Published Sep 14, 2005
23 Posts
Are there many male nurses in NICUs? How are they looked upon?
I'm currently a paramedic working on my nursing degree. My ultimate goal is NP or CRNA. As far as NPs go I'm interested in PNP or NNP. I think experience in NICU also counts for some CRNA programs so I'm thinking about seeking opportunities in an NICU after obtaining my RN license and I was wondering if you have worked with many male NICU nurses, or even male NNPs.
435 Posts
Hey Smelendez
I worked a year or a bit more in a PedsICU at a level 1 Trauma Center. Thought-'what a shame to have a career in Nursing and never take care of kids'. Kind of for 'enrichment'.
Found it to be an environment VERY high on estrogen index. They go shopping for their Pts on their days off. Call in to chat with on-duty friends, "I found the cutest hair ribbons for Susie."
Then, hey--I found myself doing it!!! (Without the phone calls--grumble grumble.) I even learned to French Braid!!
When floated to NICU--the estrogen content was at a whole new level. At first the regulars 'assumed' I was a Resp Rx-ist. "Could you cut this ETTube short?" When they realized I was a nurse--very suspicious of my skills, and not in such a helpful way.
Still, an experience that I'm glad I had.
I mentioned this in some thread here a while back and several replies were from guys who worked NICU and found it to be quite welcoming and liked their job.
So I guess my experience was just me or my locale.
My advice would be to give it a try.
(Before y'all start 'flaming'--I'm very respectful of the special gifts that we have related to our different genders. There is, seems to me, special qualities that male-ness and female-ness give us and it's a good thing we're not all alike. And maybe I seem a bit 'testosterone-poisoned' to some of the fair and gentle sex. I'm on the road to recovery though--a little more of that 12step program and any day....)
Papaw John
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Hello, smelendez,
Yes, many male NNP. I have two with whom I am associated here in a rather small city. And, four each in the 2 larger hospitals where I am on staff.
So, if you are truly interested in this area as a career choice, I think you have made a very wise decision.
6,620 Posts
I've worked with a few men nurses in the NICU and they have all been well received. The only times things have been a little awkward is when breastfeeding comes up. The fathers seem to especially appreciate seeing men nurses in the unit.
1 Article; 2,512 Posts
Male NICU nurse here......I LOVE IT!!! Yes, the estrogen index is suffocating at times, but it has made me understand better the workings of a woman...I figure I'll be an even greater dad down the road. I love my the critical care aspect of nursing without the 400-pound incontinent adults. You deal with all the cool technology of the ICU, a-lines, vents, drips, post-surgical a slew of new technology specific to NICU, such as HFO vents, ECMO and delivery room resuscitations. It feels awesome to save the life of a 25-weeker in the OR, and months later see him go home. You only have to deal with a few MD's, and they respect the nurses, and give them loads of autonomy. I have a great time on my unit, especially when I work with one male RT, and 12-14 females on a shift. While my unit may not be the prime example, I have not for one moment regretted starting my career in a NICU. Hope this helps!!
Deidre Shiobhan
82 Posts
I had 2 male nurses in my department before. One of them - very fatherly and helpful probably because he's a dad himself. The other one - much more playful. Nevertheless they are wonderful and I missed working with them. They've since migrated to US.
I don't mind having male nurses in my department at all, probably the only issue is breastfeeding but they can always refer these mothers to the female colleagues and this has never been a problem to me at all.
4 Posts
One of my charge nurses in my old hospital was a male and he was fantastic! Great nurse and fun to work with. I think men bring a different and welcome perspective and dynamic to the NICU. Also, I've noticed that the dad's would seek him out as someone they could relate to in an estrogen rich environment. Good luck! Tink
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
The men I've known in the NICU have, by and large, been outstanding! It is very good behavior modeling for some of the Dads when they see a guy changing diapers, feeding a baby, comforting, etc, just being tender w/the little guys.
One guy I know just plows right in for the breastfeeding stuff, others are not so eager, just give advice from outside the screen. Unfortunately, sometimes it's necessary to grab a perfect strangers breast and try to get her baby to latch on a suckle. I (and others of the estrogen ilk) could tell when there were problems back there, so I'd just go and help her, even if it meant handing off my baby to the male RN for a few minutes.
I have one recommendation for men going into NICU: if you have a hairy chest, either wear a T-shirt under it, or trim that stuff. If you don't, you could get a painful reminder of how strong an infant's grasp reflex is!!
the men i've known in the nicu have, by and large, been outstanding! it is very good behavior modeling for some of the dads when they see a guy changing diapers, feeding a baby, comforting, etc, just being tender w/the little guy i know just plows right in for the breastfeeding stuff, others are not so eager, just give advice from outside the screen. unfortunately, sometimes it's necessary to grab a perfect strangers breast and try to get her baby to latch on a suckle. i (and others of the estrogen ilk) could tell when there were problems back there, so i'd just go and help her, even if it meant handing off my baby to the male rn for a few minutes.i have one recommendation for men going into nicu: if you have a hairy chest, either wear a t-shirt under it, or trim that stuff. if you don't, you could get a painful reminder of how strong an infant's grasp reflex is!!
one guy i know just plows right in for the breastfeeding stuff, others are not so eager, just give advice from outside the screen. unfortunately, sometimes it's necessary to grab a perfect strangers breast and try to get her baby to latch on a suckle. i (and others of the estrogen ilk) could tell when there were problems back there, so i'd just go and help her, even if it meant handing off my baby to the male rn for a few minutes.
i have one recommendation for men going into nicu: if you have a hairy chest, either wear a t-shirt under it, or trim that stuff. if you don't, you could get a painful reminder of how strong an infant's grasp reflex is!!
25 Posts
I'm a NICU Nurse (RNC), and I happen to be male. Never found it to be an issue, with the patients/parents, or co-workers. Beleive me I was the Minority but you are a minority anywhere you go in nursing if you are male, so get used to it :)
It is an awesome experience, and you can really make a difference. Seeing those toddlers at the reunions, Walking + Talking really makes you realize what a important job it is that we do.
17 Posts
I have been a male NICU nurse for the last year and have loved it. There are a total of two males out of 60 NICU nurses. Needless to say, I was a bit outnumbered, but I loved working in the NICU. Sometimes it got awkward when the moms needed to breast feed, but I just asked if the were comfortable with a male helping them breast feed, and surprisingly enough about 80% had no problem. The other 20% I sent a female nurse in to help the mom.
52 Posts
hi, we have 5 male rn's in our unit and they are great! i have worked in 4 nicu over the years and there was only one unit that did not have males rn's in it. the unit i work in has a 62 year old male rn who has been in the unit for more that 20 years! i think it is great for the young moms who have babies in the unit to see a positive role model of a working responsible man! it is also good for the youn dads also. our unit male nurses run a "daddy boot camp" for new dads also. i would like to see more minority male rns in our inner city nicu.