Male Nurses in NICU?

Specialties NICU


Are there many male nurses in NICUs? How are they looked upon?

I'm currently a paramedic working on my nursing degree. My ultimate goal is NP or CRNA. As far as NPs go I'm interested in PNP or NNP. I think experience in NICU also counts for some CRNA programs so I'm thinking about seeking opportunities in an NICU after obtaining my RN license and I was wondering if you have worked with many male NICU nurses, or even male NNPs.


Just got accepted to transfer into a Lvl II NICU. Really looking forward to it! Most of the places I've worked so far had at least a few guys. I think this will be my first place where I may be the ONLY guy, but I'm not at all worried about the gender issues in the unit.

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