Published Jan 14, 2006
29 Posts
Hey there...Letters of acceptance or denial are mailed today, probably recieve them on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm a basket case as I have put all my eggs in one basket..NOT good, I know. Anyway, I'm just curious when you guys get a letter of this kind of importance do you open it or do you prefer someone close to you to open it and break the news to you? I can't even imagine reading the words "we're sorry to inform you" without getting sick. Somehow it seems like it would be easier to hear from a kind, compassionate friend or husband. I know either way you're going to hear the news and maybe it's just me but I can't open this letter. Tell me what you guys do.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
I'm not a student anticipating the "Letter", but I do know this feeling.
I have ALWAYS had someone else open those things. From the "Did I pass State Board?" to "Did I pass this certification exam, that certification exam, another certification exam, get accepted in this program?".
I don't think I will ever really open one on my own.
32 Posts
I didn't have a choice as to whether I wanted to open the "did I get in envelope." I was dressed up ready to go to the prom when the mail came. I didn't want to spoil the night if I didn't get in to I told my mom to hold on to it and I'd open it in the morning. Well that wasn't going to happen. She said we just can't wait on such big news and ripped open. Thank the Lord I got in, or that would have been a bummer. But when it came to state boards I was the one calling the number, I don't know how I would have been if I would have had to wait on a envelope for that.
914 Posts
I completely understand what you're going through. When I received my letter, I HAD to open it. I couldn't wait. I had thought that when I got "that letter" that I would let me mom open it. Yeah right! I had just gotten home from work when I saw the mail on our dining table. I saw my school's letterhead and I thought it was about my financial aid. When I opened it, I was completely shocked. The first words were "CONGRATULATIONS!". I didn't have to read the rest. I started jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs and everybody in the house came running towards me.
I hope you get in. It is one of the best feelings in the world. Good luck, hon.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I open it myself, unless my husband checks the mail w/o me being home. Then he'd open it, & call me.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I completely understand what you're going through. When I received my letter, I HAD to open it. I couldn't wait. I had thought that when I got "that letter" that I would let me mom open it. Yeah right! I had just gotten home from work when I saw the mail on our dining table. I saw my school's letterhead and I thought it was about my financial aid. When I opened it, I was completely shocked. The first words were "CONGRATULATIONS!". I didn't have to read the rest. I started jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs and everybody in the house came running towards me. I hope you get in. It is one of the best feelings in the world. Good luck, hon.
I had the same experience. That same week I had gotten 2 letters from the school. One for being on the dean's list and the other for being on the president's list. Anyhow, I figured this one was something similar but when I saw CONGRATULATIONS, my heart almost stopped. :)
Best of wishes to you!
I have a quick question, even though I won't be opening The Envelope until the fourth week of April. Is it anything like college admissions envelopes? You know, big envelope pretty much means yes, small envelope pretty much means no? I'm just trying to prepare myself.
There's not any way to tell. Some schools may send paperwork with the acceptance letter, some may not.
My friend told me her acceptance letter came in a small envelope, but apparently, they are sending more papers out now than they did when she was accepted.
So, things may change from sememster to semester.
Sorry I couldn't help much. :uhoh21:
316 Posts
In the state of Illinois, it used to be that a large manilla envelope signified you failed and they were sending you copies of the sections you needed to work on. A standard mailing envelope meant you passed.
After I graduated, I got the above order mixed up and was afraid that the standard envelope meant I failed. It was a tense moment, but I was happy to find out I was wrong.
NycMom, RN
22 Posts
Ahhhhhh... Now I am really scared!! I took the NLN yesterday and I now have the horror of the wait for that score then immediatly following will be the Acceptance or Denial letter!!! I will be away when it gets here too but that is probably a good thing in case it is a denial I dont want my trip to Disney World ruined! I will be opening it though!
352 Posts
I'm waiting to hear next month whether or not I get into an ABSN program out here in Chicago. I'll probably have my son (15) open it unless it's a huge packet. Or if it's early in the morning I may open it slowly and peek in first.
I knew that mine would be a denial letter b/4 I opened it. Still, my 14-yr old got upset b/c I opened it without her there.
This time around, having an outstanding chance to get in (provided I made an A in my Algebra class I just finished), I will have to make a "family-to do" out of it..... Well, at least make sure my daughter is with me. LOL