Marijuana for everyone!

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Should marijuana be legal?

    • 48
      It should be illegal/criminal
    • 136
      only legal for medicinal use
    • 286
      should be legal (and taxable)

470 members have participated

What is your take on the issue of legalizing marijuana?


n 1: an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates

It applies to golf, yoga, running, wine tasting, or using marijuana.


n 1: an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates

It applies to golf, yoga, running, wine tasting, or using marijuana.

I can't explain why the term cracks me up . .. it just does. :)

Golf, yoga, running and wine tasting are all legal activities by the way. ;)


actually, i vaporize when i do it. smoke isn't good for the lungs, and it's much easier to inhale vapor rather than smoke.

better watch out on that drinking steph... you might get alcohol dementia, and i could be your nurse when you're in the nursing home

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

I'd like to see it legal for medical use, in these forms:

-Marinol or the stuff that starts with a D for non-terminal patients, and if they don't like it 'cause it doesn't make them high, well doctors prescribe benzos all the snarfblarking time to people who just like feeling good, regardless of whether it's good for them.

-Joints available for terminal patients. Rationale being, if they're beyond help, they're not beyond comfort- the benefits outweigh the nastiness of the tar deposits in the lungs.

I agree that in its most commonly used form, MJ is not something I'd want legalized for everyone's use. I've used it as an aphrodisiac less than a dozen times (over a 4 year period) and woah, that's nice but I learned that relaxing is also pretty darn nice, and I don't need MJ to relax. I would rather not have a little pipe to explain to my daughter if she finds it, I like not flunking drug tests, and oh yes, I like not coughing hard enough to puke for the sake of relaxation.

Once I had a boss who was a pothead. He was the most annoying person to try to have a conversation with. Unfortunately, many years of daily pot use didn't make this one shut up and eat; he never stopped talking. I learned to tune him out somewhat- it was the only way to put up with a loop of the same four ideas that he would spit out over and over and over again. The man had the short term memory of a hamster. Now if only he'd have remembered to give me a raise over and over and over again, that would have been nifty! Example of something he once said about his teenage son: "he's lazy and he's sitting around the house smoking pot- and worse, he's smoking MY pot! I'm gonna have to do something about that."


Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
and i suppose long term heavy alcohol use wouldn't do that? how many people in nursing homes are there for alcohol related dementia? they're jam packed with people suffering from that. and how many are there for marijuana related dementia? (i don't know of even one).

Personally, many of us would love to see alcohol banned. It would make my job as a nurse much easier.

Heck, if they eradicated smoking, they could probably get rid of my job entirely.

Eradicating and banning are two very different things.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).
My thoughts exactly ...

Anyone ever come home from a concert feeling a little ... *out there*? :rolleyes: That's why I don't think it should be legal. Its effects can't necessarily be contained to the person who has chosen to burn one ...

Once had a girl stub out a cigarette on my leg in the Civic Arena and didn't mind it a bit. Then they opened to roof...I don't know if that was a contact high or just a psychological high from having such a good time--I still get a warm glow when I hear Donovan singing "Atlantis."

I vote to legalize it. I vote to prohibit it in enclosed public places, and I vote to prohibit driving under the influence--we don't need a bunch of potheads tearing down the interstate at speeds approaching 15 mph! But I've known people who really are "better with a joint than with a drink, I think."

I might or might not fire up a fatty if it were legal, but I think it should be my right to choose. Some people drink irresponsibly, but I drink responsibly. Why should I suffer the consequences of someone else's misdeeds?

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).
I find the term "recreational" funny, that's all. :chuckle

What is so wrong is it is illegal. As I said, what kind of an example would I be setting for my kids if I did something illegal and then told them not to? Kinda hypocritical.


Yes, I agree that it's wrong that it's illegal. And I do have to admit that golf can be an excellent source of stress, if that's what you're looking for.

My license came in the mail, today! I think I need another bourbon. Well, not need.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
Yes, I agree that it's wrong that it's illegal. And I do have to admit that golf can be an excellent source of stress, if that's what you're looking for.

My license came in the mail, today! I think I need another bourbon. Well, not need.

Hunting is also a good stress reliever

I love hunting Deer and rabbits, one they taste so darn good. Two there is nothing like a good clean kill to get your stress out.

actually, i vaporize when i do it. smoke isn't good for the lungs, and it's much easier to inhale vapor rather than smoke.

better watch out on that drinking steph... you might get alcohol dementia, and i could be your nurse when you're in the nursing home

If you were my nurse, you'd be very compassionate and not judge me though. So it's all good. :D


p.s. You vaporize it on the golf course?

Yes, I agree that it's wrong that it's illegal. And I do have to admit that golf can be an excellent source of stress, if that's what you're looking for.

My license came in the mail, today! I think I need another bourbon. Well, not need.

Funny - but I didn't mean it the way you took it. :D

Congrats on the licence. :balloons:


I agree that in its most commonly used form, MJ is not something I'd want legalized for everyone's use. I've used it as an aphrodisiac less than a dozen times (over a 4 year period) and woah, that's nice but I learned that relaxing is also pretty darn nice. . . . . .

Example of something he once said about his teenage son: "he's lazy and he's sitting around the house smoking pot- and worse, he's smoking MY pot! I'm gonna have to do something about that."


Indy - Whoa . . . . . :D

And I had a comic strip from BC where those ant parents are talking about "junior" who has begun to use cuss words and the father says "Where the hell is he learning this sh&t" and the mom says "How the hell should I know?". :nono:


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