Published May 17, 2013
I took the exam last Wednesday and I am not sure what to think, what to feel, what to say....I honestly feel numb...
25 Posts
I'm not saying it's not happening Fiona, I'm just saying why can't you or Janfrn (I know everytime janfrn got a response like that, you would always back janfrn up, I've seen that in other threads, some kind of partnership huh!) at least be happy when somebody got good news to share, and not always try to discourage...cheer up!
I'm an LPN in Edmonton. Trust me the layoffs have happened and are happening. Calgary has had layoffs as well.We've been told that anyone with less than two years seniority is at risk for bumping by displaced staff. I know at my hospital there are displaced LPNs since February who are looking for lines. Don't sound so smug. You are new to the world of nursing and unionized employment. Push come to shove, you can and will be bumped. It happened in the past and it's happening now.Any unit in the current climate who has hired five new staff has serious problems. There are reasons experienced staff don't go there. Many of the displaced staff in my hospital wound up in the float pools, some went to Corrections. Over my working years, I've noticed definite hiring trends. Dialysis, the OR, and Emergency can't keep LPNs. Bullying is rife in some of these units. Emergency and the NICU started hiring LPNs in the last two years. The treatment of these nurses by their RN co-workers has been awful and grievances have been filed. You wouldn't catch me applying for a line there but naïve new grads do apply, get hired, and get their hearts and spirits broken.Our minds are very open, it's dealing with smug young pups that wears us down.
We've been told that anyone with less than two years seniority is at risk for bumping by displaced staff. I know at my hospital there are displaced LPNs since February who are looking for lines.
Don't sound so smug. You are new to the world of nursing and unionized employment. Push come to shove, you can and will be bumped. It happened in the past and it's happening now.
Any unit in the current climate who has hired five new staff has serious problems. There are reasons experienced staff don't go there. Many of the displaced staff in my hospital wound up in the float pools, some went to Corrections. Over my working years, I've noticed definite hiring trends. Dialysis, the OR, and Emergency can't keep LPNs. Bullying is rife in some of these units. Emergency and the NICU started hiring LPNs in the last two years. The treatment of these nurses by their RN co-workers has been awful and grievances have been filed. You wouldn't catch me applying for a line there but naïve new grads do apply, get hired, and get their hearts and spirits broken.
Our minds are very open, it's dealing with smug young pups that wears us down.
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
I hope that you're lucky and the job doesn't evaporate on you, but nothing would surprise me.
I do hope that you're one of the lucky ones... I hate it when people lose their jobs to budget cuts. I hate it when people work really hard for something and then have it snatched away. I really hate it when a bureaucratic system pits one person against another in dog-eat-dog fashion like AHS seems to do on a regular basis. That goes for people who want to move to Canada to have a better life, to people moving here from other provinces and for new grads alike. It's great to have dreams and to work for them to come true, but it's also important to be realistic. I like to advise people to keep their eyes and ears open, to pay attention so they're not taken by surprise if it suddenly goes bad. That's what I'm trying to do here. Please don't take anything for granted. Things in Alberta have a way of going sideways without any warning.
8,343 Posts
I had to check your posting history to remember why you sound familiar.
So, the registration never worked out for you with CARNA and in Nova Scotia never worked out for you.
I know that new grads here in Edmonton are not having luck getting hired with AHS. A few managed to get casual lines recently. Yet, they know they are hanging in there by the skin of their teeth.
Jan and I are realists. So we will hear from you again when AHS turns out not to be the dream that you think it is. I'm in my second decade of service there and I've seen the good days and the bad. I've held the hands of people who have gone to the hell hole units to get into the systems and are in tears when they find out they don't have enough seniority to move to a nicer location.
We are the crusty old bags who will hold your hands, help you through your dealings with the unions and tell you that you aren't the terrible nurses that your managers will make you feel. Because we've been there and earned the teeshirts.
Of course nobody wants to lose their jobs, but if ever something like that happened to me, I'm not gonna be so negative about it, I will always keep my faith..
During my first few days here in Canada I was so afraid that I'm not gonna be able to survive, I came here alone, I don't know anybody here at that time, then I started looking for job, at first it was hard, most employers are looking for Canadian reference, but I didn't give up, after 1 month I got a job as nursing aide, so I figured out 'it wasn't that bad' . I've worked as such for 3 years until finally I was able to get a License as LPN, the unit manager I worked with is offering me an LPN position, but, I fell 'in love' with the unit where I did my practicum, probably because 80% of people working there are Filipinos, I was given a heads up by some of the staff I became friends with that they are going to hire more staff very soon because the Dialysis unit is going to expand their hours of operation ( will be 24 hours open starting August), and so I waited... and there it goes suddenly 5 new positions opened I applied and I got accepted. HOORRRAY!!! IT'S NOT THAT BAD BELIEVED ME! If you lose one, you can always find another one:) Cheer up!
Yes, you're right Fional, I didn't passed the SEC that's why. But it didn't made me lose hope! I'm still very positive and happy:)
And I didn't try the Nova Scotia. I should have Ei!
And, I`m with AHS for 3 years already, as NA though, if they liked you, they will keep you:)
16 Posts
thanks guys for all your thoughts it's actually interesting, it makes me see the other side of things, Asitoja was lucky to have a job with an interim license at least they give you a shot of experience in nursing world, Fiona59 and Janfrn made also a good point since it's unionized those people that has seniority could just snap it away from you. The bullying and making your hearts broken is something that we should always be ready for. I remember during my clinical experienced, I have always noticed how the nurses that carry years of seniority under the belt always giving a hard time and talking behind the back of new nurses. I remember my thoughts :"I wonder if all of the senior nurses are like that": Maybe, senior nurses just wanted the new nurses to have a thick skin, fighting spirit and be less sensitive to last long in nursing.
Anyway, reason I am asking the job market there is because my husband always thought of moving to Alberta since his company will give him a promotion of his position if he will move to Alberta but it leaves me wondering if I could get a job in nursing in that province. thanks for all the input guys...appreciate it...
10 Posts
It's still exciting to know the exams are in the process of being graded! Fingers crossed over here :)
They will start releasing the test result by Wednesday. Good luck|
6 weeks for results would take us to June 26th, the cut off for the next exam is also June 26th. Would failures be notified of their results first, i`m pretty sure i passed but would be livid if I failed and had to wait two examination to rewrite
CNO is very accommodating. Candidate can still talk to CNO to extend the cut off date concerning whatever circumstances that may face by the candidate.
xokw, BSN, RN
498 Posts
Where did you hear this? That's awesome news!
137 Posts
I'm wondering Janfrn why you're so bitter about somebody else's happiness, you must be having miserable life that you don't evwn see a bit of positive things around. I pity you. I just notice from ALL your responses, all you do is contradict everytime someone would guve good news. Come on! Open up your mind:)
I am an IEN. After 6 months of staying in Canada, I got my eligibility to take the National Exam for RN. PASSED there after! Got a job after a month of waiting in a Telemetry floor in Downtown Hospital, Toronto.
I don't have any experience, I am a new grad but I have the positive outlook and smile in my heart that I have the capability.
ALWAYS remember! There's a lot of Nursing Jobs out there... its TIME!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
I wish that were true....but there aren't "a lot" of nursing jobs.....that is the point. I wish you the best.