Marijuana for everyone!

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Should marijuana be legal?

    • 48
      It should be illegal/criminal
    • 136
      only legal for medicinal use
    • 286
      should be legal (and taxable)

470 members have participated

What is your take on the issue of legalizing marijuana?

Hunting is also a good stress reliever

I love hunting Deer and rabbits, one they taste so darn good. Two there is nothing like a good clean kill to get your stress out.

funny how life works. for me, there's nothing more stressful than killing something. seeing as i'm not a meat eater (nor do i want to hurt the fishes), well... killing just ain't my thing.

and yes, for those enquiring minds who want to know, you can vaporise amost anywhere with a smoke bubble !. however, i don't want to give the impression that i'm stoned 24/7... i've smoked pot 3 times this year (so far), and i've probably had 5 beers. i don't drink hard liquor. come to think of it, i did have a wine cooler a couple of months ago :devil:

funny how life works. for me, there's nothing more stressful than killing something. seeing as i'm not a meat eater (nor do i want to hurt the fishes), well... killing just ain't my thing.

and yes, for those enquiring minds who want to know, you can vaporise amost anywhere with a smoke bubble !. however, i don't want to give the impression that i'm stoned 24/7... i've smoked pot 3 times this year (so far), and i've probably had 5 beers. i don't drink hard liquor. come to think of it, i did have a wine cooler a couple of months ago :devil:

Since we are in to confessing, I had a big bowl of popcorn covered in parmesan cheese and a dark beer yesterday. :devil:

I'm not big on beer though - I like a good margarita with mexican food, just one. That is maybe once a year.

I do have a glass of wine about once a week - good for your heart ya know? :D


Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
i've smoked pot 3 times this year
(so far), and i've probably had 5 beers. i don't drink hard liquor. come to think of it, i did have a wine cooler a couple of months ago

Not exactly something i'd spout about on the not-so-anonymous net.

Not exactly something i'd spout about on the not-so-anonymous net.

so what? why don't you track me down and turn me in? and really, it's none of your business to comment on that.

No, no, no. But not because I don't have compassion for those who feel that smoking a joint relieves their pain, it's because of secondhand smoke.

Bad enough to be subject to cigarette smoke and its effects, let alone marijuana's.

I wouldn't want to be the HH Nurse who has to care for someone using it for medicinal purposes.

Picture me driving with a contact high..... :smokin: (trust me, this is not a pretty picture) .... and then getting pulled over :uhoh21: ..... and then trying to explain why I'm illegally high after caring for a patient who can get legally high.

Sorry! LMAO!! I can get an actual visual :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
so what? why don't you track me down and turn me in? and really, it's none of your business to comment on that.

Actually, Marie has given you good advice for your own safety. And it isn't her that you need to worry about turning you in.

There have been several cases on this Bulletin Board of nurses that were tracked down and have lost their job or were threatened with legal action related to things that they discussed here. And they were not necessarily HIPAA violations either.

Please don't be rude when someone is trying to give you good and useful advice. If you really thought that it was "none of your business to comment on", you should have never posted it.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

There have been several cases on this Bulletin Board of nurses that were tracked down and have lost their job or were threatened with legal action related to things that they discussed here. And they were not necessarily HIPAA violations either.

Please don't be rude when someone is trying to give you good and useful advice. If you really thought that it was "none of your business to comment on", you should have never posted it.

Thank you.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
so what? why don't you track me down and turn me in? and really, it's none of your business to comment on that.

Put a remark about anything on any public board, and anyone will respond to it.

It's a little difficult for something to not be anyone's business where you air it out on a public board.

Although i will say that it won't happen again with you, since i won't be able to see it anymore. ;)

Have a nice day. :)

in all honesty, i can do without unsolicited advice. yes, gods of nursing.... track me down for my crime against humanity! what a joke!

Although i will say that it won't happen again with you, since i won't be able to see it anymore. ;)

Have a nice day. :)

thank you!!!!!! and you have a nice day too! :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
so what? why don't you track me down and turn me in? and really, it's none of your business to comment on that.

wow traumahawk99, well if it isn't marie's or anyone's business for that matter to comment on your post, then maybe you should take your business somewhere else. that way you can avoid these replies and risking alot from your part.

smoke all the joints you want.........but don't be here posting about it. (what is your point?). good luck getting too far in life with your kind of attitude :rolleyes:

You are very correct. This is a very public place. Might as well shout it in the loud speaker.

Not exactly something i'd spout about on the not-so-anonymous net.
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