling over and everybody laughing the list is endless isn't it. But we wouldn't want our pts to disrespect us because of our home life, would we.

I think facebook is fun but it is about my personal life I want to keep it that way and I don't want to share it with my patients.

help am addicted to farmvile

Hey Shirly23,

lol, I've had numerous invites for farmville, mafia wars, pet society and yoville. I finally accepted Farmville the other day, I only stayed for about 5 to 6 minutes on the very FIRST screen. My cousin said that I'm suppose to choose an avatar and set up my field. I guess Farmville gives people a certain number of land and then people can accumulate $$ and points. Anyway, the "land" that was being given to me just looked like, it REQUIRED a lot of work! I thought, my life didn't need anymore stress! Why would I want to work on facebook? Sheesh... so, I'm done with Farmville --- I already did my 5-minute tour!

i was reading some achieves regarding immigrant visa to canada etc and it sounds weird. people really do not seek right information's and even when the so called agency tell you things,you should research.ddnt need the service of any agency to work it out and been here for 8 years,but in some cases the services of agency is needed for guidance but if you smart enough then do your thing your way .federal skill program visa these days do not get as hard as we think.


i love this forum and am here to interact with fellow nurses.didnt sign up to exchange words that will upset anyone,talking of immigration i just thought i should share and if it upset anyone probably cos i posted it under some1"s topic, then apology!.

I too have a FB account and am worried about 'slipping up' and posting a picture or something that i wouldn't want everyone and their mother to see. I think i'll go 'unfriend' some people that i don't need to be friends with and triple check ALL of my privacy settings. It's too easy to make a mistake that could cause me big problems. THank you for your thoughts and putting it into perspective. it also helps to hear first hand stories of RNs being fired for something as dumb as FB posts. ridiculous.

On a side note i think its stupid to be in trouble for being online when calling in sick. Being on a computer mindlessly reading a page or two is totally possibly to do lying sick in bed!

I work in a small community home for physically disabled people, and the facebook drama is endless! All of my co-workers have each other AND our manager as a "friend" and are far too open about their partying and drinking escapades (to the point of calling in sick for work and writing large posts about how hung over they are because they were partying with so-and-so last night). Everyday that I hear about something like this I am happy that I never got on to it.

The fact that our manager is a "friend" of most of my co-workers also poses and interesting ethical dilemma...

How many times have we heard of someone being fired based on information or pictures from facebook and been outraged at the injustice of it all? Surely your employer has no place to tell you what you may and may not do in your private life??

But in the case given above, when people are calling in sick, or coming to work hung-over, or making up lies about family and friends who are sick/dying/injured to get out of work... does not the manager have a moral imperative to monitor these problems and discipline the employees accordingly?

I'm not what the answer to that is, but the situation is surely frustrating!!

I'm 22 and have myspace but not facebook. I've become bored with myspace since I became a mother though and no interest in obtaining a fb I think I'm good! :)

Specializes in Geriatrics, Adult Psych, Peds HH.

BE CAREFUL what you post on facebook, especially when you are friends with patients or coworkers!

We had an incident several weeks ago due to facebook. A group of us went out one night for one of our birthdays, nothing major, just some drinking and dancing. One of the CNAs updated her status via her iPhone, something to the tune of "out drinking with the *name of facility* crew". Well, one of her Facebook friends happened to be a patient, who spends hours in the downstairs computer area playing on the social networking site. The next day he told his family members, and the family complained to administration that the employees were out "drinking" the night before, and coming into the workplace "hung over" the next morning.

We now have strict rules at work that it is "strongly encouraged" to not add patients or patients families as friends. I personally do not add anyone that could get me in trouble...most of my Facebook page is harmless but everyone has that one friend who just has GOT to tag you in every single picture from the weekend....not an image I would like to portray my patients...nor an image that I, as a patient, would feel comfortable seeing.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Adult Psych, Peds HH.

BE CAREFUL what you post on Facebook! We had an incident recently at my workplace due to this networking site.

A group of us went out one evening for drinks for a co-workers birthday. Nothing major, just a few cocktails and some dancing. One of the CNAs, while we were out, posted via her iPhone on her Facebook status "out with the *name of facility* crew drinking and dancing." Well, one of her Facebook friends happened to be a patient. This particular patient spends hours in the downstairs computer area playing on Facebook and saw her status update. The next day, he mentioned to his family about the status. The family then contacted administration, stating that they did not feel comfortable with the employees coming to work "hung over" after a night of drinking. This particular CNA was off the next day, but some of the people who worked the AM shift that morning had to undergo somewhat of an investigation.

Administration strictly forbids "friending" any patients or patients families on Facebook now. I personally have never added a patient as a friend, and I am careful to add certain co-workers as well. There is nothing really scandalous on my facebook, but I'd rather not have my boss see me and DH half passed out in the back of a limo after a New Years Eve celebration.

Specializes in ER, MS, ICU.

Do not post what you do not want known!!!

I think people should just monitor who has access to their account and ultimately keep business and pleasure separate. I do not see anything wrong with having a drink in your personal time but that could have a negative impact on your business life when a patient takes that the wrong way, as someone has previously stated. I have had a facebook account since 2004 when it was only for college students and I could not imagine deleting my account but I am very aware of the privacy settings that facebook has intact and use them accordingly.

I no longer have Facebook, for many reasons. The main one was for privacy reasons. No one needs to know what the hell I'm up to, and that includes third-party advertisers. Plus, I did not want to be constantly poked and friended by people I cut off, and want nothing to do with. Connectivity is important, but too much of it is overwhelming.