Published May 3, 2009
techraider77, ADN, BSN
157 Posts
Is there one? In these economic times, are men at more of an advantage in finding a job? Thanks
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Good question.
Since many men have entered the field over the years, I would imagine the novelty (and possibly the demand (?) per se) has worn off a tad bit.
So, ??????????
Looking forward to others input as well.
1,260 Posts
No and why would there be any?
12 Posts
I don't see too many male nurses. It would be excellent if you becoma a nurse.
160 Posts
I don't think there is more demand for males, at least in my setting, but there is demand for experience, track record and such. And there is no discrimination against males that I have seen either. (I live in a progressive state)
Roy Fokker, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,011 Posts
The question you really should be asking is "Is there a demand for nurses out there?"
Honestly, I didn't think the fact that I had a y chromosome made a smidgen of a difference when I got hired.
2,636 Posts
can't see any.
242 Posts
Should there be a demand for more male nurses? How about these possible answers to that question.
Because any workforced that becomes dominated by one gender is not a healthy workforce.
Because a gender diversity in a workforce is a good thing.
Because some male patients would prefer a male nurse, especially for more private procedures -- just as some
female patients prefer female nurses. Right now that doesn't happen a good part of the time.
Because, generally, right now males in nurses are still novelities, they are merely tokens. Just look at the stats
of how many males and females in nursing.
Because when little boys and little girls go to hospitals or clinics or see advertisements about nursing, they're not stupid. They see the gender imbalance. But they don't see it as an imbalance. They see it as how things are and should be. The message to children is still that nurses are women.
Because if we really believe in gender equity than we should really practice gender equity.
Because the subtle, hidden message that comes out of nursing is that women are better suited as nurses. Is that true? If so, let's just say it openly and be done with the debate.
Because to open fields dominated by men, brave, couragous women political and social activists had to fight. It just didn't happen. It took political work, sometimes lawsuits. It took affirmative action and quotas. It took special incentives, including grants and awards to help women. That may be necessary in nursing.
Because we wouldn't accept it today if 95 percent of doctors were men, would we? Why should we accept that 95 percent of nurses are women.
If, as Roy says, our chromosomes don't matter, then let's spread the chromosomes around a little.
Because fair is fair. Women in male dominated work forces have added so much good to society. Males will do the same thing in female dominated workforces like nursing.
These comments are in no way mean to disparage the wonderful female nurses (and male nurse) in the field. But the data is in. Diverse workforces, gender-wise, are a good thing. Single-gender workforces tend to promote single-gender thinking, biases, prejudices, etc. Women and men have their differences. Let the differences work together to produce better solutions to the many problems healthcare is facing today.
Kevin RN08
295 Posts
I hate to admit it, but I was thinking the same thing the other day. I just had pinning yesterday and have been applying for new grad positions since January-February and after a little tweaking of my resume to take less focus on my accounting/finance background and more on team aspects of my positions, I have had some good success 4 interviews at 3 hospitals with another this week. I have accepted a position, but feel I owe myself the opportunity to check out this last position and others that may be presented.
Back to the point, I've been asking myself this question ... am I having more success landing interviews than my female counterparts/classmates because I am a male? Or is it that I have 20 years of teamwork/teambuilding experience from being in the Navy? Or is it my age (42) and the fact that they consider me a "low risk" to move on right after I get my experience?
I know it isn't due to my grades, I was quite middle of the pack. I prefer to think it's because I have good base level skills, strong recommendations, and that I readily admit that I still have a TON to learn. I also tend to "let it all hang out" in an interview, I'm not afraid of my weaknesses and think it's only fair to acknowledge them to a potential employer.
1,975 Posts
We are on a hiring freeze right now so male or female really wouldn't make a tad of difference. I feel terrible for new grads and anyone currently out of work. Depending on where you live it can be hard getting a job right now as a RN even for those with experience and it's even worse for new nurses.
We do have quite a few male nurses at my facility and two coincedentally work in L&D.
Should there be a demand for more male nurses? How about these possible answers to that question.YesBecause any workforced that becomes dominated by one gender is not a healthy workforce.Because a gender diversity in a workforce is a good thing.Because some male patients would prefer a male nurse, especially for more private procedures -- just as somefemale patients prefer female nurses. Right now that doesn't happen a good part of the time.Because, generally, right now males in nurses are still novelities, they are merely tokens. Just look at the statsof how many males and females in nursing.Because when little boys and little girls go to hospitals or clinics or see advertisements about nursing, they're not stupid. They see the gender imbalance. But they don't see it as an imbalance. They see it as how things are and should be. The message to children is still that nurses are women.Because if we really believe in gender equity than we should really practice gender equity.Because the subtle, hidden message that comes out of nursing is that women are better suited as nurses. Is that true? If so, let's just say it openly and be done with the debate.Because to open fields dominated by men, brave, couragous women political and social activists had to fight. It just didn't happen. It took political work, sometimes lawsuits. It took affirmative action and quotas. It took special incentives, including grants and awards to help women. That may be necessary in nursing.Because we wouldn't accept it today if 95 percent of doctors were men, would we? Why should we accept that 95 percent of nurses are women.If, as Roy says, our chromosomes don't matter, then let's spread the chromosomes around a little. Because fair is fair. Women in male dominated work forces have added so much good to society. Males will do the same thing in female dominated workforces like nursing.These comments are in no way mean to disparage the wonderful female nurses (and male nurse) in the field. But the data is in. Diverse workforces, gender-wise, are a good thing. Single-gender workforces tend to promote single-gender thinking, biases, prejudices, etc. Women and men have their differences. Let the differences work together to produce better solutions to the many problems healthcare is facing today.
great points. Male or female, a person should be judged on skill, period. Same hurdles goes for women in male-dominated professions, such as the military. The struggle will always be there for women, in my honest opinion. I personally dealt with that in the military, and it's a tough struggle. It's a fact that judgment is passed based on appearance and gender, and unfortunately, the image is still out there of a female with her hat and in a white dress. Ala Florence Nightengale. Sad, but true. I say we change the word "nurse" to something more neutral...... don't know what - maybe "RN," but sometimes people need an explanation of that - something easily identifiable. Who knows.
Holy Guiacamole, BSN
63 Posts
On a lighter note, anywhere there is a 400 lb patient in need of lifting, there will be a demand for said "male" nurse(s) lol!